forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


okay so i got my brothers to watch this show called Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (it's on netflix)
and i am recommending it to basically everyone
but i think you'd actually really like it lmao


okay so i got my brothers to watch this show called Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (it's on netflix)
and i am recommending it to basically everyone
but i think you'd actually really like it lmao

I'll add it to my list :D

Deleted user

Do you ever just stop and think "wow, I'm kind of a horrible person"

Deleted user

It’s afterwards, like extremely afterwards, it’s been hours since the date ended. I had the most fun I’ve had in years. Since Hershey Park in 8th grade. He bought me a game, even though I told him not to, he did it because I didn’t have enough money and I wanted it, I just didn’t want him to spend money on me.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Happy vent incoming in 3…. 2…. 1….

I made a playlist to go along with the demon/human ship that is in my story Demon's Hunt! This couple is absolutely adorable; they tease each other, support one another, kill for each other, and would even die for their partner. Both of them are male, though the demon is bisexual. I love them and have christened the ship as Wale!

Deleted user

it's because you're so hot

Honestly Mir. Such a good line.

I was so afraid to respond lmao

@saor_illust school

Ella, I saw that before you deleted it. PM me right now.

Wait what happened?

Ella dear, what's going on?
I assume that you probably deleted it because of a fear of judgement… I have that all the time. I just post things and then wait anxiously to see how people react to it.


I hate myself :)))))))))))))))))))

dont you dare try to build people up only to tear yourself down
you shouldn't ever hate yourself
never mind that i do it myself but


i'm ascending to another plane of existence i-
i took my pills that help me sleep yeah?
and they make me dizzy when it's tiME TO SLEEP
so i'm dizzy, drinking dr. pepper, and eating chocolate chips
'nd overall i feel like i could answer the meaning of life if i had more brain cells left-
also i have no idea how to properly explain this feeling of ascension, so i haven't even tried and we are left with this

@saor_illust school

[Warning: Mentions of self-harm and suicide involved]
Hi, I think anxiety got me again…

Is it bad that for some reason I keep imagining what it would like to

Or at least, idk, leave this world? Or like,

I have no clue and it scares me and like I don't know, I'm feeling kinda depressed for no reason at all…
and i have school tomorrow and i need to go to sleep but i can't and…

i know jay would know exactly what to say about this anxiety or whatever and like she's not able to say anything and i haven't spoken to her in a couple days and now i'm kinda worried about her and like i really miss her presence on this site and i took the fact that y'all are even on this site for granted and now i don't want to lose any of you… -shivers- please, don't lose contact with me okay?

even if you leave notebook, at least stay in contact with me through a google doc or instagram or discord or whatever but i want to be able to talk to you…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And here's my vent: I'm such a dumbass. I knew this would be due ages ago! Why did I wait so long!? Dude! This is going to mess with your GPA! You have to be more on top of this! Ugh. Hopefully this will teach me to not procrastinate. raises glass Here's hoping my parents never find out.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

idk why but sometimes the small messages like that really hit me…
thank you so much dom…

Hey someone's got to do it, right? And from what I've seen, you try to be a positive influence on everyone here. It's only right you get the support you need back.


Listen up, my friends:
« Taking your own life. Interesting expression, taking it from who? Once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everybody else. Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it. »


Listen up, my friends:
« Taking your own life. Interesting expression, taking it from who? Once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everybody else. Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it. »
