forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

you can go all the way to the bottom of the Inbox page and there’s a button to do that

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I'm just going to ask that everyone ignores this. I just need to get this off of my chest but I keep ripping the paper/getting it wet when I try to write it so yeah. Seriously though. Ignore it. Don't read it. Like don't.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


I was gonna switch from my phone to my tablet. However, the fucking thing wouldn't let me put my password in, the damn screen kept going black, and now, despite the fact that it was charging all fucking day it says that the battery is dead! Fucking useless piece of shit!


I don't want to go to school, why must I go to school. I see no point in this useless education. why must we endure such pain at the hands of out elders and peers. why must we fight to get through every day. Public school (In the United states) has seen a major increase in enrollment over the past few years. you know what else has seen a large increase in numbers? Suicide and Mental illnesses, in teens. Correlation or Causation? Schools were made to prepare us for a life working in factories doing mindless tasks, why have they not changed along with the job market? Being a mindless worker prepped for factories is no longer the only job available, nor is it the most common, so why does the school system not change. That is all.

@Pickles group

my vent is that I really don't want this character's perspective right now. Go back to the other one. Let's talk about her brother some more. I'm not done

Deleted user

I hate that I sneeze like a kitten, I hate it, I’m not a fucking kitten. I also lost my glasses, now I can hardly see, I hate this, but I’m also super happy, I don’t know why.

Deleted user

I feel like the unimportant friend way too often, like im not doing enough for my friends but im doing all that I can,

Deleted user

why the fuck does everyone have to point out this one insecurity of mine, like, I get it, I hate it too, but for the love of god I can't do anything about it


why the fuck does everyone have to point out this one insecurity of mine, like, I get it, I hate it too, but for the love of god I can't do anything about it

I'm sorry about that… what're you referring to?

@saor_illust school

I feel like the unimportant friend way too often, like im not doing enough for my friends but im doing all that I can,

that's okay
i know you're trying
you're doing great so far!
and i know you can keep going, you've made it this far already
we're all here for you