forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


Okay but literally anything can make anyone uncomfortable, and if the meager things I said are offensive in the slightest, then consider me astounded.

OK, but that was blatantly insulting trans people, please keep those things to yourself.


Hoo boy, let's not have another round of what happened in the original venting space.

We're just bickering, no worries.

It sounds mega offensive to trans people though


Okay but literally anything can make anyone uncomfortable, and if the meager things I said are offensive in the slightest, then consider me astounded.

OK, but that was blatantly insulting trans people, please keep those things to yourself.

I said that I didn't mean it personally and that I don't actually hate individuals. Why can't I speak my thoughts?

Deleted user

Hoo boy, let's not have another round of what happened in the original venting space.

We're just bickering, no worries.

It sounds mega offensive to trans people though

For real.

Deleted user

I said that I didn't mean it personally and that I don't actually hate individuals.

"I hate trans people with a burning passion"


I said that I didn't mean it personally and that I don't actually hate individuals.

"I hate trans people with a burning passion"

You're quoting that before I explained myself. Circumstantial evidence people, use it.


Hey. Can you all listen to me for a moment?
I respect both Spork and Blurry and all that they stand for equally. Spork, in this case, and in this particular setting you should probably keep those opinions to yourself to keep these arguments from happening. Blurry, I understand and greatly respect how you're defending this community. Now that you both have each other's input, can you please stop arguing? This is the venting chat (without jerks)


Hey. Can you all listen to me for a moment?
I respect both Spork and Blurry and all that they stand for equally. Spork, in this case, and in this particular setting you should probably keep those opinions to yourself to keep these arguments from happening. Blurry, I understand and greatly respect how you're defending this community. Now that you both have each other's input, can you please stop arguing? This is the venting chat (without jerks)



Hey. Can you all listen to me for a moment?
I respect both Spork and Blurry and all that they stand for equally. Spork, in this case, and in this particular setting you should probably keep those opinions to yourself to keep these arguments from happening. Blurry, I understand and greatly respect how you're defending this community. Now that you both have each other's input, can you please stop arguing? This is the venting chat (without jerks)

good point. i'll stop, sorry

Deleted user

Girl, LGBTQ is my community too. I don't take lightly to being homophobic.


I said that I didn't mean it personally and that I don't actually hate individuals.

"I hate trans people with a burning passion"

You're quoting that before I explained myself. Circumstantial evidence people, use it.

Whether or not you "explained yourself" (you just repeated over and over again you think being trans is stupid) it's still insulting to groups of people whether or not you realize it. All we're doing is asking you to politely stop.


It's my community too, I'm pansexual, and I hate people being homophobic. But in this case, I think we'd all like to avoid an argument.


It's my community too, I'm pansexual, and I hate people being homophobic. But in this case, I think we'd all like to avoid an argument.



Hey. Can you all listen to me for a moment?
I respect both Spork and Blurry and all that they stand for equally. Spork, in this case, and in this particular setting you should probably keep those opinions to yourself to keep these arguments from happening. Blurry, I understand and greatly respect how you're defending this community. Now that you both have each other's input, can you please stop arguing? This is the venting chat (without jerks)



I think I'm done with this chat for a while.

Sorry if I offended you, I was just venting a bit about a personal opinion. (hence me doing it here in this chat, made for this)


That's totally okay. Block it, whatever you want. But all of us want to keep this a venting chat without jerks, and even though I totally respect what you're doing, to avoid a massive argument, it might be best to do it somewhere else.