forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Girl, LGBTQ is my community too. I don't take lightly to being homophobic.

I respect your opinion and beliefs about being LGBTQ, can you guys respect mine about not liking it very much?


Of course, as long as you don't seriously hurt anyone. It's okay to not like everyone.

That's all I wanted to hear, thanks. Case closed everyone, problem solved. I will now do my essay that was assigned a week ago and due tomorrow. Peace!


Peace my dudebro, good luck on the essay!

Thank you much, and it's a spanish speaking essay/speech so oof lol.
Peace dudebro

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hey, vent time, just ignore me~
My dad. God I love him, but- AAAAAAA. He tried to have the "Everything I say is homo- and transphobic but I'm not" talk with me. In Walmart. Because I said something about Elsa possibly getting a female love interest. He went on about the "gay agenda" and that the LGBT community is the reason for skyrocketing suicide rates, and how being trans is completely stupid and that trans are stupid for thinking they can change their gender. That gender is female and male, decided by chromosomes. Keep in mind I'm bi and genderfluid. I tried to get him to stop, and it just got him talking even more. I am now officially pissed and he can go throw himself off a cliff for reminding me why I'm going to move to the other side of the world, loss his phone number, and never tell him my address :)


Hey, vent time, just ignore me~
My dad. God I love him, but- AAAAAAA. He tried to have the "Everything I say is homo- and transphobic but I'm not" talk with me. In Walmart. Because I said something about Elsa possibly getting a female love interest. He went on about the "gay agenda" and that the LGBT community is the reason for skyrocketing suicide rates, and how being trans is completely stupid and that trans are stupid for thinking they can change their gender. That gender is female and male, decided by chromosomes. Keep in mind I'm bi and genderfluid. I tried to get him to stop, and it just got him talking even more. I am now officially pissed and he can go throw himself off a cliff for reminding me why I'm going to move to the other side of the world, loss his phone number, and never tell him my address :)

Oh heck. That pisses me OFF. And the Elsa thing. Can your dad not get offended by every little thing relating to LGBTQ?


My mom did the same thing about Elsa. I mentioned her having a female love interest and she was like 'why do you have to make everything gay? why do you even need labels? why can't you just let everything be?'

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

He said, and I quote, "They are forcing the agenda on children ages 5-12." I didn't respond, but I wanted to say something about how the same could be said of SWM pushing female x male relationships on young children as well.
AND my older half-brother is gay, and my dad said: "he's not gay, he had abandonment issues with women so he turned to men thinking things would be better."

God I hate being a PK.


He said, and I quote, "They are forcing the agenda on children ages 5-12." I didn't respond, but I wanted to say something about how the same could be said of SWM pushing female x male relationships on young children as well.
AND my older half-brother is gay, and my dad said: "he's not gay, he had abandonment issues with women so he turned to men thinking things would be better."

God I hate being a PK.

That is extremely homophobic and I hate it.