forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Too hella young mate. I started at fifteen and now realize what a bad decision it was. (@bubblegum)

ooooof yikes okay but what if i love her very very very incredibly much like seriously i would give my life to this woman



Quick rundown for confused people like me, even though I saw everything:
Jyn and Dom are in an argument while Bubblegum watches in the background, being a peacekeeper. Jay is trying to steer us back to non-judgmental venting, Swim is still venting and using this chat properly, and everything spiraled downhill.


I mean, I get trying to go for long term relationships when you're 13 is kind of weird and unrealistic, but it's good to explore those kinds of feelings when you're young. I'm just about 14 and I've started getting crushes and feelings for people, but since I'm not allowed to have a relationship until I'm 16, I've just had to slowly repress all of my feelings.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Have empathy Jyn. It’s super important. If it’s a romantic manner that connects it with all the rest of it. (One of the reasons kids dating is so horrible.)

No it doesn't, because romance and sex aren't always intertwined. If people are gonna complain when two girls hold hands, they better be up in arms about a girl and a guy holding hands too.
Agreed, kids dating is horrible. Blegh.

Oh you’re right. Forgive me for forgetting all the (perfectly valid in my opinion) asexuals out there. But it does lead to romantic intimacy. Which is the deal; not technically the sex. And for the straights I still think I’m right there. It’s earlier on the same road. We just don’t have an issue because it isn’t actually sexing. (Which is a perfectly valid word so there.)



Quick rundown for confused people like me, even though I saw everything:
Jyn and Dom are in an argument while Bubblegum watches in the background, being a peacekeeper. Jay is trying to steer us back to non-judgmental venting, Swim is still venting and using this chat properly, and everything spiraled downhill.

Yeah that's accurate

Deleted user

Too hella young mate. I started at fifteen and now realize what a bad decision it was. (@bubblegum)

Hey bitches, I'm back
Date when you want
If you feel ready, you're ready

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Too hella young mate. I started at fifteen and now realize what a bad decision it was. (@bubblegum)

ooooof yikes okay but what if i love her very very very incredibly much like seriously i would give my life to this woman

Then wait until a time that you won’t screw it up or hurt anyone with your (and I mean this in the nicest way possible) immaturity.


I had a dream about being an odd 3rd wheel in a place I felt safe, and in this dream I thought my binder wasn't working

It stressed me out so much that even though I ache, I put on my binder

I hurt, but at least I feel better about my body

What kind of binder are you talking about? Sorry I don't understand. Is it for scoliosis or something?

Frankly speaking, it's a chest binder, and I use it to do exactly that; bind my chest. I may or may not be trans, I may or may not just have really low sensitivity to gender as a whole since I think all of this gender roles fuckery is absolute bullshit, I may or may not have dysmorphia of my chest (it's possible since I already have dysmorphia of my face). Whatever I may or may not be, that's eventually up to me to decipher.

The only sure thing I know is that when I wear it, I feel better about myself. And that's the only thing that matters for this.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Too hella young mate. I started at fifteen and now realize what a bad decision it was. (@bubblegum)

Hey bitches, I'm back
Date when you want
If you feel ready, you're ready

That is- … No. That is not correct.

@HighPockets group

Have empathy Jyn. It’s super important. If it’s a romantic manner that connects it with all the rest of it. (One of the reasons kids dating is so horrible.)

No it doesn't, because romance and sex aren't always intertwined. If people are gonna complain when two girls hold hands, they better be up in arms about a girl and a guy holding hands too.
Agreed, kids dating is horrible. Blegh.

Oh you’re right. Forgive me for forgetting all the (perfectly valid in my opinion) asexuals out there. But it does lead to romantic intimacy. Which is the deal; not technically the sex. And for the straights I still think I’m right there. It’s earlier on the same road. We just don’t have an issue because it isn’t actually sexing. (Which is a perfectly valid word so there.)

I feel like in general kid's shows shouldn't really have a ton of kissing and stuff. Like, hand holding is fine but two characters of any gender making out isn't, unless it's something like The Clone Wars that's basically a kid's show in name only. It took Kanan and Hera four seasons to be allowed one quick and interrupted kiss in Rebels and

@Pickles group

What part of these aren't vents do you guys not understand?? This is the VENTING space. Not the "make others feel like shit space". So vent or shut it. That's my vent.


Have empathy Jyn. It’s super important. If it’s a romantic manner that connects it with all the rest of it. (One of the reasons kids dating is so horrible.)

No it doesn't, because romance and sex aren't always intertwined. If people are gonna complain when two girls hold hands, they better be up in arms about a girl and a guy holding hands too.
Agreed, kids dating is horrible. Blegh.

Oh you’re right. Forgive me for forgetting all the (perfectly valid in my opinion) asexuals out there. But it does lead to romantic intimacy. Which is the deal; not technically the sex. And for the straights I still think I’m right there. It’s earlier on the same road. We just don’t have an issue because it isn’t actually sexing. (Which is a perfectly valid word so there.)

I feel like in general kid's shows shouldn't really have a ton of kissing and stuff. Like, hand holding is fine but two characters of any gender making out isn't, unless it's something like The Clone Wars that's basically a kid's show in name only. It took Kanan and Hera four seasons to be allowed one quick and interrupted kiss in Rebels and

Star Wars references are the best. And Hera is amazing.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Frankly speaking, it's a chest binder, and I use it to do exactly that; bind my chest. I may or may not be trans, I may or may not just have really low sensitivity to gender as a whole since I think all of this gender roles fuckery is absolute bullshit, I may or may not have dysmorphia of my chest (it's possible since I already have dysmorphia of my face). Whatever I may or may not be, that's eventually up to me to decipher.

The only sure thing I know is that when I wear it, I feel better about myself. And that's the only thing that matters for this.

I will say that I sympathize with (is dystrophia like dysphoria?) your issues and that you are the one in charge of what you do with your body and it’s no one else’s business.

@HighPockets group

I'd like to vent by saying I am absolutely going to cry in the theater when I see The Rise of Skywalker and I hate crying in general, but specifically in public so that'll be fun.

Deleted user

Too hella young mate. I started at fifteen and now realize what a bad decision it was. (@bubblegum)

Hey bitches, I'm back
Date when you want
If you feel ready, you're ready

That is- … No. That is not correct.

I had a boyfriend when I was 13
It was great, actually
I am 100% ready to take this to the rudeness chat
Because we don't need to fill this chat witht this crap


I'd like to vent by saying I am absolutely going to cry in the theater when I see The Rise of Skywalker and I hate crying in general, but specifically in public so that'll be fun.


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

God, while I still have this basically hatred for my dad's comments right now-
Why the fuck does he always has to make jokes/ straight up degrading trans people when he preaches?! It makes me so damn uncomfortable, and I have to fucking sit through it twice! I just want to throttle him sometimes!! I never feel safe enough to tell him something without him turning it into a lecture, and then he gets mad when I try to figure out the reasoning behind what he's saying?!


God, while I still have this basically hatred for my dad's comments right now-
Why the fuck does he always has to make jokes/ straight up degrading trans people when he preaches?! It makes me so damn uncomfortable, and I have to fucking sit through it twice! I just want to throttle him sometimes!! I never feel safe enough to tell him something without him turning it into a lecture, and then he gets mad when I try to figure out the reasoning behind what he's saying?!

Try to avoid your dad as much as possible. Hibernate in your room.