forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Mojack group

Cats do respond to volume and tone (not as much as dogs, but they will) so usually I just tell mine “no.” In a firm voice though. Can’t do it softly. But it also depends on why your kitten is biting you. Some cats do it to express dominance, others do it if they need something like attention. Sometimes you have to try and stop that behaviour and make them seek out attention in other ways somehow.

But they usually do grow out of it as they get older. Sometimes you just need to play the waiting game. and sometimes their breath smells really bad during teething so hopefully your kitten stops biting your face before then lol


Alright, thanks guys. She's very affectionate and tends to lick me a lot too, so I don't think she's being malicious. She kinda has a lot of energy and may want to play (??), but she's like, cuddling set the same time?? Like, it's cute and all, but she keeps waking me up and I'd like to be sleeping at 2 am, dammit


I taught my cat not to bite, but booping his nose every time he bit me. Gently but with enough force to annoy him.
A firm 'no!' along with it taught him very well.

I'm trying to teach mine not to bite (she's 3 but was neglected the whole time so she's still essentially a kitten with a bigger body), but booping doesn't work on her (she'll just bite the booping finger). So far I've been giving her firm "No"s and pulling her away by her scruff. Idk what else to do though other than suffer

@HighPockets group

I taught my cat not to bite, but booping his nose every time he bit me. Gently but with enough force to annoy him.
A firm 'no!' along with it taught him very well.

I'm trying to teach mine not to bite (she's 3 but was neglected the whole time so she'sstill essentially a kitten with a bigger body), but booping doesn't work on her (she'll just bite the booping finger). So far I've been giving her firm "No"s and pulling her away by her scruff. Idk what else to do though other than suffer

Same with mine. Sometimes if I go "Shelby!" dramatically enough she stops, but she usually keeps biting.
She's baby though so shrugs

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Me: Gives my sister love, candy, and money.

My sister: Still hates me. Still calls me a failure. Still gives me nothing. Still calls me her enemy. Still insults me and tells me to shut up.

Me: Pretends to laugh it off when I'm really about to cry.

Also me: Still loves my sister.

@TeamMezzo group

Dissociative Identity Disorder mini-vent incoming!

So, we had an integration late on Monday night. Tyler and Asaya, to be exact. We don't know why, but it just sorta… happened. The integrated part is still using the name Tyler, it's just… interesting? I guess? It's odd not having Asaya running around all the time, it feels a bit too quiet. I mean I'm sure it happened for a reason… I just want to know what reason that is.

Deleted user

When you don't have any sweatshirts to give your girl because you're fricking 5'1 and she's like 5'5~


When you're solid boyfriend material and nobody bats an eye, while Chad from Sigma Apple Pie is smoking a JUUL and has 9 girls crying over him. Lonely ass gang rise up

@Pickles group

I'm stupid. I was fully aware that there was ibuprofen in my bag, as well as some other random stuff left over from marching band, but like a dummy, I DUMPED IT ALL OUT before I put my concert clothes in it. So now I don't have pain meds and yes I'm aware that my cramps aren't really really bad but it still hurts a heck ton and I'm not looking forward to them while I try to do EVERYTHING today


I'm stupid. I was fully aware that there was ibuprofen in my bag, as well as some other random stuff left over from marching band, but like a dummy, I DUMPED IT ALL OUT before I put my concert clothes in it. So now I don't have pain meds and yes I'm aware that my cramps aren't really really bad but it still hurts a heck ton and I'm not looking forward to them while I try to do EVERYTHING today

Good luck im so sorry