forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Ok on another note, my brother is almost 16 and I really hope he gets a girlfriend so I can be besties with her but she must pass…
The sibling check.
Although so far all I know is his love life is sadder than mine and I dont have one. Except the Vanhorn and the Demetrius Incidents. Those were pretty sad.


I have a few brothers, I hate both of their wives, well I hate one and just don't like the other, and then my youngest brother is 10 so there will be no girlfriend or wife for a very long time.

Deleted user

No, I'm watching YouTube in my room and she keeps yelling "aRe ThEy ViDeOs I cAn'T wAtCh? wHy CaN't YoU SiT oUt hErE? aRe ThEy iNnApPrOpRiAtE?"

I'm literally watching Peppa Pig edits cool your horses


No, I'm watching YouTube in my room and she keeps yelling "aRe ThEy ViDeOs I cAn'T wAtCh? wHy CaN't YoU SiT oUt hErE? aRe ThEy iNnApPrOpRiAtE?"

I'm literally watching Peppa Pig edits cool your horses

That's so annoying.
My mom could be like, "WHY ARE YOU HIDING YOUR SCREEN? IS IT BAD?"
it's snail's house stuff calm down


I’ve developed a habit of switching tabs whenever someone walks in the room and now everyone’s suspicious of everything I do-

When I’m watching YouTube I’ll quickly switch to Notebook
When I’m on Notebook I’ll quickly switch to drawing
When I’m drawing I’ll quickly switch to YouTube

I don’t know where this came from but it’s like embedded into my subconscious

Sometimes I’ll be watching something perfectly fine that I’m okay with them seeing but also drawing something in the background that, in its unfinished stage, could look super sketchy (pun intended), and even when that happens I still find myself switching to the drawing instead of the video when anyone walks in

…It’s a problem


if I explain the reason I’m able to be here without my parents worrying I’m going to sound like an absolute terrible person so I guess I’ll keep my mouth shut

@Moxie group

Wait I'm kinda curious tho. Cause I thought your mom knew everything about what you do on notebook. and its impossible for me to think you're a terrible person


well technically she has the ability to see what I’m doing at any time but she doesn’t ever use it, she just tells us all about it so we don’t do anything bad. So no, she has practically no idea what I say/do here, nor does she really care, as long as I’m not giving out my home address or something. However, she didn’t use to be that way, she used to not care about what I did as long as I wasn’t talking to strangers at all, period.

well, uhh… so she has some minor memory issues and often will forget about what she’s told us or hasn’t told us…

long story short I took advantage of her issues to join this community so I’d have a place to socialize. I joined and then didn’t try to hide its existence or act suspicious, so she figured it was something she allowed me on and forgot about when in reality l was just being a terrible child

I used my own mother’s memory problems for my own personal gain then proceeded to rain toxicity over an entire community I didn’t belong in. Aren’t I just a wonderful human.

@HighPockets group

well technically she has the ability to see what I’m doing at any time but she doesn’t ever use it, she just tells us all about it so we don’t do anything bad. So no, she has practically no idea what I say/do here, nor does she really care, as long as I’m not giving out my home address or something. However, she didn’t use to be that way, she used to not care about what I did as long as I wasn’t talking to strangers at all, period.

well, uhh… so she has some minor memory issues and often will forget about what she’s told us or hasn’t told us…

long story short I took advantage of her issues to join this community so I’d have a place to socialize. I joined and then didn’t try to hide its existence or act suspicious, so she figured it was something she allowed me on and forgot about when in reality l was just being a terrible child

I used my own mother’s memory problems for my own personal gain then proceeded to rain toxicity over an entire community I didn’t belong in. Aren’t I just a wonderful human.

Oof. But you're still not a bad person, you just wanted to belong.

Deleted user

well technically she has the ability to see what I’m doing at any time but she doesn’t ever use it, she just tells us all about it so we don’t do anything bad. So no, she has practically no idea what I say/do here, nor does she really care, as long as I’m not giving out my home address or something. However, she didn’t use to be that way, she used to not care about what I did as long as I wasn’t talking to strangers at all, period.

well, uhh… so she has some minor memory issues and often will forget about what she’s told us or hasn’t told us…

long story short I took advantage of her issues to join this community so I’d have a place to socialize. I joined and then didn’t try to hide its existence or act suspicious, so she figured it was something she allowed me on and forgot about when in reality l was just being a terrible child

I used my own mother’s memory problems for my own personal gain then proceeded to rain toxicity over an entire community I didn’t belong in. Aren’t I just a wonderful human.

That's not really bad, El.

@saor_illust school

well technically she has the ability to see what I’m doing at any time but she doesn’t ever use it, she just tells us all about it so we don’t do anything bad. So no, she has practically no idea what I say/do here, nor does she really care, as long as I’m not giving out my home address or something. However, she didn’t use to be that way, she used to not care about what I did as long as I wasn’t talking to strangers at all, period.

well, uhh… so she has some minor memory issues and often will forget about what she’s told us or hasn’t told us…

long story short I took advantage of her issues to join this community so I’d have a place to socialize. I joined and then didn’t try to hide its existence or act suspicious, so she figured it was something she allowed me on and forgot about when in reality l was just being a terrible child

I used my own mother’s memory problems for my own personal gain then proceeded to rain toxicity over an entire community I didn’t belong in. Aren’t I just a wonderful human.

Both Jyn and Mir are right. And to be honest, that sounds like something I might do, if I were in your situation. Literally one of the reasons I love playing music is because it gives me a group to belong to, so I can feel like I fit in. Especially since I'm no longer in elementary school anymore, it's harder to fit in for me, and being in orchestra gives me that warm fluffy feeling that I need to be able to survive school That isn't wrong at all Ella. You aren't raining toxicity at all, in my opinion. And though I know that last sentence was meant to be interpreted as sarcasm, I'm just going to go ahead and say that yeah, you are a wonderful human!


Umm. Ok. Not exactly a vent. But umm.

Happy Birthday Lily Ann. I hope you had a great 13th birthday with the angles. I wish I got to meet you little sis.

Deleted user

how do you go about turning down a really hit girl who asked you out?