forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

No I know. I know I'm not stupid Eris. But. I am very…desensitized to others emotions which means i tend to like down play others things and then i screw up and do things and hurt people without realizing and-yeah.

Deleted user

I–cannot–say anything else because I respect Ella and her chat.

Deleted user

Guys i'm just gonna leave this chat. If you guys want to help or chat just hmu. It's gotten sorta toxic here and I don't want to be a part of it. Sorry ma doods.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Maybe take the chatting elsewhere? I think that's the biggest part of the problem, there's so much chatting going on that it doesn't feel like a good place to vent.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Maybe take the chatting elsewhere? I think that's the biggest part of the problem, there's so much chatting going on that it doesn't feel like a good place to vent.

We weren´t chatting. We were just emphasizing the disapproval of toxicity. But you are probably right about it not seeming like a good place to vent.


Maybe take the chatting elsewhere? I think that's the biggest part of the problem, there's so much chatting going on that it doesn't feel like a good place to vent.

We weren´t chatting. We were just emphasizing the disapproval of toxicity. But you are probably right about it not seeming like a good place to vent.

Let’s make a chat for

Toxicity Bad

Memes Good

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

It's the constant emphasis and then the unnecessary addition of a meme that makes it look like a chatting space, and not a vent/support space.

Okay, okay. I get it. Either way, that being said. Do you have anything that you need to get off your chest? If so, I'm listening.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

As I've been saying, the toxicity at the moment is the constant talking about unrelated chatting. This chat is constantly on my notifcations, and that's fine, but what's not okay, is that it's rarely related to a vent or the advice/support that generally follows.
The toxicity is the fact that this chat does not seem like a safe space to vent or ask for support, because people are constantly talking about unrelated stuff as if this were another chat space. Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable venting right now because I'd be concerned about not being heard, or my vent just being passed off as an OOF, or a MOOD, and not a "That sucks do you need to talk about it?" or "Is there any way I can help?" or "[insert advice here]".
Just saying, maybe take all the unrelated chatting elsewhere.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(And this is unrelated but Imma throw it out there)
The same thing is happening with chats like the Chat of Appreciation, and others like it. People are constantly talking about unrelated stuff, rather than taking it elsewhere.

@Pickles group

I, and a lot of other people, say OOF or MOOD to everything, regardless of how important it is. And people talking to each other is not "toxic", it's just off-topic.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

The reason Ev said it was toxic, (In my opinion) and the reason I agree with them, (Note this is an opinion, and I may be completely and utterly wrong) is the fact that people are constantly talking about other things.

Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable interrupting whatever conversation is going on with a vent about my crappy life, especially if it's just gonna get an "OOF" and then be ignored. (Which I have seen happen with some of the smaller vents)
This is not that it happens all the time, or that it is, but that it feels like it. And sometimes all you need is a feeling to make something uncomfortable.