forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Are you okay? That sounds like an awful situation

Miscarried baby.
I assume.


I would’ve been the middle of five. But I’m not. But it’s ok. My friends say I would’ve hated my siblings anyway and I’m lucky to not have them.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hey Nutella. What you did wasn't the best. And I'm not going to try and argue with you on that. But I understand the need to talk to people and find people to hang out with, if only virtually. And you haven't brought anything bad here for real in ages. You were annoying when you first came but that was it.

@Moxie group

Omg Ella I never responded to what you said, I'm so sorry.
I mean, is it harming you to come on here? Like you're just talking to people who think you're cool (in a friend way, not a creepy way. Important distinction) and learning new things and gaining new experiences. I agree, its not the best, but its also not the worst. And you're not using it to harm yourself or others.

@saor_illust school

Hey Nutella. What you did wasn't the best. And I'm not going to try and argue with you on that. But I understand the need to talk to people and find people to hang out with, if only virtually. And you haven't brought anything bad here for real in ages. You were annoying when you first came but that was it.

Yeah, let me add on to that real quick:

What we see now is a wonderful, beautiful bean. You have good intentions inside of you, I know that for a fact. Please don't beat yourself up over something that you've already done. You can't change that, but if you left Notebook… I would understand your choice, but… shiet this is selfish isn't it? If I ask you to stay on Notebook, if you're considering leaving or taking some sort of hiatus, that is selfish, isn't it? Sorry… but you're an amazing person. Maybe the people who greeted you when you first joined found you annoying. But over the years/months, you've grown. You've grown and developed as a person, and you've done so many great things. Like the venting chat. I think it's important to have a chat like that, since it helps everyone see everyone else on this site as actual, living, breathing, humans with lives. It helps us to understand them. But most importantly, it brings us together. And that's what this community is. An online family, where we all are supportive and caring of each other. We'll always be here for you, even when sometimes we have our arguments. That's normal. Not everyone is always, 100% going to get along all the time. Even the familes that seem perfect have their arguments, whether it's silent or loud, they still have them.

@HighPockets group

Hey Nutella. What you did wasn't the best. And I'm not going to try and argue with you on that. But I understand the need to talk to people and find people to hang out with, if only virtually. And you haven't brought anything bad here for real in ages. You were annoying when you first came but that was it.

Yeah, it'd be one thing if this was a site where it's unsafe to be on without parental consent, but it's a writer's forum and you're homeschooled. You need to talk to people, online or irl to stay sane, honestly (I did homeschooling for a bit earlier this year and I achieved much more when I had rehearsal afterwards then when I was cooped up all day)


Mom, you're literally quitting your job with no plans for the future and somehow I'm the irresponsible one? Just because I don't turn in one day's worth of homework out of the past 18 weeks? (quick rant but oh well)

Deleted user

Ella, when I was your age I poured Mountain Dew into the Hydroflask of a new girl I hated without her knowing and it made her so scared she switched schools.

You're fine.


Ella, when I was your age I poured Mountain Dew into the Hydroflask of a new girl I hated without her knowing and it made her so scared she switched schools.

You're fine.

Haha that's amazing

Deleted user

Ephie, I love you, but I swear to god, nobody said that.
You were asked to leave a chat because you're 13.

Deleted user

Ephie, I love you, but I swear to god, nobody said that.
You were asked to leave a chat because you're 13.



Ephie, I love you, but I swear to god, nobody said that.
You were asked to leave a chat because you're 13.

No, I understand on the rudeness chat. But this one has no age limit, so it can't be about that. I just feel like I'm the absolute worst person ever and I cause problems on every chat ever. Remember the old venting space? That was where people saw what I said.


I, the chat’s moderator, say you are 100% definitely allowed here so unless you, yourself, wants to leave then please stay
I don’t want anyone to feel like they aren’t welcome here