forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I, and a lot of other people, say OOF or MOOD to everything, regardless of how important it is. And people talking to each other is not "toxic", it's just off-topic.


@Moxie group

Yeah, that's not toxicity.
If you want help or advice from someone, just ask for it. When I write a vent, I don't expect people to respond to me. And that's okay. Because this is a chat for venting. Not asking for help or advice. Make a new chat for that.
Also, a lot of the people on here are either young, or busy, or don't have the mental or emotional capacity to help with your problems, or a combination of those. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying, not everyone always ahs the ability to help.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I, and a lot of other people, say OOF or MOOD to everything, regardless of how important it is. And people talking to each other is not "toxic", it's just off-topic.


As I just said, it's the constant off topic-ness of this cat, that makes it super uncomfortable for me, (and probably others) to vent here.
Hence why I waited till 2AM to post a vent the last time I needed to.

Deleted user

Not every post is going to be something horrible. That would defeat the purpose of the chat.
Everyone 'vents' in different ways. Some people just need to talk aimlessly until the wild shit in their heads dies down enough so they can actually say something about what is bothering them.
It's a comfort to others to see people be normal and human, not all 'depressed and suicidal'. The off-topic chatting should be appreciated as much as the advice.

Besides–what do you expect from a public forum?

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And as this is starting to become an arguement, I'm just gonna leave it as this is my view on the problem, take it or leave it. It's an opinion and there's nothing wrong with that.
Yes I understand not everyone has the mental capacity for it,
Yes this is not an ask for help chat, and I understand that

All I'm saying is that the constant off topic chatting doesn't really belong here, and (IN MY OPINION AND NOTHING ELSE) should be taken elsewhere, as it may be making some people (like me) uncomfortable.

Deleted user

That is… wow. I feel so bad. That’s a lot of stress on your shoulders.


Heh, so I'm pissed at myself currently.
I'm trying to figure out this training app for volleyball practice but I have no clue what to do.
It's supposed to have the same exercises for each girl but mine is different and it won't let me do anything without paying for it anyways which isn't supposed to happen.
I told my coach about it and it confused her and she said something but I tried it and it didn't work and I even had to email her but it's still not working.
I'm super frustrated and I feel like now I'm that one kid on the team who can't do anything right. It doesn't help that I'm the only girl on the team who doesn't know someone else because they all go to a different school/know each other from other years of volleyball.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Heh, so I'm pissed at myself currently.
I'm trying to figure out this training app for volleyball practice but I have no clue what to do.
It's supposed to have the same exercises for each girl but mine is different and it won't let me do anything without paying for it anyways which isn't supposed to happen.
I told my coach about it and it confused her and she said something but I tried it and it didn't work and I even had to email her but it's still not working.
I'm super frustrated and I feel like now I'm that one kid on the team who can't do anything right. It doesn't help that I'm the only girl on the team who doesn't know someone else because they all go to a different school/know each other from other years of volleyball.

Hey, hey. There is nothing wrong with you. There is no need to beat yourself up over something that is not in your control. You are perfectly fine. Everyone makes mistakes, it's only natural. You're still an awesome person. ❤

Deleted user

I just had the best verbal exchange with someone I think I've ever had

And only 18 words were said


Heh, so I'm pissed at myself currently.
I'm trying to figure out this training app for volleyball practice but I have no clue what to do.
It's supposed to have the same exercises for each girl but mine is different and it won't let me do anything without paying for it anyways which isn't supposed to happen.
I told my coach about it and it confused her and she said something but I tried it and it didn't work and I even had to email her but it's still not working.
I'm super frustrated and I feel like now I'm that one kid on the team who can't do anything right. It doesn't help that I'm the only girl on the team who doesn't know someone else because they all go to a different school/know each other from other years of volleyball.

Hey, hey. There is nothing wrong with you. There is no need to beat yourself up over something that is not in your control. You are perfectly fine. Everyone makes mistakes, it's only natural. You're still an awesome person. ❤

Thanks. You really are the goddess of advice <3

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Heh, so I'm pissed at myself currently.
I'm trying to figure out this training app for volleyball practice but I have no clue what to do.
It's supposed to have the same exercises for each girl but mine is different and it won't let me do anything without paying for it anyways which isn't supposed to happen.
I told my coach about it and it confused her and she said something but I tried it and it didn't work and I even had to email her but it's still not working.
I'm super frustrated and I feel like now I'm that one kid on the team who can't do anything right. It doesn't help that I'm the only girl on the team who doesn't know someone else because they all go to a different school/know each other from other years of volleyball.

Hey, hey. There is nothing wrong with you. There is no need to beat yourself up over something that is not in your control. You are perfectly fine. Everyone makes mistakes, it's only natural. You're still an awesome person. ❤

Thanks. You really are the goddess of advice <3

Woah there, buddy. Read the username. It is god to you. :) And no problem, love.


Heh, so I'm pissed at myself currently.
I'm trying to figure out this training app for volleyball practice but I have no clue what to do.
It's supposed to have the same exercises for each girl but mine is different and it won't let me do anything without paying for it anyways which isn't supposed to happen.
I told my coach about it and it confused her and she said something but I tried it and it didn't work and I even had to email her but it's still not working.
I'm super frustrated and I feel like now I'm that one kid on the team who can't do anything right. It doesn't help that I'm the only girl on the team who doesn't know someone else because they all go to a different school/know each other from other years of volleyball.

Hey, hey. There is nothing wrong with you. There is no need to beat yourself up over something that is not in your control. You are perfectly fine. Everyone makes mistakes, it's only natural. You're still an awesome person. ❤

Thanks. You really are the goddess of advice <3

Woah there, buddy. Read the username. It is god to you. :) And no problem, love.

My bad! You are my god. I bow to you.

@Moxie group

Okay so this is so fucking stupid and makes me sound so 13 that I wasn't even sure if I should type it out buuuut
I want a fucking tik tok. Embarrassingly bad. My mother will not let me get one and I get physically download it on my phone. I wanna like do cosplays and watch funny videos and shit and I can't and I'm so mad about it. I've asked twice and she said no and wouldn't really tell me why. In the app store it literally says its for ages twelve and up
This is so stupid and makes me so mad.

Deleted user

I just had the best verbal exchange with someone I think I've ever had

And only 18 words were said

What was it?

Cute girl: "What if I slapped you right now?"

Me: "You should."

Cute girl: "What if I kissed you right now?"

Me: "You should."