forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

honestly sometimes I forget how bad other kids have it. I’m so sorry.

Deleted user

Yeah, especially because my parents are already divorced.

Yo same and my dad is broke too fistbump

Sighs in dad-less


Yeah, especially because my parents are already divorced.

Yo same and my dad is broke too fistbump

Sighs in dad-less

offers hug

offers hug as well

@HighPockets group

And anyways, what you said was unnecessarily spiteful and rude, and a completely untrue statement. People can be successful no matter their wealth growing up. So I suggest that you change that toxic mindset.


They eventually grow out of it (for the most part), you just have to wait
There’s not much I know of to stop it

~ someone who’s had to help raise 8 very bitey kittens

Deleted user

I taught my cat not to bite, but booping his nose every time he bit me. Gently but with enough force to annoy him.
A firm 'no!' along with it taught him very well.