forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@HighPockets group

Sounds like you need to go talk to your doctor, maybe there's some sort of complication
I say as if I know anything about knee surgery despite having a character who's had a decent amount of it

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I know someone who's brother swung an axe into their leg, while they were at a cabin that requires a four hour hike to get to. (No hospital for hours unless you fly out in a bush plane.) and they treated it wit alcohol.
(This friend of mine has a really weird family.)

Big oof.


Deleted user

Sounds like you need to go talk to your doctor, maybe there's some sort of complication
I say as if I know anything about knee surgery despite having a character who's had a decent amount of it

I have an appointment, like, next week

@HighPockets group

Sounds like you need to go talk to your doctor, maybe there's some sort of complication
I say as if I know anything about knee surgery despite having a character who's had a decent amount of it

I have an appointment, like, next week

Make sure to bring it up then bc it could be bad

Deleted user

someone who I’m very personal with on this site told me their dad lost their hand to a farming accident

Deleted user

someone who I’m very personal with on this site told me their dad lost their hand to a farming accident

That's so sad. :{

they said he was fine

he just sort of lived without it lmao


Drama. Go read it if you want. It got locked.

Most of the drama-related comments were deleted so you can’t really read through it anymore but yeah there was drama

Deleted user

Oh, have they already been removed? Last time I looked at it, everything was still there

@Pickles group

My grandpa got his finger cut off cause he stuck it down the drain, tried to turn on the light, and accidentally turned on the garbage disposal

@HighPockets group

I think the ones that incited the drama were deleted (andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has really strict anti-slur rules, as he should, and most of the bad comments used the n-word and stuff)

Deleted user

My grandpa got his finger cut off cause he stuck it down the drain, tried to turn on the light, and accidentally turned of the garbage disposal

whole ass mood lmaoooooooo

@HighPockets group

My grandpa got his finger cut off cause he stuck it down the drain, tried to turn on the light, and accidentally turned of the garbage disposal

whole ass mood lmaoooooooo

That'll be me in 60 years lmao