forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

@Wolfheart I feel trapped because of a different reason, but the feeling is basically the same. I'm glad you could turn to here at least for now and I'm sorry I can't do more but I'm here to listen and occasionally try to help always.

Thanks @Jay-Marae


@Wolfheart I feel trapped because of a different reason, but the feeling is basically the same. I'm glad you could turn to here at least for now and I'm sorry I can't do more but I'm here to listen and occasionally try to help always.

Thanks @Jay-Marae

Np <3


Tell him it's an acronym.

That… wouldn't be wrong

Wait it’s an acronym?

Yep. That Ho Over There

Ohh yeah I had no idea. I’m too innocent XD (I say while watching an All You Wanna Do animatic on repeat)(to be fair it is REEEEAAAALLLLY good)