forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I just feel like I'm irritating af most of the time and also the disposable one in a friend group

Me tooooo the only reason half of my friends actually talk to me is because I'm watching their favorite show

@HighPockets group

Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like

Is this about me? I don't think it's creepy, I think it's endearing. Then again I'm also very much the outlier in almost every "normal interactions" scenario. Like, I took my friends to Barnes and Noble for homecoming, and then we did an Area 51 escape room.

low-key yes but also every interaction irl I've had with a human that I don't hate immediately. The only time I ever voluntarily talk to my parents is to say "I made a friend today" which literally just means "I talked to a hooman and I didn't hate them please be proud of my social skills that I definitely have". And Barnes and Noble for homecoming sounds amazing and I'm stealing that next year maybe for prom

We saw them aliens. Also I got to make a ton of reanimation jokes without my parents looking at me weird (long story short but they don't really like when I talk a lot about Frankenstein) so it was a win-win

@HighPockets group

I just feel like I'm irritating af most of the time and also the disposable one in a friend group

Me tooooo the only reason half of my friends actually talk to me is because I'm watching their favorite show


@Pickles group

It sounds cliche but I mentally cannot handle going back to school Monday

But if you miss it, you have to turn stuff in late, do make-up work, maybe take a test or quiz you aren't ready for, and talk to your teachers aka adults which I don't know about you, but that's one of the things I cannot do

@HighPockets group

It sounds cliche but I mentally cannot handle going back to school Monday

But if you miss it, you have to turn stuff in late, do make-up work, maybe take a test or quiz you aren't ready for, and talk to your teachers aka adults which I don't know about you, but that's one of the things I cannot do

One day turns into two, then three, then four, then five-
You see where this is headed?
Trust me, it ain't worth it.


Tfw your brother is getting mad at you for taking a long time in the bathroom but you've literally only been in there for two minutes, half of which he was downstairs doing something else for, and he accuses you of stupid shit to get his way but you're just brushing your fucking teeth and he needs to fuck off

Deleted user

Okay lol
Unfortunately no, not yet, but we text almost every day
Because I love you Rubes! <3

Deleted user

Yea lol
We plan on meeting, but being in different continents is difficult : /

Love ya, Izzy <3

Deleted user

Mir just gonna say that if you want to vent about anything my pms are always open to you.

How did you–

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like

Yep, and those friendships tend to be the strongest ones that I have!

Deleted user

Mir just gonna say that if you want to vent about anything my pms are always open to you.

How did you–


You're one of those people who just knows when someone isn't doing well aren't you