forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I was reading the conversation between Blake and Miri and felt like I had to do this so. . .

i love this?

@Pickles group

Me: accidentally steps on my mom in the parking lot
My mom: Would you PLEASE stop stepping on me?!
Me: ..? It was once and I apologized right after?
Her: No it was twice
Me: No it wasn't. Maybe youre imagining things
Her: Yes it was
Me: … I oughta know.
Her: Don't sass me

My parents a minute later: having a conversation about how they could leave me at Kroger's without getting in trouble

Deleted user

Do you ever have the sudden urge to pierce your ears eight times with a safety pin, dye your hair green, and give yourself a tattoo or is it just me

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Me: accidentally steps on my mom in the parking lot
My mom: Would you PLEASE stop stepping on me?!
Me: ..? It was once and I apologized right after?
Her: No it was twice
Me: No it wasn't. Maybe youre imagining things
Her: Yes it was
Me: … I oughta know.
Her: Don't sass me

My parents a minute later: having a conversation about how they could leave me at Kroger's without getting in trouble

Wtf? Parents, I swear! (That tends to happen to me when people just suddenly stop walking right in front of me. Um, I'm 6'2"; I tend to walk fast so don't blame me when you randomly decide to stop walking.)


Me: accidentally steps on my mom in the parking lot
My mom: Would you PLEASE stop stepping on me?!
Me: ..? It was once and I apologized right after?
Her: No it was twice
Me: No it wasn't. Maybe youre imagining things
Her: Yes it was
Me: … I oughta know.
Her: Don't sass me

My parents a minute later: having a conversation about how they could leave me at Kroger's without getting in trouble

Wtf? Parents, I swear! (That tends to happen to me when people just suddenly stop walking right in front of me. Um, I'm 6'2"; I tend to walk fast so don't blame me when you randomly decide to stop walking.)

OMg I hate it when I respond to a question normally or ask for my parents to please not do something and my dad is like "DoN't GiVe Me AtTiTuDe!" and I'm like "WtF I wAsN't AnD nOw AnY gOoD mOoD i HaD iS dEaD"


I don’t like to get involved with this stuff but let me just say as the chat’s moderator that

  1. People can feel depressed without having diagnosed depression, or depression at all. (Same goes for anxiety)
  2. Invalidating other users’ emotions, refusing to take them seriously, spreading hate, or being overly judgmental of them simply because they haven’t been diagnosed not only really bugs me but is also breaking rule #1 of the original venting space, and I’m going to kindly ask you to either stop or take your annoyance to the rudeness chat.
  3. Highly unrelated but I’m in the mood for a group hug
    big hugs @ everyone


OK, quick not so quick vent, please tell me what's wrong with me.
There are three smells that I despise with all of my heart and make me want to cry because I hate them so much.
1 - The smell of peanut butter when someone is eating it.
2 - The smell of gum when someone is chewing it.
3 - The smell of yogurt.
It really sucks because I'll be minding my own business when all of a sudden someone next to me is eating peanut butter or chewing gum or just has yogurt out in the open and I have to get away because otherwise, I'll break down crying. I also don't really want to tell them to throw it away (normally just covering it so I can't smell it will make the feeling go away) because who am I to just randomly tell this stranger to stop chewing their gum or tell my family to put away the peanut butter/yogurt.
And it's not like when I cry when I'm really really upset or anxious (I normally shake beforehand/during) or even mad or happy (I just cry normally), it's like I hate it so much that I need to cry and run away/make it stop and I want it and the person eating/chewing it to die.
Even just thinking about the smell makes me want to cry. (heh rn)
It happened today when my family and I were playing cards when my brother (who eats freaking yogurt all the time and I hate it so much but even though I've told him he won't stop) pulled out a cup of yogurt and started eating it across the table. I really wanted to just get up and walk away because as soon as I smelt it I felt like crying but we were playing cards as a family. All I could do was wait until he was done with it while trying to cover my nose with my hoodie. (Also, when it happens I tend to get very quiet because all I can focus on is how much I hate the smell and want it to stop). Then he finished eating but kept the cup out where I could still smell the yogurt and continued playing. It finally got to the point where I very timidly asked Logan (my brother) to throw it away which he did all while my family looked at me strangely. It lingered for a bit but finally went away so I could continue playing cards like normal, but it's still bugging me just thinking about it.
This has happened more than once and what confuses me more is that I use to not have a problem with this and use to eat yogurt/peanut butter and chew gum all of the time but now I can't bc of the smell.
So, wth is wrong with me? (also I know that was long so sorry)

@Pickles group

Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like


Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like

Big mood


Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like

That's one of my biggest sources of anxiety and I totally get that.

@HighPockets group

Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like

Is this about me? I don't think it's creepy, I think it's endearing. Then again I'm also very much the outlier in almost every "normal interactions" scenario. Like, I took my friends to Barnes and Noble for homecoming, and then we did an Area 51 escape room.

Deleted user

It sounds cliche but I mentally cannot handle going back to school Monday

@HighPockets group

It sounds cliche but I mentally cannot handle going back to school Monday

Do it anyways.
Trust me.
Getting into a cycle of missing school is not something you want to do.
Trust me.

@Pickles group

Do you ever feel like when you make a friend you're obsessing over them and like you're being really creepy? Like, you talk about them all the time and you want them to know that you like them and you want other people to know but also it's a lot and you freak them out? And you don't want them to hate you but you want everyone to know you have a friend Because that happens to me literally every time I make a friend or find a person that I like

Is this about me? I don't think it's creepy, I think it's endearing. Then again I'm also very much the outlier in almost every "normal interactions" scenario. Like, I took my friends to Barnes and Noble for homecoming, and then we did an Area 51 escape room.

low-key yes but also every interaction irl I've had with a human that I don't hate immediately. The only time I ever voluntarily talk to my parents is to say "I made a friend today" which literally just means "I talked to a hooman and I didn't hate them please be proud of my social skills that I definitely have". And Barnes and Noble for homecoming sounds amazing and I'm stealing that next year maybe for prom