forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

Well… to be fair to Christian music, it's the pop stuff (J-pop, as I like to call it.) that sucks. There's some really decent stuff out there.

So is it specifically Japanese pop music that you think sucks, or all pop music in general?

No no Lol. I was calling Christian pop J-pop.

Ah, that makes more sense now.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

Well… to be fair to Christian music, it's the pop stuff (J-pop, as I like to call it.) that sucks. There's some really decent stuff out there.

So is it specifically Japanese pop music that you think sucks, or all pop music in general?

No no Lol. I was calling Christian pop J-pop.


Deleted user

post malone being literally possessed on stage always creeps me out, man


I'm only down if we can get a ferret.

NO. I hate ferrets.

well then you can stay in a different room with your a sad, depressed, lonely, ferret-less self, while we on the other hand get to cuddle the snek doggo.

THey stink.

You stink.

Deleted user

Literally possessed?

Literally possessed Domino.

Deleted user

sigh You know those days where you just… Deliberately drink two glasses of expired milk?


No, because I value my intestines. Also I've already got The Cramps from The Blood Week.

My diet today has consisted entirely of wacky cake, potato chips, and ibuprofen so I know it’s That Week

Deleted user

My excuse for not doing schoolwork is the fact that my obese son is sleeping on my leg and it's bent weirdly so it hurts but I can't wake him


Do yall ever fear you're becoming a worse version of yourself? Cuz I feel like I've gone from a respectable standing into someone meant to be brushed off and not taken seriously.

Like, I've gone from being, let's say, a Duke, and fell into being the Court Fool. Am I the only one who feels like this? And also, is it true? Have I really regressed back to my state in middle school, or does it just feel that way because I've been denying myself?

I hate being self-aware/borderline paranoid

@Anemone eco

No, you are not the only one who feels like this. Though, if you ask me, I believe that not to be true. I still respect you, even if you feel like you are a simple fool.


What's wacky cake?

A really simple chocolate cake
I don’t remember what makes it so wacky cause I’ve never made it myself but it’s pretty tasty