forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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My brain, is the worst. It makes the weirdest choices. Starting at 8:00 am this is what my brain's inner narrative sounds like on a normal day in quarantine.
Hmm is it light outside, yes, oh confound it that mother creature is gong to demand I wake up, seriously maybe if she didn't want me to get up I would actually do it. However she asked me to so… no. Well I should probably eat food to appease the mother creature.. or I could not eat breakfast… I know I'll consume ice cubes of various sizes instead. Alright I'm going to sit down and do homework now, no no this wont be like yesterday I'm going to turn on Pandora and then work on Chem- Oh, this song is quite nice, Wait I think I've heard a cover of it that is much better, To YouTube! Ooh look Damian Mcginty sang a cover in Celtic Thunder, How loverly. Wait a second I haven't listened to "Seven Drunken night's" for a while I need to do that. Look It's (song title here) By The High Kings! I have to listen to it, and naturally I'll have to listen to "Red is the Rose" after because one does not listen to The High Kings with out listening to that song And- Oh would you look at that I spent the last three hours listening to music and not doing any work. Well It may only be 11:30 am but I didn't eat breakfast so I should probably go eat food, well I could eat food or… I could eat more Ice cubes of various sizes! Brilliant plan. Alright I am really going to do homework now, wait, what was that? A plot bunny? Now that just can't be ignored we must go write down this Idea- And it's gone… Maybe If I sit and look at a blank screen for a few hours the Idea will come back to me… No? Alright then, it's like 3:00 pm now and I think I'll go consume an unholy amount of PB and J sandwiches… I should not have consumed so many sandwiches, mistakes have been made… Oh look Pinterest! Three hour's later What it's dinner time but I just… Oh alright. After dinner Oh what does that mother creature want now? What was that? she wants me to.. Oh confound it all the woman can't clean up her own child's messes, no let's make the middle child do it instead After completing many tasks for Mother, the time is 8:00 pm Oh look at that my homework assignment's I think I shall do them now, Oh look Notebook approximately 9:30 pm Alright I will do my homework now, look it's not even that difficult I don't know why- And the Father creatures telling me to go to bed how lovely, well that's alright I'll just take my computer into my room and- would you look at that he turned off the Wifi… Well this is why I became friends with the neighbors. Continues to do homework interrupted by snippets of Notebook, the time is now 11:00 pm) Well I suppose I will sleep now. Or I could lie awake thinking about how one time seven years ago I bumped into that girl on the playground and she glared at me even after I said sorry, she didn't even respond she just walked away. And that one time last month when I sent my best guy friend whom I happen to maybe have a crush on that message and I put the comma in the wrong spot, completely changing the meaning and I only found the mistake after. *This continues until roughly 1:00 am when my brain reluctantly falls asleep, the time is now 4:00 am What is that, what- Pippin You fool of a took cat you, wake me up one more time, bet, one more time and you're an outside cat. Oh you were just hungry because you ate all of your food during the night. Well I suppose it's alright then, I'll feed you, but only this once. Falls asleep some time around 4:30 am and the cycle repeats
Told you my brain is weird.

@saor_illust school

Ok but wouldn’t that be so awesome-
Like a slumber party with your closest friends but it lasts for years
and it would be especially awesome cause i’ve actually never had a slumber party
or a birthday party

or any party

or friends

Let’s all move into a house together I like this idea

I can only do it if people are okay with a cat I also want a large dog oops but I'll settle for like rats or any rodent really

I am well aware that I'm so late to this but still
whatever pets yall like, as long as it isnt a spider that i have to help take care of
i will put up with them for as long as necessary
bc ily all too much

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So I'm bored and watching some random 'guess the anime theme' video
And the theme for Dragon Ball GT comes on
And I just started sobbing because I completely forgot about it
And I used to love it


I know I'm very late, and I'm kinda still getting to know you all, but I would very much like to room with you people. That'd be neat.

Deleted user

Y'all are the ones who will have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

Deleted user

Y'all are the ones who have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

don't worry i have a force to counteract it with

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff


Y'all are the ones who have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

don't worry i have a force to counteract it with

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

heck no
i'd also rather jump off a cliff


Y'all are the ones who have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

don't worry i have a force to counteract it with

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

heck no
i'd also rather jump off a cliff

As a Christian I can say
Fuck Christian music

@HighPockets group

Y'all are the ones who have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

don't worry i have a force to counteract it with

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

Did you mean: the same 5 generic songs played on loop

Deleted user

Y'all are the ones who have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

don't worry i have a force to counteract it with

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

heck no
i'd also rather jump off a cliff

what's the force?