forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Ok but wouldn’t that be so awesome-
Like a slumber party with your closest friends but it lasts for years
and it would be especially awesome cause i’ve actually never had a slumber party
or a birthday party

or any party

or friends

Let’s all move into a house together I like this idea

Like team 10 but we don't suck

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

When did this reach 1000 pages??????????
Also I have a tech design class and spent five hours replicating my time turner in 3D drawing software, (what we're using to complete assignments) 5 freaking hours.
Why you might ask?
I wa s bored.
I was bored as hell.
So I went above and beyond and did a time turner and then went and did extra than what I was supposed to.
(And by extra I mean that using a water bottle or mug would ha be been closer to what I was supposed to do.)
Also is it normal to have random self depreciating bouts of just my brain pounding me with shit like your fa t stupid nobody cares why are you here you idiot while I try to drown it out with music that says the opposite on volumes that will probably kill my good hearing????
Because this is happening a lot lately and its unnerving.
Also I really really miss writing with CallyCat….
I Also miss my friends.
And my life.
Also Quebec is reopening schools but it will be he'll for the kids and is basically prison.
Kids will be stuck in a designated zone of 2 metres on all side unable to have human contact, recess, bathroom runs are monitored, likely having new teachers and classmates, oh and they're being told to bring a book from home.
(My mom found letters to parents from these schools and read them to me and I was horrified.)
Scarier is that that may be a reality and if it is I will be going back to homeschooling under the general consensus of both me and my mom.
But that means giving up my school chromebook, (the only one semi safe from my mother)
And losing friendships I've only now started to build.
(There are other reasons as to why that is actually really really bad for me but I don't think I can explain it without sounding stupid or entitled, or explaining more of my personal life than I really wish to do so)
It also means I lose out on a lot of the classes I wanted to take next year.
Specialized art, computer, and design courses, as well as a creative writing course.
Overall I feel really really unstable, unsafe in myself and my realities, and like my life is spiralling out of control faster than I can keep up.

@Kie group

Ok but wouldn’t that be so awesome-
Like a slumber party with your closest friends but it lasts for years
and it would be especially awesome cause i’ve actually never had a slumber party
or a birthday party

or any party

or friends

Let’s all move into a house together I like this idea

Like team 10 but we don't suck

Like Team 10 but chaotic/feral


we don’t suck

well considering i’m the one who started this and I tend to be really good at absolutely sucking, that’s debatable, but yeah

@Pickles group

we don’t suck

well considering i’m the one who started this and I tend to be really good at absolutely sucking, that’s debatable, but yeah

Clarification: we do not have clout seeking, the scamming kind of questionable morals, Paul brothers & co (aka whoever else tf is there) level of suck