forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Theoretically, If I, an 18 year old, were to go into a Walmart and purchase 5 containers of gummy vitamins, do you think people will verbally tell me it's weird or will they just silently judge me like how everybody else does with the rest of my life?

Don't let anyone's opinion dictate how you live your life. Do your thing.


dammit internet culture stop ruining everything
first numbers, then cream filled donuts, now piggy banks?

i kept scrolling
we can now add filtered water dispensers to the list

@HighPockets group

Rule 34

Clears throat dramatically
It has been writ in Statute 34, this most honourable quest that if such an object exists, regardless of age, status as human, target demographic, etc. and all, there shall be made sexually arousing artistic endeavors of it, by orders of the king.

Deleted user

You did not have to explain rule 34 like that lmao

@The-Magician group

Did I wait up just to buy my mate Sander Side merch? Yes.
Did it decline my fucking card more than once? Yes.
Am I blaming it on the fact it's being shipped from America? Most definitely.


Did I wait up just to buy my mate Sander Side merch? Yes.
Did it decline my fucking card more than once? Yes.
Am I blaming it on the fact it's being shipped from America? Most definitely.

As an American I can say
Always blame America

@Kie group

Did I wait up just to buy my mate Sander Side merch? Yes.
Did it decline my fucking card more than once? Yes.
Am I blaming it on the fact it's being shipped from America? Most definitely.

As an American I can say
Always blame America


America is e w - Kie, another American

Deleted user

Honestly I feel like a lot of other witches are so prepared for things like the full moon tonight and I'm over here frantically sliding my crystals across the deck so they can charge and putting a moonwater in a plastic red waterbottle next to it at 9:30 pm, all the while struggling to set an alarm for 5:30 so I can bring in the moonwater before the sun rises and sprinting through my house with my cleansing spray


my chinchillas have started getting so desperate for treats that they're reaching their paws out dramatically to try to grab my hand and take it from me
like dude
your completely filled bowl is right there
you're already chonky as heck
you aren't going to starve waiting 5 seconds for me to scoop some more oats
but also please don't stop it's so cute and your little grabbies absolutely brighten my day-

Deleted user

I thought you were talking about several face chins that individually wanted food and I was incredibly confused