forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Mmm, yes. I just love the taste of doorknob.

I'm more of a rusty hinge person myself

@Anemone eco

Mmm, yes. I just love the taste of doorknob.

I'm more of a rusty hinge person myself

Door hinge or leg hinges?

Deleted user

Mmm, yes. I just love the taste of doorknob.

I'm more of a rusty hinge person myself

Door hinge or leg hinges?


Deleted user

The doorknobs at my grandparents' smell aggressively like metal and I hate it. They make my hands smell bad.

Oof I hate when doorknobs do that

Deleted user

I feel like what I was referring to went right over your heads…..or you purposely took it as Im eating my house.

I dont know which I find more amusing

@Pickles group

I feel like what I was referring to went right over your heads…..or you purposely took it as Im eating my house.

I dont know which I find more amusing

If you were referring to consuming all the food in your house, I knew exactly what you meant and elected to ignore it

Deleted user


I've had two steaks and a shit ton of veggies and 5 cookies and Im still hungry

Deleted user

Usually I dont have much of an appetite so this has been quite alarming.
If this had been back in January I for sure would have thought I was pregnant.
But alas

Im just a temporary hormonal fatass

Deleted user

I was wondering why I'm not tired and then I remembered I drank coffee at 6 pm

@Moxie group

If I drink one cup of coffee I feel slightly more alert for an hour. If I drink more than that I get shakey for an hour and then I crash


I come back after a few hours and I feel like I know a little too much about some of yall's personal lives
I don't really like coffee lol. It's not my cup of tea. (I prefer way too sweet to eat treats)

Deleted user

I don't really like coffee lol. It's not my cup of tea.

how dare you

@Moxie group

I come back after a few hours and I feel like I know a little too much about some of yall's personal lives



so i just checked and the joke that bing doesn’t force the suicide hotline down your throat when you search how to take your life is entirely false
it still does


can we keep the “openly judging everyone we don’t immediately recognize” thing out of my thread? thank you.

with all the 'new' people and accounts recently, I'm having some thoughts.

They've been here for five months and haven't gotten themselves into drama, I'm pretty sure they're fine
