forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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"Scorpio is like the big, bad elder sister of the Water sign crew. You don't mess with the turbulent, deadly scorpion my friend, their sting can be fatal - and they make the other signs of the zodiac (apart from maybe Aries, who they share a planetary influence with) look like wusses!"

bish i can't even make a bagel and sex jokes make me cry don't give me that powerful deadly scorpion of bitterness passion and venom crap

Deleted user

"Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they're proud of them. They don't believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn't self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader."

It ain't wrong


as one of the most ambitious signs, they're amazing at creating connections and being their authentic selves.

They're natural leaders and can be very serious; Scorpios are one of the most interesting signs because of their intensity

Scorpios are known for being tough-minded and biting, but they also have lots of positive qualities that make them great friends and successful people overall.

Determination is one of the most well-known Scorpio characteristics. When a Scorpio wants something, they go for it and they don't hold back. There's not much that can stop a Scorpio once they have their mind set on something, and they have unmatched focus when they pursue a goal.

Brave: They will run into danger without a second thought, and are always the first to volunteer themselves for difficult tasks.

Scorpios are honest to a fault. They always tell the truth, no matter what, and hate dishonesty in others. They can't stand people who steal and cheat, either, since they're just as honest with themselves as they are with others.

Scorpios are known to be fierce. They are single-minded in achieving their goals, and they set those goals high. Scorpios don't see or set limits in their lives, and they don't let anyone tell them that something they want isn't possible.

They are incredibly honest, but they don't like to display any vulnerability, especially with people they're unsure about. They tend to keep their feelings to themselves, as well as plans and ideas, so when it's time to win the chess match of life, Scorpios have a leg up.

As a Scorpio, your flirting style is predominantly sexual, flirty, and powerful. … Scorpio people can be cunning during the chase; they will do whatever it takes to sting a prospect with their sexual venom.

no one holds a grudge like a Scorpio does.

Scorpios like to be in control. Their fierceness and intensity means that they think they know what's best, and the people in their lives will often find themselves under the Scorpio's thumb. Scorpios also hate being controlled by others, and need control over all situations.

it gets worse
like try and come up with a less accurate description of me. you can't. there is none.
the only thing it's gotten right is the "can be emotional" bit but then again isn't that most people


Like, all zodiac descriptions are usually so wildly vague that either anyone could apply it to themselves if they really wanted to or they are just incredibly inaccurate
Stars can't tell you your fucking personality?


Just like
I don't believe that the month you're born in has any impact on who you are as a person
That kind of thing is shaped by experiences, not by the fact that you happened to be born in February or whatever

@Pickles group

That's how they work
They get stupid people to believe in them and give them money by saying stuff that can be applicable to anyone at any point. Plus people see what they wanna see
It's all bullshit


Stars can't tell you your fucking personality?

is she wrong tho?
they're balls of gas that us humans happened to see pictures in and assigned to different parts of the year.
they do not in any way determine who you are or really anything about you other than the general time in which you were born.


I don't care what arguments you make, Miriam. I am never going to believe that being born in June shaped my personality
I know several other people born in June who are wildly different than me
There are people I know born in March that are very similar
It just doesn't hold any actual weight
If reading your vague horoscope every day makes you feel better, have at it, but I'm not going to

Deleted user

Stars can't tell you your fucking personality?

is she wrong tho?
they're balls of gas that us humans happened to see pictures in and assigned to different parts of the year.
they do not in any way determine who you are or really anything about you other than the general time in which you were born.

I do think she's wrong. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Deleted user

Your opinion is valid, I respect that

Lee and I out here like "s t a r s"

@The-Magician group

Your opinion is valid, I respect that

Lee and I out here like "s t a r s"

Yes currently looking at my zodiac book
On the topic of that kind of thing, I have just bought myself cone incense with one of those waterfall type burners


But how am I wrong? How can you scientifically give me any actual evidence that stars have any impact on anyone's personality? They're millions of miles away. The closest star to us is the sun, and that one apparently doesn't impact your personality, so why would any other star? Are you expecting me to believe that every person born in a certain time frame has the same personality? We all have different walks of life, and that just doesn't sound reasonable or realistic to me

Deleted user

Your opinion is valid, I respect that

Lee and I out here like "s t a r s"

Yes currently looking at my zodiac book
On the topic of that kind of thing, I have just bought myself cone incense with one of those waterfall type burners

Oh my god those are so aesthetic

Deleted user

Me looking at the star chart I had made of my exact birth date down to the minute and who reads a monthly horoscope from the worlds most brilliant astronomer:


@The-Magician group

No one is forcing you to believe anything Maddie. Everyone has their own beliefs and views and all of them are valid and should be respected.

@Pickles group

Malina Weissman and I were born a few weeks apart and we're wildly different. If you'd like me to explain further I can,but I think the fact that she's famous and gorgeous speaks loads