forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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the only kinds of Christian music that i'd consider listenable are good ol' traditional church hymns, but then again that might just be cause i'm in the choir

Deleted user

Honestly I don't care about your religion or whatever

But if you like Christian music

And willingly play it for fun

We can't be friends.


Y'all are the ones who have to deal with me blasting Eminem all day.

don't worry i have a force to counteract it with

If it's Christian music I will jump off a cliff

heck no
i'd also rather jump off a cliff

what's the force?

whatever music i'm into at that time
possibly futuristic weeb shit but could be anything really


Honestly I don't care about your religion or whatever

But if you like Christian music

And willingly play it for fun

We can't be friends.



We gotta pick a good house in New York then, I don't think one big-ish apartment is gonna work well for us all aha

Izzy, New York is hella expensive and has tiny living quarters.

I vote we go for a large cabin/mansion on the outskirts of a city. A good mix of wildnerness and civilization.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

We gotta pick a good house in New York then, I don't think one big-ish apartment is gonna work well for us all aha

Izzy, New York is hella expensive and has tiny living quarters.

I vote we go for a large cabin/mansion on the outskirts of a city. A good mix of wildnerness and civilization.

Upstate New York is also really nice


Oh goodness, living with yall would be so chaotic. I'm in.

I’m also in if I can live in the basement

In that case, dibs on the attic

I call dibs on the shed in the backyard.


ooh but why stay in amurica when we can go on an ✨adventure✨


I love how Canada is considered an adventure

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

ooh but why stay in amurica when we can go on an ✨adventure✨


I love how Canada is considered an adventure

Algonquin Park is an adventure
I know a mountain with an awesome view

Deleted user

I could definitely get us a house in Germany

And the town I'm from is tiny and known for it's American military training base so everyone speaks English

And it's so p R E T T Y

And there are 1000 outdoor cats that run up to you until you pet them

And anyone who wanted to join the military like me could do training right there