forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@The-Magician group

Honestly I feel like a lot of other witches are so prepared for things like the full moon tonight and I'm over here frantically sliding my crystals across the deck so they can charge and putting a moonwater in a plastic red waterbottle next to it at 9:30 pm, all the while struggling to set an alarm for 5:30 so I can bring in the moonwater before the sun rises and sprinting through my house with my cleansing spray

I've been prepared for this particular full moon all week. It isn't often that a full moon falls on my birthday, and since it is the Scorpio full moon Daro has prepared something for me for when Lee falls asleep. This has been the best birthday I've had in a long time ^-^

Deleted user

Update: According to the weather my crystals will crack if left out overnight (extreme cold this week :( ) so I just sprinted back across my house, onto the deck, stubbed my toe, and brought them back in. We are now trying a second approach.


not my chinchilla because i forgot to take pictures but this is the smiley face they make when you give them oats
my smol sad heart can't take this kind of cute-

@Kie group

I'm so mad because on TiKT0k people are only using "Learn to Do It" from the fricking Anastasia MOVIE and while that was a bop I just want people to know the musical is MUChhh more iconic because instead of

Anastasia asking "Am I floating?" and Vladimir responding "Like a little boat."

it becomes the much more memorable

"Am I floating?" and Dimitry responding "Like a sinking boat."

@HighPockets group

I'm so mad because on TiKT0k people are only using "Learn to Do It" from the fricking Anastasia MOVIE and while that was a bop I just want people to know the musical is MUChhh more iconic because instead of

Anastasia asking "Am I floating?" and Vladimir responding "Like a little boat."

it becomes the much more memorable

"Am I floating?" and Dimitry responding "Like a sinking boat."

Hah I prefer the musical to the movie lol, better Dmitry and better Anya

@HighPockets group

…ooooooooooook so my sister’s moving

Oof. When, and how far away?

Tennessee, and probably next week
She’s taking Poe

Tennessee's pretty cool
Do you want to talk about it?

@HighPockets group

Where in TN? I've been to Knoxville, Gatlinburg, Seveirsville (totally butchered that spelling lol), and Pigeon Forge when I went for Globals, they're pretty cool avoid PF like the plague

@Kie group

I've been to Memphis, pretty cool place if she ever visits while she's living there. Nashville is chill as well.


I think it’s Johnson city
She’s moving in with her two best friends which she just so happened to have met on a small writing site years ago-
alright which one of y’all’s gonna be my future roommate

and one of which owns a snek that I have demanded to see every picture of because he’s super hecking cute

@Kie group

When you're trying to focus on writing a children's book in less than an hour but your sister is watching the Goatman episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved

I have my priorities in order. Totally.


Ok but wouldn’t that be so awesome-
Like a slumber party with your closest friends but it lasts for years
and it would be especially awesome cause i’ve actually never had a slumber party
or a birthday party

or any party

or friends

Let’s all move into a house together I like this idea

@Kie group

Ok but wouldn’t that be so awesome-
Like a slumber party with your closest friends but it lasts for years
and it would be especially awesome cause i’ve actually never had a slumber party
or a birthday party

or any party

or friends

Let’s all move into a house together I like this idea

I can only do it if people are okay with a cat I also want a large dog oops but I'll settle for like rats or any rodent really