forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also dream me murdered an abusive ex of a friend of mine in her dream. So that's cool.

I am absolutely WHEEZING at the thought of Dommy's floofy hair waving around as he attempts to murder someone.

I see an axe.

Oh if Dom was gonna murder he'd be down for murder. Dream Me also had help of her other friends. Kinda chill that I'm in that section of her brain that keeps people that would protect her. At least that's what I get from this dream.

@Pickles group

Dream Dom has probably mastered hypnosis and/or the force and can just fuck around without getting into legal trouble. So now that I think about it, axe was good

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Dream Dom has probably mastered hypnosis and/or the force and can just fuck around without getting into legal trouble. So now that I think about it, axe was good

'I am not the suspect you are looking for'


Do you ever want to punch your self in the face because world building? Like I doubt the readers will ever care about how scientifically possible this creature is. It uses magic I could write it all off and say it works because magic, but no. It works because of X and Y and relies heavily on the existence of Z for A. Like come on child, we're not trying to be Tolkien here.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Do you ever want to punch your self in the face because world building? Like I doubt the readers will ever care about how scientifically possible this creature is. It uses magic I could write it all off and say it works because magic, but no. It works because of X and Y and relies heavily on the existence of Z for A. Like come on child, we're not trying to be Tolkien here.

Lol I get that. Me trying to figure out the way a sort of time power will work that doesn't even belong to a main character.

@saor_illust school

lucky you guys get the new and updated course
i had to struggle through duolingo tossing katakana at me randomly until one day it was katakana and kanji


lucky you guys get the new and updated course
i had to struggle through duolingo tossing katakana at me randomly until one day it was katakana and kanji

I’m not even at Kanji yet and I know it’s the Worst

@saor_illust school

oh my god
i am terrified
im watching a video called reacting to the scariest videos on the internet and ive barely started the third one (first freaked me out) and i'm so scared yall
idk why im doing this to myself
i cant close the tab
like i can
but i dont want to
but at the same time
i also cant keep watching the video
someone help me
the image alone on the video rn while its paused
freaks me out
oh my hecking god
istg my heart is racing
and im legit scared
when i sleep
ima have nightmares
i'm 90% sure of that


i completely missed out on the roomates thing but,,, can i get in on that??
I'd like to get away from my parents and be surrounded by good people


i completely missed out on the roomates thing but,,, can i get in on that??
I'd like to get away from my parents and be surrounded by good people

join us

@saor_illust school

could you and i just have a conversation?
i need distraction while i subject myself to this scariness