forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 66 followers


Nah. They would soil the hand of those who whacked them, it wouldn't be fair to the whacker.

I'd totally punch them in the face if I could

@HighPockets group

Nah. They would soil the hand of those who whacked them, it wouldn't be fair to the whacker.

I'd totally punch them in the face if I could

Thanks Jensy!


Yeah, I'm kinda bored so I've decided to start this thread where we can debate about really controversial topics. All I ask is that everybody is respectful and civil. If things start to get heated, we'll move on, and if anybody tries to be a bitch about one topic and refuses to let it go, I'll just delete this whole thread. Don't be a bitch, you'll ruin in for everyone.

Here it is


Yeah, as a trans non binary person here, I strongly disagree. But I'm going to need a bit more than "it's dumb and illogical" to make an actual argument.


I think it doesn't exist and it is unscientific.

You think it doesn't exist. Have you don't research on that? What's unscientific about it? The fact that we're born with certain chromosomes so we shouldn't be able to change our gender? There are intersex people and people with abnormal gender chromosomes who would disagree.
There's also the fact that gender isn't based off chromosomes. Your sex is based off of chromosomes. Gender is related to how your brain develops- masculine or feminine. Typically, males develop masculine brains and females develop feminine brains, but in rare cases, males will develop feminine brains/females will develop masculine brains. Sometimes people will develop something that's neither masculine nor feminine. That's why people are trans. When people's brain structure doesn't match their sex, it causes a mental illness called gender dysphoria to develop. And unfortunately, since it's a part of somebody's brain structure, it can't really be cured or changed. The best we can do for people whose brain structure doesn't match their chromosomes is offer them treatment and support (which means allowing people to transition and not making them feel bad about it).


When it comes to your biological sex, yes. I agree that you can't change that.
But there is a huge difference between gender and biological sex. Like I said, gender is based on your brain structure. Biological sex is based on your chromosomes.


No, you can't be biologically male if you are born female. I literally just said that. Nobody can change their biological sex, we just don't have the technology.
But I never said anything about changing your biological sex.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But male is a biological term. So you're either male or you're not. And if you're born one that is what you are. You can identify as whatever you like. But you would still be a male because that is the biological classification of what you are.