forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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in the Democratic Party, the minority who are radical socialist’s that think our country is evil and should be destroyed have the loudest voices as if they are the majority

That's what happens with everything these days. The majority of people on this planet have mostly happy lives, yet all you hear is the stories from those who don't. More good things happen on this earth than bad, yet all the news/internet/media tells you is the planet's going to die because all humans are terrible. More happy moments happen across this planet than we think, yet no one talks about it. People like to push bad things out of proportion, and I'm pretty sick of it.

Not everyone on the planet is evil, simple as that. Not all art majors end up unemployed, not all political opinions involve slaughtering half the country, not all religious people want to kill atheists, not all straight people are out to kill gays, and most importantly: NOT EVERY HUMAN TO WALK THIS PLANET IS A FREAKING PSYCHOPATH

Negativity always has the loudest voice, and I may never be able to understand why.

I'm going to be extremely blunt and maybe a bit rude here, just a warning

If you truly believe that the majority of people on this Earth live good, happy lives, then I'm sorry but you're delusional and very, very sheltered. I've seen too many homeless people begging for money, too many drug addicts digging through the fucking trash in the middle of the night, too many sick people, too many dying people, too many people with super fucked up lives to believe that this is a safe and happy world.
Anybody who knows what the real world is like would agree.

I didn't say bad things don't happen, I know there are people who do suffer and we should be aware of that and try to help, but unlike what you hear from the internet not everyone is in a state of severe suffering.

Too many homeless people begging for money

While you're right, there are way too many homeless people and we need to make efforts to stop it, they aren't the majority. In the US, homeless people are only about 0.17% of the population.

Too many drug addicts digging through the pancaking trash in the middle of the night

Again, there are way too many drug and alcohol addicts and we need to be aware of that, they still aren't the majority. They equal to about 10% of the population, although those numbers are slowly increasing.

Too many sick people

While I have to admit, the majority of people have been sick before, modern medicine is improving and we're getting better at combatting all sorts of illnesses and disease.

Too many dying people

I'll admit it here too, 100% of people are going to die, that's something we can't change. What we can do is try and keep them alive as long as possible, and from what I've read, about two-thirds of deaths worldwide are from old age. (Note: I'm aware you don't just "die of old age", it's other things that kill you, I'm just trying to simplify this)

Too many people with super pancaked up lives

While I have no evidence to prove the majority of people are blissfully happy and never have any problems, I can show some things:
Only about 5% of the population has depression.
Religious tolerance in the US is increasing, with the majority of most religions agreeing that beliefs besides their own can lead to eternal life.
LGBT people are becoming more and more accepted into society.
Racism has declined rapidly these past few generations.
Sexism is also decreasing in extreme amounts, to the point where women and men practically equal.

The world isn't completely perfect, and it's never going to be. But one thing I've learned from my drawing habit is that while it's healthy to be aware of mistakes and try to fix them, if you only see mistakes and don't take the time to acknowledge the good things, you may end up destroying all that was great in the first place. So why does no one ever acknowledge the good things? Why must everything try to tell us that our world is broken and hopeless? The more it's said, the more people start to believe it, forcing normally happy people into thinking that they don't matter and that they can't change anything because the world is "broken beyond repair" and they're just "another average human". And I'm saying this from experience, I used to believe that the world was broken, I thought I was just another pointless life that would never be anything special. And while I may not be some miracle child that's changed the lives of millions, I've made some people happier even in small ways and there are many people out there who love and care about me.

I've seen too many people's lives change in amazing ways, I've seen too many incredible moments, and I've witnessed too many miracles, some right in front of my eyes to believe that this world is anything but beautiful. And maybe I am just a delusional, sheltered child with no understanding of the real world, but I'd rather live my life blinded by the light than waste it consumed in a pit of shadows. I'd rather think I can make a difference than walk around telling myself that my life is meaningless and I'm just going to be another forgotten soul. I'd rather smile and live a happy life than feel like the planet would be better off if I didn't exist simply because I have a different view than most. I want to be happy, and I want everyone else to be happy. (GOSH this took me way longer to write than it should've)

Nutella I love you and I love the effort you put into this but you are missing so much information

Sure, homeless people are a minority in the US, but 80% of the world's population lives in poverty, which is really messed up.

Yes, modern medicine is improving, but right now it's not good enough. I saw a 2-year-old on his death bed when I was 14. Medicine and healthcare (mostly healthcare) are both so screwed up right now, and seeing such horrible things happen to innocent people… it changes you. I still have hope, of course, but I'm incapable of believing that this world is a beautiful place when I see things like that.

Depression isn't the only mental illness. Beyond that, mental illness isn't the only thing that can make a person unhappy. Grief, poverty, loneliness, etc.

People are still getting beaten and killed for their sexuality. I'm happy that things are improving and the LGBT community is becoming more accepted, but there are places around the world where you'll get killed for loving the wrong person. Gay concentration camps exist today. We're nowhere near where we should be.

I know the world will never be perfect. But it's also not at all a good place. I'm genuinely shocked at how convinced you are that this world is a good place. I'm impressed that you seem to have never had to deal with real problems or hardships, because if you did, you would know that this world isn't as beautiful as you used to think.
At the same time, I envy you. You're living in ignorant bliss, much like a lot of young children do. Sometimes I miss not knowing how brutal the world is. Of course, it's always good to look at the bright side of things, but there's a difference between positivity and encouragement, and ignorance.
But we can't let people live like that anymore. We need to open our eyes and act. We need to recognize that most of this world is an absolute shithole.
I'm sorry to tell you that this world isn't what you thought, NutElla. And if you don't believe me, PM me. I'll prove it. I'll dig up statistics on the horrible things that happen in this world. I can tell you personal stories about terrible things me, my friends, and my family have all gone through.


I know things aren’t good enough, but I still believe that there’s hope. And, until I find solid evidence that the world is broken, I’m going to hold on to that belief with my life. (I’ll go through and make a longer message tackling your different points once I can get to my computer)


OOF… My mom saw this conversation and gave me a talk… Well first off, she's on my side, second, she's slightly upset about the fact that I'm exposed to cursing, and third, her talk was extremely positive, she's an adult who's seen the real world in all its light and still agreed that the world is a beautiful place, so I'm guessing that means I'm not far off. I would repeat what she said however she was extremely religious through the whole thing, mentioned abortion as one of the world's problems (which is a controversial topic for another day), and said something about how "The moment people start using curse words in their arguments is how you know you're winning and they're just pissed off liberals" which I realize would be quite offensive to say so I'll keep her points to myself for the most part.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I would disagree with your mom though. Some people just curse out of habit or because they think it is perfectly fine, not inherently because they are upset. (Though you probably have figured that out already.)


I would disagree with your mom though. Some people just curse out of habit or because they think it is perfectly fine, not inherently because they are upset. (Though you probably have figured that out already.)

I have, and I’m pretty sure my mom was saying it as a joke, but yeah.


I'm glad you didn't get in trouble. If we're still on this topic I wanted to add, I try to see the best in people. I try. My mind in actuality is really negative. And a ton of people are bad, but there's also a ton of good people in the world. That doesn't make the world a good place, tho. The world is a better place than it was, but that does not make it a great place and hardly a good one either. It's relatively good, yes, but it's not perfect. But we're getting to a better place every day. And that's the important part.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm glad you didn't get in trouble. If we're still on this topic I wanted to add, I try to see the best in people. I try. My mind in actuality is really negative. And a ton of people are bad, but there's also a ton of good people in the world. That doesn't make the world a good place, tho. The world is a better place than it was, but that does not make it a great place and hardly a good one either. It's relatively good, yes, but it's not perfect. But we're getting to a better place every day. And that's the important part.

I say in response "The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones." I think this saying holds true of how we see both positive and negative things.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also what do you guys think is the most important global problem? We're doing debate in English and I figured I'd ask y'all.

For global? Hmm… Poverty. (Though there are more people out of poverty than are in so yay!)

Deleted user

Also what do you guys think is the most important global problem? We're doing debate in English and I figured I'd ask y'all.

Hunger for sure.

Deleted user

Nice. I was just asking since I was wondering what you thought. My group's gonna do gender inequality so we're all gonna look like ultra feminists lol.

That is considered a "Global Issue?"


Nice. I was just asking since I was wondering what you thought. My group's gonna do gender inequality so we're all gonna look like ultra feminists lol.

That is considered a "Global Issue?"

Yeah. We can't do the same topic as another group so some topics were already taken.


OOF… My mom saw this conversation and gave me a talk… Well first off, she's on my side, second, she's slightly upset about the fact that I'm exposed to cursing, and third, her talk was extremely positive, she's an adult who's seen the real world in all its light and still agreed that the world is a beautiful place, so I'm guessing that means I'm not far off. I would repeat what she said however she was extremely religious through the whole thing, mentioned abortion as one of the world's problems (which is a controversial topic for another day), and said something about how "The moment people start using curse words in their arguments is how you know you're winning and they're just pissed off liberals" which I realize would be quite offensive to say so I'll keep her points to myself for the most part.

What she said about cursing was definitely offensive. I'd like to let you know that just because I'm cursing doesn't mean I'm angry. I don't think I've gone a day without cursing since I was 12. And even if I had been angry, it doesn't mean you're winning. It just means I'm getting a bit more emotional, but there's nothing wrong about that and it doesn't mean my argument is invalid. It also doesn't mean I'm a "pissed off liberal"??? Like where did that even come from? That suggests that all other political parties don't curse when they get upset (which is completely untrue, I can't tell you how many Republicans I've met who have cursed me out because I disagreed with them. But it's the same with everyone, no matter what political party. Some people just get upset when somebody disagrees with them.)
Now, I don't mean to offend you but I'm not going to take your mother's viewpoint seriously, only because she gave me no facts to argue. Just opinions. And just because you think the world is a good place because you've seen more good things happen than bad, doesn't mean this world is a good place. She is only one person. If you compare her experiences with statistics and news reports that talk about terrible things that happen, she's lucky. Again, not trying to be offensive, just saying the fact that she's seen enough good to be convinced that there is more good than bad in this world makes her really really lucky. Although, I might be a bit biased since I've seen hardly any good in this world. I've gotten beaten, cursed out, told to kill myself, threatened, assaulted, screamed at, etc. I know people who have been raped. I've lost people I've loved. I've seen and felt the effects of grief. I've seen how drugs can affect a person, I've seen a friend lose everything and have to live on the streets. I've lived with no food and no locks on my doors. I live with a broken family and parents who don't take care of me and my siblings, and there have been times where I had to work and buy food because we didn't have any, and there was a baby in the house that needed to eat. Not once have I lived in a nice house and always been well fed. Not once have I felt safe in my own home. I have never not felt threatened by my parents, and I've never been able to truly love or trust anybody but my brothers and sister. I've never felt truly loved by anybody, ever (except for my dog, but she passed away last year. I wrote a song about her). And I can promise you that none of this is an exaggeration.
And there are people in this world, people that I know, who are going through much worse.
We're both probably very biased on this topic because of what we've seen and gone through. But I can show you so many things that make this world a terrifying and sad place to live in. I'm sure you can show me a lot of good things as well, but not enough.
I also feel like at this point we might be arguing slightly different things. I never said that we should lose hope. Hope is something we need to get through this messed up life. It encourages us to do better, keeps us from giving up. All I'm trying to say is that we need to recognize how terrible of a place we live in. Don't look away from all the bad. Don't deny what's going on. Look at everything terrible that's happen and say "we can do better, we can fix this."


Note: The liberal thing was a joke based off of one of her experiences in a recent debate on Facebook, and she only mentioned it because my brother was nearby and he witnessed the whole thing.


Note: The liberal thing was a joke based off of one of her experiences in a recent debate on Facebook, and she only mentioned it because my brother was nearby and he witnessed the whole thing.

So why bring it up? I didn't have any context, and you mentioned it sounding offensive, so how was I supposed to see it as anything but offensive?


Note: The liberal thing was a joke based off of one of her experiences in a recent debate on Facebook, and she only mentioned it because my brother was nearby and he witnessed the whole thing.

So why bring it up? I didn't have any context, and you mentioned it sounding offensive, so how was I supposed to see it as anything but offensive?

Because I only just now found out about the debate thing


Note: The liberal thing was a joke based off of one of her experiences in a recent debate on Facebook, and she only mentioned it because my brother was nearby and he witnessed the whole thing.

So why bring it up? I didn't have any context, and you mentioned it sounding offensive, so how was I supposed to see it as anything but offensive?

Because I only just now found out about the debate thing


@HighPockets group

We did a science project about Global Issues last year, but they had to be science related. Some stuff we did were:

  • Global pandemics of disease
  • Superbugs
  • The amount of trash in the ocean
  • Global warming
  • Overpopulation

Deleted user

Oooooh those are good ones.

I'm curious though are you arguing that Gender Inequality is a Global Issue? Or something else entirely?

@HighPockets group

Oooooh those are good ones.

I'm curious though are you arguing that Gender Inequality is a Global Issue? Or something else entirely?

I'd say while it is a global issue, it's been going on a lot longer than overpopulation, overindustrialization, the trash in the ocean, etc. and has been getting a bit better while those have only gotten worse. It's also more of a social/political issue than a scientific issue.


Oooooh those are good ones.

I'm curious though are you arguing that Gender Inequality is a Global Issue? Or something else entirely?

Well the assignment wasn't explained really well but I think we're debating ways to fix the problem. I thought we were going to do a debate with arguments for and against the topic but I don't even know anymore. I need to actually pay attention in class more