forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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@Mercury Beta Tester

While I don't quite know the difference because I've never really cared until a few weeks ago, If what I've heard is correct, neither of them will ever work

you can’t have socialism without communism and you can’t have communism without socialism because they’re both the same idea

…Really? I knew the US and Europe were different when it came to politics, but you guys seriously believe that Communism is the same thing as Socialism?!

At this point there isn't anything else I can say really, except to point out again that the Democratic Party aren't actual socialists and our socialist parties are not Communist. I mean, just look at the differences in how either ideology formed and the outcomes of them.

@Mercury Beta Tester

I would try to talk to him but I can’t because like I said the discussion starter thing doesn’t really work with voiceover anymore

Would PM work? He should put in a way to revert back to the old design, like with a different URL. I could start a discussion for you if you want, is there anything I can do to help?

Deleted user

if they aren’t socialists, then why are they calling for radical socialist policies that would eventually end up destroying this country as it did every other country that stupidly tried the idea

@Mercury Beta Tester

One person said that they thought socialism and communism were the same? No need to be snippy.

It was 2 people and I've noticed anecdotally that this is a common misconception in the US.
I guess I was being a bit rude though. I should really leave this thread

Deleted user

at the moment there’s really nothing you can do. It should be up to him to fix this mess because there should be a commitment to making everything accessible to as many people as possible

@HighPockets group

One person said that they thought socialism and communism were the same? No need to be snippy.

It was 2 people and I've noticed anecdotally that this is a common misconception in the US.
I guess I was being a bit rude though. I should really leave this thread

You don't need to leave, but your phrasing came off as kind of rude. We just covered communism vs socialism vs capitalism in class so we're taught that they're not the same.

@Mercury Beta Tester

if they aren’t socialists, then why are they calling for radical socialist policies that would eventually end up destroying this country as it did every other country that stupidly tried the idea

I said why before. Again, a lot of proposed ideas like universal healthcare, reforming building does, certain action against climate change etc. is already in Europe.
I'm not going to say anything else on this because we're clearly on two different cultural lines here.

@Mercury Beta Tester

You don't need to leave, but your phrasing came off as kind of rude. We just covered communism vs socialism vs capitalism in class so we're taught that they're not the same.

Mhm. British-American relations aren't that great at the moment so more people are mocking the US more than usual over here. Some of it probably rubbed off onto me. I said on the previous page that I was likely going to leave 'in a while' because this thread isn't making me happy, it wasn't because of your response.

@Mercury Beta Tester

It should be up to him to fix this mess because there should be a commitment to making everything accessible to as many people as possible

Definitely. Maybe we should all post in the suggestion thread to get him to notice the issue more (But only if you were fine with that, I want to help in some way as a fellow disabled person)


Technically, I’m not even supposed to know about the existence of politics for another year. My mom kinda shelters me from this stuff, so at the moment Notebook is my only source of information other than Incognito tabs, which I try to avoid because they’re sketchy as heck. So if anyone wants to educate me on the difference, I’m willing to listen.


I posted this link earlier on the page:

The article is titled 'The Differences Between Communism and Socialism'. It looks at:

  • The origin of Communism
  • The ideals of Communism and Socialism compared side by side (Private property, religion, workers etc.)
  • How Communism or Socialism have affected the countries where they were put in place

Hope this helps!

Thank you! I'll read through that.


I read the article, I can see the difference, but I still don't think either socialism or communism are the best ideas. (For this country, at least. Maybe I'm wrong though)

Deleted user

most of the time it ends up in disaster when it is ever implemented; socialism and communism alike

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

making an observation here but for someone who argued that "the world isn't as bad as the internet says it is" your 'happy' sources are all information taken from the internet… So how can we believe that too?

True. Just looking at this pinterest board, I'm sure that many of them are fake because where's the stuff backing it up, and the majority are actually acting as 'inspiration porn' for disabled people like the one about the girl feeding the armless man or the blind boy (Even just logically, the poster is assuming he's totally blind so how would he know what green, brown, leaves etc. are like?)

@"The Althalosian" what did you think of my post on US/UK crime rates?

It was enlightening. I am still mulling it over.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well the issue is also with entrenched beliefs which tell the person that they're right. Like for instance, men being raised to deny their emotions and to see women as objects. Or religious leaders using their religion to justify homophobia. Or climate change denial.

Well the first part is mainly cultural. Which is a pity as that means objectification is both allowed and approved in popular American culture. (Porn etc.)
As for religion, somewhat complicated issue of course. And I am not denying their are stupid sheeple following in religious communities, but I (obviously) think that there is such a thing as truthful religion. To this I raise the evidence of conversion of great logical thinkers, (C.S. Lewis comes to mind.) and that if it was false, doubtless all religion that wasn't oppressive would be discontinued rapidly. On the charge of homophobia (A truly stupid word if you understand language.) It is a slur thrown around without proper forethought mostly with only the intent to vilify the one being branded homophobic, mainly as the one called such is not fearful or hateful, but rather, merely in disagreement about the matter.
I have been raised to disbelieve global warming all my life, being told that the rise and fall of worldwide temperatures was a documented phenomenon that has been a continued cycle in which warmer temperatures have benefited humanity as a whole. I am also disinclined to believe people who support these positions also think that cow farts are the real problem. If you have good information to offer me I would be glad to see it.

@HighPockets group

Sup. How was church?

Never got to go. We're snowed in completely… This is the second week that's happened.

I couldn't go either….anxiety and a headache.

Deleted user

well that was….chaotic. Perhaps we refrain from talking politics?

Deleted user

I have been raised to disbelieve global warming all my life, being told that the rise and fall of worldwide temperatures was a documented phenomenon that has been a continued cycle in which warmer temperatures have benefited humanity as a whole. I am also disinclined to believe people who support these positions also think that cow farts are the real problem. If you have good information to offer me I would be glad to see it.