forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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humans #don’t effect climate

You do know that because Genghis Khan killed so many people that 700m tonnes of carbon was scrubbed from the atmosphere – roughly the quantity of carbon dioxide generated in a year through global petrol consumption – by allowing previously populated and cultivated land to return to carbon-absorbing forest….. right?

So yes they do effect climate. Everything Humans do on this planet effects it. It's a living thing with a lifespan as all planets and stars are not an immortal being.


Yes please, educate us.
Also, I'm still writing a long debate thingy about all the positivity stuff on a separate tab, so I'm sorry if I interrupt with it in the future


Yes please, educate us.
Also, I'm still writing a long debate thingy about all the positivity stuff on a separate tab, so I'm sorry if I interrupt with it in the future

You can just PM me if you want

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Why are there so many people that do not believe in global warming….?

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lmaooooo good evidence of something that’s been happening long before the industrial revolution? ok lmao😂
guarantee no one even took a second glance at the link I provided

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The left has effectively brainwashed this generation into supporting policies that destroy industries and cause more harm than good

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The left has effectively brainwashed this generation into supporting policies that destroy industries and cause more harm than good

Yo dude. Um, keep it to statistics and logic 'kay? We want to be nice here.

Deleted user

lmaooooo good evidence of something that’s been happening long before the industrial revolution? ok lmao😂
guarantee no one even took a second glance at the link I provided

Did you even look at the link I provided? Your link was to an unreliable source. Please make sure when you are debating to not provide a source that is completely biased and incorrect. I provided a source that disproved your point that humans have an effect on the worlds climate and your response is that the "left" is a brainwashing gargoyle.


OOF… My mom saw this conversation and gave me a talk… Well first off, she's on my side, second, she's slightly upset about the fact that I'm exposed to cursing, and third, her talk was extremely positive, she's an adult who's seen the real world in all its light and still agreed that the world is a beautiful place, so I'm guessing that means I'm not far off. I would repeat what she said however she was extremely religious through the whole thing, mentioned abortion as one of the world's problems (which is a controversial topic for another day), and said something about how "The moment people start using curse words in their arguments is how you know you're winning and they're just pissed off liberals" which I realize would be quite offensive to say so I'll keep her points to myself for the most part.

What she said about cursing was definitely offensive. I'd like to let you know that just because I'm cursing doesn't mean I'm angry. I don't think I've gone a day without cursing since I was 12. And even if I had been angry, it doesn't mean you're winning. It just means I'm getting a bit more emotional, but there's nothing wrong about that and it doesn't mean my argument is invalid. It also doesn't mean I'm a "pissed off liberal"??? Like where did that even come from? That suggests that all other political parties don't curse when they get upset (which is completely untrue, I can't tell you how many Republicans I've met who have cursed me out because I disagreed with them. But it's the same with everyone, no matter what political party. Some people just get upset when somebody disagrees with them.)

As mentioned before, that was a joke based off of a previous debate she experienced.
(Slightly unrelated note, I'm 13 and have never spoken a single curse word other than maybe "crap" in my lifetime…)

Now, I don't mean to offend you but I'm not going to take your mother's viewpoint seriously, only because she gave me no facts to argue. Just opinions.

She mentioned multiple facts during the little talk thing, I can't remember them exactly because it was just a talk and my memory is not perfect, but I might be able to find some articles or something for some of the things she said if that makes sense.

And just because you think the world is a good place because you've seen more good things happen than bad, doesn't mean this world is a good place. She is only one person. If you compare her experiences with statistics and news reports that talk about terrible things that happen, she's lucky. Again, not trying to be offensive, just saying the fact that she's seen enough good to be convinced that there is more good than bad in this world makes her really really lucky.

Oh, she's seen the bad. She spent a lot of time growing up in St. Louis, MO, which is one of the most dangerous, crime-ridden cities in America. Not to mention she's lost so many people throughout her life, she's watched as the twin towers fell, she's had her own children die before they were even born, she's had her own friends leave her, and she's been through some rough pancake batter. She also has multiple health issues (don't know the names, but one of which affects her memory and another is caused by her weight, which isn't visibly noticeable but still a problem, and those are only the ones I'm aware of) and she never gets to rest. She's always working her rear end off, cleaning our every mess ("our" being my siblings, pets, and me), tending to our every wound, fighting all our fights with us, watching us, feeding us, taking care of us, teaching us, to the point where she rarely gets enough sleep or takes care of herself, and has regular headaches, pains, and sicknesses from how hard she works to keep us safe. She's so busy making sure we can live our happiest lives, that she suffers mildly for our sake. Yet she still remains positive despite everything she's been through, she smiles daily and plows through every obstacle that comes her way. Maybe it's because she's my mom, but I look up to her and wish I could be even half as strong as she is. So yeah, you can trust her viewpoint, she clearly knows what she's talking about. Not to mention she's almost 50, so she was raised either at the time or before most of these positive movements began (most notable being the LGBT+ movement), meaning she's seen how oppressed people can be, yet she still smiles. I absolutely love her, in case it's not obvious. (Also, her experiences aren't even slightly bad in comparison to my grandpa's, he's broken nearly every bone in his body at least once, he had polio at age 10, he's lost almost all of his family and he still goes through every day with this big smile as if none of it ever happened. I absolutely love him too…)

Although, I might be a bit biased since I've seen hardly any good in this world.

Well if that's the case, we're both severely biased. I'll admit it here, I'm a spoiled little brat who probably doesn't know what true pain feels like. The worst loss I've ever experienced was the death of my great grandmother, the most hunger I've ever experienced was the time I skipped both breakfast and lunch because I was a picky eater, and the worst poverty we've ever been in was a few years ago, and the worst that happened was we didn't get half as many Christmas presents. But I'm aware that I'm biased, which is why I came to this thread in the first place, to see other people's viewpoints so I can feel less ignorant.

I've gotten beaten, cursed out, told to kill myself, threatened, assaulted, screamed at, etc. I know people who have been raped. I've lost people I've loved. I've seen and felt the effects of grief. I've seen how drugs can affect a person, I've seen a friend lose everything and have to live on the streets. I've lived with no food and no locks on my doors. I live with a broken family and parents who don't take care of me and my siblings, and there have been times where I had to work and buy food because we didn't have any, and there was a baby in the house that needed to eat. Not once have I lived in a nice house and always been well fed. Not once have I felt safe in my own home. I have never not felt threatened by my parents, and I've never been able to truly love or trust anybody but my brothers and sister. I've never felt truly loved by anybody, ever (except for my dog, but she passed away last year. I wrote a song about her). And I can promise you that none of this is an exaggeration.

…I don't really have much to say, that's awful and I wish I could help. Just know that I love you, okay? You're a good friend and I like talking to you, even if most of our conversations are either really short or debates. hugs

And there are people in this world, people that I know, who are going through much worse.

Again, I'm really sorry to hear about that… even more hugs because I don't know what to say

We're both probably very biased on this topic because of what we've seen and gone through. But I can show you so many things that make this world a terrifying and sad place to live in. I'm sure you can show me a lot of good things as well, but not enough.

I'm just going to get straight to my belief, and that's that no horrible things can wash away the beauty this world has to offer. Again, maybe I'm wrong, but until I witness something so cruel, so awful, so common that it strips away all the light that was there in the first place, my stance isn't changing.

I also feel like at this point we might be arguing slightly different things. I never said that we should lose hope. Hope is something we need to get through this messed up life. It encourages us to do better, keeps us from giving up.

Agreed, hope is something everyone should have. There's always a way to make things better, there's always light somewhere.

All I'm trying to say is that we need to recognize how terrible of a place we live in. Don't look away from all the bad. Don't deny what's going on. Look at everything terrible that happens and say "we can do better, we can fix this."

Once again, I agree. We need to be aware of the bad in order to improve it, but we also need to be aware of the good around us in order to save it. As I mentioned before, it's healthy to be aware of mistakes and try to fix them, but if you only see the mistakes and don't take the time to acknowledge the good things, you may end up destroying all that was great in the first place. Don't look away from the bad, but don't look away from the good, either. Look at all the wonders that happen and say "this is incredible, we're on the right track. We can keep this up, I know we can."

Nutella I love you and I love the effort you put into this but you are missing so much information

Sure, homeless people are a minority in the US, but 80% of the world's population lives in poverty, which is really messed up.

You also seem to be missing some information here, only ten percent of the population is in extreme poverty, and that 80% statistic is for people making less than $10 a day, which for all we know, could include adults still living off their parents, artists who only sell a painting every few weeks, etc. Nothing specifically says that they're suffering from it. Also, global poverty rates are dropping like crazy, we went from 1.75 billion people in extreme poverty to a few million.

Yes, modern medicine is improving, but right now it's not good enough. I saw a 2-year-old on his death bed when I was 14.

There's always going to be illness. If we're going by that logic, medicine will never be good enough. There's always going to be children who die early deaths, but the least we can do is try and prevent it.

Medicine and healthcare (mostly healthcare) are both so screwed up right now, and seeing such horrible things happen to innocent people… it changes you. I still have hope, of course, but I'm incapable of believing that this world is a beautiful place when I see things like that.

Storytime! As I've mentioned before, my grandpa's had a really tough life. His family wasn't very wealthy, and at 10 years old (might've been 11 or 12, I don't remember), he contracted a serious case of polio. He was told he wouldn't survive, and that if he did, he'd never be able to walk again. Years went by where he couldn't even move, he had to be carried to the bathroom because he had no strength left in his body. Yet somehow, after years of pain, suffering, and prayer, he started to recover. He gained the strength to not only survive but to walk again. Since then he's also broken multiple bones, had surgeries on his eyes, knees, heart, etc, survived cancer, lost all his teeth, and went through many other awful tragedies, yet he's one of the happiest people I know. Not to mention his parents and most of his siblings are all dead.

…But obviously, his happiness must be because he's never seen the real world, never felt true pain, and never stopped to look at the twisted, awful state humanity is in.

Sarcasm aside, he's seen everything. He's watched as people go hungry on the streets, he's seen his own family die in front of him, he's lived through terrors I can't even imagine, and yet he still believes this world is beautiful. Why? Because he's seen the miracles too, he's not blind to the bad, but he's not blind to the good, either. He still keeps this positive outlook on life, even when everything seems to be against him. In fact, I don't think I've seen him go a day without this big, dorky smile on his face as he fills his bird feeder or tends to his mini garden. People like him are solid evidence that this world is incredible, and it warms my heart just thinking about it.

Depression isn't the only mental illness. Beyond that, mental illness isn't the only thing that can make a person unhappy. Grief, poverty, loneliness, etc.

I'm aware of that too, but I was getting kinda sick of looking up statistics so I stopped there.

People are still getting beaten and killed for their sexuality. I'm happy that things are improving and the LGBT community is becoming more accepted, but there are places around the world where you'll get killed for loving the wrong person. Gay concentration camps exist today. We're nowhere near where we should be.

I know we aren't, but if you think about it, most people are opposed to that kind of thing. Even the majority of those who believe homosexuality is sinful which includes me are opposed to killing them or taking away their rights. Very few people are happy with the torture gays are being put through, which is why despite how awful it is, I don't see it as enough to prove this world is corrupted. It's an example of terrible people in this world, but the hate towards it shows that good people exist as well.

I know the world will never be perfect. But it's also not at all a good place. I'm genuinely shocked at how convinced you are that this world is a good place. I'm impressed that you seem to have never had to deal with real problems or hardships, because if you did, you would know that this world isn't as beautiful as you used to think.

You're right, I'm a privileged, spoiled, overly happy little brat who doesn't know the true meaning of pain. But my mom does, my grandpa does, almost all of my family members do, yet they still have these positive attitudes and believe the world is incredible.

At the same time, I envy you. You're living in ignorant bliss, much like a lot of young children do. Sometimes I miss not knowing how brutal the world is. Of course, it's always good to look at the bright side of things, but there's a difference between positivity and encouragement, and ignorance.

True, I'm pretty ignorant. But as mentioned before, that's why I'm here. I came to see the opinions of others, hear about the problems in the world, and learn more about what I'm arguing against, and so far, my perspective hasn't changed even after all those awful things you've told me about. This world is still an incredible place, and I'm happy to live here.

But we can't let people live like that anymore. We need to open our eyes and act.

Once again, you're right there, we need to know the problems in order to solve them.

We need to recognize that most of this world is an absolute shithole.

Except it isn't??? Sure, it's full of bad things, but as I've mentioned a million times before, it's full of even more miracles, blessings, smiles, kittens, and incredible moments than any bad can ever eliminate.

I'm sorry to tell you that this world isn't what you thought, NutElla. And if you don't believe me, PM me. I'll prove it. I'll dig up statistics on the horrible things that happen in this world. I can tell you personal stories about terrible things me, my friends, and my family have all gone through.

Please do tell me them. Even after all your past points, I still believe this world is incredible. I've seen too many wonderful things to believe this world is any less than beautiful. Just because you haven't searched for the light doesn't mean it's not there. The world we live in is full of blessings, and hopefully one day you'll start to see them.

(Sorry if this interrupts another debate)

Deleted user

The Industrial Revolution saw the beginning of the plunge towards global warming because of the ample amounts of pollution and destruction it caused to the planet, which has only gotten worse with the development of Nuclear energy and consumption. Humans are indeed one of the main factors of global warming.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The Industrial Revolution saw the beginning of the plunge towards global warming because of the ample amounts of pollution and destruction it caused to the planet, which has only gotten worse with the development of Nuclear energy and consumption. Humans are indeed one of the main factors of global warming.

Well I believe that the temperatures do change and have been changing. But I have heard it is a cycle. And that the warm side benefits humanity.

Deleted user

The Industrial Revolution saw the beginning of the plunge towards global warming because of the ample amounts of pollution and destruction it caused to the planet, which has only gotten worse with the development of Nuclear energy and consumption. Humans are indeed one of the main factors of global warming.

Well I believe that the temperatures do change and have been changing. But I have heard it is a cycle. And that the warm side benefits humanity.

Until it gets too hot or too cold for humanity to survive right? Like the severe winter we just had were people froze to death in Chicago for being outside for barely any time at all?