forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 66 followers


Alright, I feel like this quote I overheard from my mom the other day might start an argument, so I'm going to throw it here:

"You know what's sad? As much as I dislike Trump, considering the possible candidates for the next election… I'd totally vote for him again."

I would never vote for Trump. In my opinion, he's not at all a good president. I'm voting for Bernie Sanders if he's one of the candidates in 2020

Deleted user

Socialism is good in theory. I'd be interested to see how Bernie Sanders could make it work within the US.

I didn't vote for Trump the first time nor will I the second time.


I'm agreeing that the whole "cooperation to succeed" aspect is good in theory, but in our culture, making the switch to socialism might not go too smoothly.

@ClownB*tch eco

ok so i know it's mentioned somewhere in here cuz that's literally how i found this chat but im too lazy to go back and read, what's everyone's opinion on poly relationships?