forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I mean… it is the airport's right to have whoever they feel like in their building. If they disagree with who the chain supports, why should they be obligated to let them make money off of their customers?

Deleted user

Ahem. And now, Sparky Studios presents a Controversial Production….

I call this piece "Dear Straight People"

Dear Straight People,
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Do you have to make it so obvious that I make you uncomfortable?
Why do I make you uncomfortable?
Do you know that makes me uncomfortable?

Now we both uncomfortable!

Dear Straight People,
You’re the reason we stay in the closet.
You’re the reason we even have a closet.
I don’t like closets, but you made the living room an unshared space
and now I’m feeling like a guest in my own house.

Dear Straight People,
Sexuality and gender? Two. Different. Things.
combined in many different ways.
If you mismatch your socks, you understand.

Dear Hip-Hop,
Why are you fascinated with discovering gay rappers?
Gay people rap. Just like gay people ride bikes and eat tofu.

Dear Straight People,
I don’t think God has a sexual orientation,
but if she were straight, she’d be a dope ally.
Why else would she invent rainbows?

Dear Straight Women,
I mean, “Straight Women.”
Leave me the fuck alone!

Dear Straight Men,
If I’m flirting with you, it’s because I think it’s funny. Just laugh.

Dear Straight People,
I’m tired of proving that my love is authentic. So I’m calling for reparations.
When did you realize you were straight? Who taught you?
Did it happen because your parents are divorced?
Did it happen because your parents are not divorced?
Did it happen because you sniffed too much glue in 5th grade?

Dear Straight People,
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do you have to stare at me when I’m holding my girlfriend’s hand like I’m about to rob you?

Dear Straight People,
You make me want to fuckin’ rob you!

Dear Straight Allies,
thank you, more please!

Dear Straight Bullies,
You’re right. We don’t have the same values.
You kill everything that’s different, I preserve it.

Tell me, what happened to
Jorge Mercado?
Sakia Gunn?
Lawrence King?

What happened to the souls alienated
in between too many high school walls,
who planned the angels of their deaths in math class,
who imagined their funerals as ticker-tape parades,
who thought the afterlife was more like an after party.

Did you notice that hate
is alive and well in too many lunch rooms,
taught in the silence of too many teachers,
passed down like second hand clothing
from too many parents?

Dear Queer Young Girl,
I see you.
You don’t want them to see you so you change the pronouns in your love poems to “him” instead of “her.”
I used to do that.

Dear Straight People,
You make young poets make bad edits.

Dear Straight People,
Kissing my girlfriend in public without looking to see who’s around is a luxury I do not fully have yet.

But tonight, I am drunk in my freedom,
grab her hand on the busiest street corner in my city,
zip my fingers into hers and press our lips firmly,
until we melt their stares into a standing ovation, imagine
that we are in a sea of smiling faces,
even when we’re not
and when we’re not,
we start shoveling,
digging deep into each other’s eyes we say,
“Hey Baby, can’t nothing stop this tonight”
because tonight, this world is broken
and we’re the only thing
that’s going to keep it together.

Deleted user

I will add that this is not by me it is by a wonderful woman called Denice Frohman, but it speaks to my soul and fits the bill of this chat


This is a debate thread, so I'm permitted to say this. (Warning: Controversial):

Dear Gay People,
Being straight isn't a choice either.

…I know, serious controversy here


This is a debate thread, so I'm permitted to say this. (Warning: Controversial):

Dear Gay People,
Being straight isn't a choice either.

…I know, serious controversy here

^^ Very true though.

Deleted user

Ahem. And now, Sparky Studios presents a Controversial Production….

I call this piece "Dear Straight People"

Dear Straight People,
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Do you have to make it so obvious that I make you uncomfortable?
Why do I make you uncomfortable?
Do you know that makes me uncomfortable?

Now we both uncomfortable!

Dear Straight People,
You’re the reason we stay in the closet.
You’re the reason we even have a closet.
I don’t like closets, but you made the living room an unshared space
and now I’m feeling like a guest in my own house.

Dear Straight People,
Sexuality and gender? Two. Different. Things.
combined in many different ways.
If you mismatch your socks, you understand.

Dear Hip-Hop,
Why are you fascinated with discovering gay rappers?
Gay people rap. Just like gay people ride bikes and eat tofu.

Dear Straight People,
I don’t think God has a sexual orientation,
but if she were straight, she’d be a dope ally.
Why else would she invent rainbows?

Dear Straight Women,
I mean, “Straight Women.”
Leave me the fuck alone!

Dear Straight Men,
If I’m flirting with you, it’s because I think it’s funny. Just laugh.

Dear Straight People,
I’m tired of proving that my love is authentic. So I’m calling for reparations.
When did you realize you were straight? Who taught you?
Did it happen because your parents are divorced?
Did it happen because your parents are not divorced?
Did it happen because you sniffed too much glue in 5th grade?

Dear Straight People,
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do you have to stare at me when I’m holding my girlfriend’s hand like I’m about to rob you?

Dear Straight People,
You make me want to fuckin’ rob you!

Dear Straight Allies,
thank you, more please!

Dear Straight Bullies,
You’re right. We don’t have the same values.
You kill everything that’s different, I preserve it.

Tell me, what happened to
Jorge Mercado?
Sakia Gunn?
Lawrence King?

What happened to the souls alienated
in between too many high school walls,
who planned the angels of their deaths in math class,
who imagined their funerals as ticker-tape parades,
who thought the afterlife was more like an after party.

Did you notice that hate
is alive and well in too many lunch rooms,
taught in the silence of too many teachers,
passed down like second hand clothing
from too many parents?

Dear Queer Young Girl,
I see you.
You don’t want them to see you so you change the pronouns in your love poems to “him” instead of “her.”
I used to do that.

Dear Straight People,
You make young poets make bad edits.

Dear Straight People,
Kissing my girlfriend in public without looking to see who’s around is a luxury I do not fully have yet.

But tonight, I am drunk in my freedom,
grab her hand on the busiest street corner in my city,
zip my fingers into hers and press our lips firmly,
until we melt their stares into a standing ovation, imagine
that we are in a sea of smiling faces,
even when we’re not
and when we’re not,
we start shoveling,
digging deep into each other’s eyes we say,
“Hey Baby, can’t nothing stop this tonight”
because tonight, this world is broken
and we’re the only thing
that’s going to keep it together.

This reminds me of the one poetry slam from the channel Button Poetry, is that just me?

@HighPockets group

Ahem. And now, Sparky Studios presents a Controversial Production….

I call this piece "Dear Straight People"

Dear Straight People,
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Do you have to make it so obvious that I make you uncomfortable?
Why do I make you uncomfortable?
Do you know that makes me uncomfortable?

Now we both uncomfortable!

Dear Straight People,
You’re the reason we stay in the closet.
You’re the reason we even have a closet.
I don’t like closets, but you made the living room an unshared space
and now I’m feeling like a guest in my own house.

Dear Straight People,
Sexuality and gender? Two. Different. Things.
combined in many different ways.
If you mismatch your socks, you understand.

Dear Hip-Hop,
Why are you fascinated with discovering gay rappers?
Gay people rap. Just like gay people ride bikes and eat tofu.

Dear Straight People,
I don’t think God has a sexual orientation,
but if she were straight, she’d be a dope ally.
Why else would she invent rainbows?

Dear Straight Women,
I mean, “Straight Women.”
Leave me the fuck alone!

Dear Straight Men,
If I’m flirting with you, it’s because I think it’s funny. Just laugh.

Dear Straight People,
I’m tired of proving that my love is authentic. So I’m calling for reparations.
When did you realize you were straight? Who taught you?
Did it happen because your parents are divorced?
Did it happen because your parents are not divorced?
Did it happen because you sniffed too much glue in 5th grade?

Dear Straight People,
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do you have to stare at me when I’m holding my girlfriend’s hand like I’m about to rob you?

Dear Straight People,
You make me want to fuckin’ rob you!

Dear Straight Allies,
thank you, more please!

Dear Straight Bullies,
You’re right. We don’t have the same values.
You kill everything that’s different, I preserve it.

Tell me, what happened to
Jorge Mercado?
Sakia Gunn?
Lawrence King?

What happened to the souls alienated
in between too many high school walls,
who planned the angels of their deaths in math class,
who imagined their funerals as ticker-tape parades,
who thought the afterlife was more like an after party.

Did you notice that hate
is alive and well in too many lunch rooms,
taught in the silence of too many teachers,
passed down like second hand clothing
from too many parents?

Dear Queer Young Girl,
I see you.
You don’t want them to see you so you change the pronouns in your love poems to “him” instead of “her.”
I used to do that.

Dear Straight People,
You make young poets make bad edits.

Dear Straight People,
Kissing my girlfriend in public without looking to see who’s around is a luxury I do not fully have yet.

But tonight, I am drunk in my freedom,
grab her hand on the busiest street corner in my city,
zip my fingers into hers and press our lips firmly,
until we melt their stares into a standing ovation, imagine
that we are in a sea of smiling faces,
even when we’re not
and when we’re not,
we start shoveling,
digging deep into each other’s eyes we say,
“Hey Baby, can’t nothing stop this tonight”
because tonight, this world is broken
and we’re the only thing
that’s going to keep it together.

This reminds me of the one poetry slam from the channel Button Poetry, is that just me?

One of my friends read this as part of her forensics thing!

Deleted user

And… I literally had just credited Denice Frohman in the post right after that one. So… yeah. But yeah, it is from that poetry slam.


Dear LGBT People,

I may have not had a crush before, but that doesn't make me "unsure". I can tell through my awkwardness levels that I like guys, I'm female, and I'm most definitely human.

I may be religious, but that doesn't immediately mean I'm a terrible human.

I'm not going to fake being ace, trans, NB, or bi just to impress people.

I'm not any less of a person for who I am, and you aren't either.

So can we stop mindlessly hating on each other?

You deserve equality as much as I do. But despite all that, the world will never be perfect, there will always be hate, judgment, anger, suffering, and nothing we can do will change that. So instead, how about we be a bit more open-minded? And I mean both of us.
A lot of so-called "homophobic" people are just ignorant (I know I am), so instead of hating on them mindlessly, how about you try to educate them? Instead of trying to make them feel bad, show some compassion.
…I used to be quite the "homophobe", I remember saying some truly awful things about you guys in the past, which, of course, was immediately showered with hate once anyone else saw it. And while that hate was completely justifiable, my judgemental self just assumed everyone was a pathetic snowflake because of how harshly they reacted. If people had tried to teach me, not only would I have not seen them as "pathetic snowflakes" but I'd also have been way less of a self-centered little jerk who laughed in the face of those who suffer and refused to be a decent pancaking human being for crying out loud. (I may still believe that it's sinful to marry your own gender but I'm not going to make fun of people for it or claim that they're faking things for attention, I have a right to my opinion and they have a right to theirs.)
You want equality, correct? Well, to achieve that, not only are we going to have to treat you as fellow humans, but you've got to treat us as humans, too. Show compassion even in the face of hate, trust me, it not only helps other people understand and support your cause but usually your haters will feel extremely embarrassed once they realize how badly they messed up, which is the best way of getting revenge in my opinion.

So Dear LGBT People,
If you want people to see you as humans, you have to see them as humans, too. Don't just assume everyone's out to pick on you. Don't immediately jump to meaningless insults when someone disagrees with you. Please, if you really want to be seen as equals, treat others as equals, too.

This has been my long opinionated rant for the day, hope we can finally set our differences aside and be decent human beings even when no one else is. Alright?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ahem. And now, Sparky Studios presents a Controversial Production….

I call this piece "Dear Straight People"

Dear Straight People,
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Do you have to make it so obvious that I make you uncomfortable?
Yeah this is the logical fallacy of Generalization. Many straight people are okay with that.
Why do I make you uncomfortable?
Do you know that makes me uncomfortable?

Now we both uncomfortable!
Yay. Why does anyone care?

Dear Straight People,
You’re the reason we stay in the closet.
You’re the reason we even have a closet.
I don’t like closets, but you made the living room an unshared space
and now I’m feeling like a guest in my own house.
And I’m a Christian so I will be looked down on for it. Such is life.

Dear Straight People,
Sexuality and gender? Two. Different. Things.
combined in many different ways.
That’s even more confusing. Last time I checked gender meant sexuality. Where does sex fit in?
If you mismatch your socks, you understand.
Bad analogy.

Dear Hip-Hop,
Why are you fascinated with discovering gay rappers?
Gay people rap. Just like gay people ride bikes and eat tofu.

Dear Straight People,
I don’t think God has a sexual orientation,
but if she were straight, she’d be a dope ally.
Why else would she invent rainbows?
It was in one of the most prevalent Bible stories. Do some research.

Dear Straight Women,
I mean, “Straight Women.”
Leave me the fuck alone!

Dear Straight Men,
If I’m flirting with you, it’s because I think it’s funny. Just laugh.
Guys are known for being stupid about this stuff. If you flirt with one that’s your dumb decision.

Dear Straight People,
I’m tired of proving that my love is authentic. So I’m calling for reparations.
When did you realize you were straight? Who taught you?
Did it happen because your parents are divorced?
Did it happen because your parents are not divorced?
Did it happen because you sniffed too much glue in 5th grade?

Dear Straight People,
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do I have to prove my love is authentic?
Why do you have to stare at me when I’m holding my girlfriend’s hand like I’m about to rob you?

Dear Straight People,
You make me want to fuckin’ rob you!
That’s hardly the proper response. You’re not winning support this way.

Dear Straight Allies,
thank you, more please!

Dear Straight Bullies,
You’re right. We don’t have the same values.
You kill everything that’s different, I preserve it.
Well it depends. If you’re calling bullies bullies that’s fine. If you’re doing that because we’re “homophobes” just because we don’t support what you do, kindly shut up.

Tell me, what happened to
Jorge Mercado?
Sakia Gunn?
Lawrence King?

What happened to the souls alienated
in between too many high school walls,
who planned the angels of their deaths in math class,
who imagined their funerals as ticker-tape parades,
who thought the afterlife was more like an after party.
And once again it’s because the bad people were just too mean. Grow a thick skin. Life is hard. People don’t have to agree with you or pander to your style of beliefs.

Did you notice that hate
is alive and well in too many lunch rooms,
taught in the silence of too many teachers,
passed down like second hand clothing
from too many parents?

Dear Queer Young Girl,
I see you.
You don’t want them to see you so you change the pronouns in your love poems to “him” instead of “her.”
I used to do that.

Dear Straight People,
You make young poets make bad edits.
Or Dear Queer Girl is the one making her own choices to hide instead of being brave. A reasonable thing to do. But don’t blame others for her choice.

Dear Straight People,
Kissing my girlfriend in public without looking to see who’s around is a luxury I do not fully have yet.

But tonight, I am drunk in my freedom,
grab her hand on the busiest street corner in my city,
zip my fingers into hers and press our lips firmly,
until we melt their stares into a standing ovation, imagine
that we are in a sea of smiling faces,
even when we’re not
and when we’re not,
we start shoveling,
digging deep into each other’s eyes we say,
“Hey Baby, can’t nothing stop this tonight”
because tonight, this world is broken
and we’re the only thing
that’s going to keep it together.
Well isn’t that arrogant.


Applaudes Ella because that was a well thought-out speech and I honestly couldn't have said it better myself.

Really in the end it's just about educating people and accepting each other despite all of our differences. I really hope one day that being a decent person to all humans is a bit more commonplace than it currently is now. That's not to say past efforts to get to where we are were null and void. It's just to state that we can still do better. We still have room to improve as a whole society.

Deleted user

I'm not going to fake being ace, trans, NB, or bi just to impress people.

Oh honey. Why would I fake being part of a community discriminated and put down daily? Why would I want stares of horror when I accidentally say out loud how cute that one girl, yes her, no I'm not thinking of a guy with long hair, is. Honestly, I would prefer to be straight most days. But it's pride for a reason, okay? We should feel confident in our own diverse skins, k?

Rant over now sorry if I was harsh I don't hold anything against you I'M FUCKING SORRY OKAY??!! LET'S JUST ALL CALM DOWN AND RANT ABOUT HOW SHITTY TRUMP IS!!


I’ve heard a few stories of people who pretend they’re LGBT over the internet when they’re completely straight in real life, you know, for the sake of Pity PointsTM. It’s not common, but it’s happened.
Anyways, I’m pretty sure we can both agree that those people are awful, correct? Moving on…

I know practically nothing about Trump. Educate me.


There is… a lot to say about him. I personally am very against Trump. But if someone here is for him, PLEASE say why because I'm around anti-Trump people mostly and I want to hear a convincing argument.


From what I’ve seen (which isn’t much) Trump is an alright president and a terrible person.

^Accurate. He's basically a reverse Jimmy Carter at this point.


Alright, I feel like this quote I overheard from my mom the other day might start an argument, so I'm going to throw it here:

"You know what's sad? As much as I dislike Trump, considering the possible candidates for the next election… I'd totally vote for him again."

Deleted user

Ella I'm curious– Why does everyone else have to educate you? Why don't you do your own research on Trump? LGBTQ+ issues? Or other controversial topics?

I've seen you say that you are too lazy to do so, but then you argue points that don't make sense/are extremely biased and then get made when people attack your point and play victim by saying everyone hates you. (which isn't true.) All of this information is just a few google searches away and you are already on the internet searching for memes so why not search actual issues? Part of becoming an adult is to educate yourself on the world around you and come up with your own thoughts, not regurgitate what your mom says or what other's have already pointed out.

I say this with zero harshness or malicious intent, I'm honestly just curious.


Well, to be honest, I don't really need other people to educate me anymore. My mom, after spying on my computer activity twice a month, is starting to realize that I'm not an 8-year-old, so she's actually starting to talk to me about these issues and allows me to surf the internet a bit more. I've actually been doing my own research lately and so far, she hasn't said anything or taken away my internet access.
However, before all this happened, I had to worry about her reading through my search history and/or spying on my computer every once in a while. And somehow, I got this idea that if she saw me looking up these things, she'd take away all of my internet access, ground me for a month, and have a really long embarrassing talk with me. (…She's actually really chill and probably wouldn't care, I'm just known to overdramatize things in my head) So of course, me not wanting to risk it, I sat around doing nothing and hoped for the best. Another problem I worried about way too often was the fact that I share my google account with all my little siblings, so if I searched something, they might get ads or searches based off of it on their computers, and… uh… then I'd have a reason to worry.
…There are also some topics I just don't want to look up because not only would it be extremely boring to scroll through some guy's twitter but the knowledge would be completely useless to me except in debates.
Also, one last thing… Can we forget that entire event? The one with the dramatic victim-playing and everything? I was trying to function on 4 hours of sleep and the way I reacted makes me cringe… I was being a dramatic little baby and I truly apologize for it.Thank you