forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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@Mojack group

Oh lordy I’ve seen the photo where it shows the genders and the arm being female but the rest of the body being how does that even work? Also the people that make genders for ‘objects’ (eg the moviegender one) give the people that might actually need support or are questioning or even just in the LGBTQ+ community a bad name.

On another note, otherkin. I’m someone who believes in past lives and such, but the whole otherkin thing gets a little bit..cringeworthy. I’ve searched up photos and found one that apparently a ‘dragon kin’ swallowed their mother’s diamond because they were being “starved.” I’m considering doing a study on otherkin in the future. Just a bit of research.

@Mojack group

When I say past lives, I don’t really mean just human past lives.

I loosely believe in it, but what I might describe is that there’s no way to know for sure if they were one in their past life, since they’ve forgotten everything when they’ve started their new life instead.

So, there would be no possible way to know for sure.

Deleted user

idk about being an animal in a past life….but another person? Sure. Energy is neither created nor destroyed and what is a soul if not a collection of our energy?

@Moxie group

I disagree. The movie was better, specifically the villain. Rasputin? Legendary. In the Dark of the Night? A bop. Though, I do love the costumes in the musical more than in the movie.

Deleted user

Once Upon A December tho…..

we were all a little gay for our sassy redheaded princess


Doesn't know who those characters are or what poly means

I suck at describing things but poly means being able to commit to multiple partners at the same time with consent


Bump with a new ish topic

So Chick Fil A? The fast food restaurant was banned from the San Antonio airport because the chain donates money to anti-LGBTQ organizations. What do you think? Is it fair fro them to have banned it entirely? (I'm sorry if it's not a great topic but I'm bored)