forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 66 followers

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So on the otherkin subject. I'm not sure how I feel on it. I'm all for personal freedom, but when people picture the LGBT community and they think of otherkin, that projects a less than stellar image for us.

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As a bisexual, I can't even tell you what it stands for anymore.


I'm gay, and I believe that LGBT encompasses people who aren't straight, cisgender, and experience romantic attraction. That has some exceptions though, I'm hesitant to allow those who identify their gender as an inanimate object into our community. Asexuals and Aromantics, y'all are cool.

@HighPockets group

Can someone tell me what the acronym stands for these days? There are too many letters for me to keep up anymore.

Most people use LGBTQA+
So lesbian, gay, trans(including nobinary, genderfluid, etc.) queer (for people who don't really have a label or choose not to use a label beyond 'not straight'. It also stand for questioning sometimes) and aromantics/asexuals/agender people. The plus is there for sexualities and genders that fall under an umbrella and don't have a letter, like pans, polys, demis, and grays.

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Can I have an example? Because this is the bizarrest shit ive ever heard

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So…. my left arm can be male but the rest of me is female……

I think imma just be Bi.


The tumblr blog @/uncommongenders should have info straight from the source. Scroll down a bit for gems such as "moviegender" "charmgender" and "arthogender"