forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Yeah it can be, depending on where you live. I don't care about whether or not people get it, I just think needs to be more regulations.

Deleted user

Why does it need regulation? It's only dangerous when done wrong, and that is not as common as people think


Can you find me an article or something I can read on that? I don't know much about plastic surgery, and the show I watch is actually about plastic surgery in the UK so I have no idea what things are like in the US, and nobody I know has gotten plastic surgery, and if they have then they haven't told me about it.


Plastic surgery

I know less than nothing about this, so if anyone wants to throw knowledge at me go ahead

School dress codes?

Might be surprising to some people considering my usual view on things (people should be free to do whatever the heck they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else), but I think schools should just have a single uniform and students should stick to it. This stops all the usual complaints ("they unfairly target women and trans people more" "it's sexist to both men and women" "it prevents us from expressing ourselves" etc) and gives all the students one outfit. There's no discrimination or safety hazards because everyone's wearing the same thing, and there's no need for people to protest because everyone's treated equally. (I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong, I've never been to an actual school before.)

Religious rights.

We can all agree that people should have the rights to believe whatever they want to, right? The debate there would probably be over the right to discriminate or make public statements about their faith.


…The only thing I've heard about this is America is better than Canada in some way regarding this, don't know how or what or really anything


As with most things, I know nothing about this. Someone educate me.

@HighPockets group

Maybe they could do a school uniform that was like pants and a sweater or something, so there's no gendered dress code, but allow things like ties, bows, and pins to be worn.


Maybe they could do a school uniform that was like pants and a sweater or something, so there's no gendered dress code, but allow things like ties, bows, and pins to be worn.

That's what I was thinking.

@HighPockets group

As for self-diagnosis, it's kinda a mixed opinion from most people because basically people will feel symptoms, then look them up and 'self-diagnose' themself with a physical or mental illness. It leads to people diagnosing themselves with stuff they don't have, and I don't wanna be that guy but yeah sometimes people will self-diagnose mental illnesses to feel 'special', even though there's nothing fucking special about having a mental illness that makes your life a living hell and it shouldn't be something to take lightly, that's why psychologists and stuff exist. It's one thing to see something about depression/anxiety/bipolar disorder/autism/literally anything else and think 'oh, that sounds like stuff that I feel' and then talk to a doctor about it, but it's another to see a post about anxiety, relate to it, and then declare you have it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Exactly. In my opinion, depression (etc.) is not something that makes you special. At least for me (Back when it was a serious issue.) I was ashamed of it and liked to pretend it didn't exist. Not use it to say "Look at me I'm special!"

@HighPockets group

It depends who I'm with. If I'm with other people with depression I'm more open about it, same with anxiety, but I haven't told anyone outside this site that I have Aspergers.
Like, I've come out to more people as bi-ace than as having autism.
And I'm out to like 2 people.

@HighPockets group

Maybe if whiny fuckbois would stop making autism jokes I'd actually be open about it, but they've gotta mock everything they view as 'below them'…..


Maybe if whiny fuckbois would stop making autism jokes I'd actually be open about it, but they've gotta mock everything they view as 'below them'…..

I can not stress how much I hate that

@HighPockets group

Totally would, though.

Too bad. Are these people you know? Or the general masses?

Just some dumbasses at my school, I don't know them.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Why does it need regulation? It's only dangerous when done wrong…

You just answered your own question.

It's also important to put regulations on the plastic industry because the use is increasing as celebrities make it popular and there are lots of adverts for it.

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