forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 66 followers


Climate change brings extremes to the world. Both cold and warm. Just a month ago people were freezing to death in Chicago because of extreme temperatures, but in Australia there were record high temperatures too. Literally on two opposite sides of the earth there was near -50 degrees F and almost 118 degrees F
Two very extreme temperature and both are caused by climate change


Please do tell me them. Even after all your past points, I still believe this world is incredible. I've seen too many wonderful things to believe this world is any less than beautiful. Just because you haven't searched for the light doesn't mean it's not there. The world we live in is full of blessings, and hopefully one day you'll start to see them.

(Sorry if this interrupts another debate)

I think we're both very biased here, and I don't think either of us are going to change the other's mind. If you still want to know about the horrible things I've seen, I can PM you. I can also tell you stories about the beautiful things I've seen, but for me, they only offer temporary happiness before life screws me over again. I can tell you about my cat Strudel who sleeps curled up next to me at night and has the prettiest eyes, my old fluffy cat Oscar who couldn't ever walk straight but was still adorable and loveable, and my dog Oreo who had giant scary teeth and loved belly rubs. I can also tell you about the brother I lost, my friend who gave up because life was too much, violent and abusive family members. I'm sure you could tell me a lot about beautiful things you've seen in this world, but like you said, you haven't seen anything horrible enough to change your viewpoint. And I haven't seen anything beautiful enough to change mine.
I feel like I might change one day when I have children. But right now, I'm not going to change my stance on this.


Well either what I said is incorrect, or it doesn't get that bad.
Wait what? And also, we're discussing global warming here, if it's so bad, why are there people popsicles in Chicago?

It's called climate change now. It causes extreme weather conditions.

Deleted user

Well either what I said is incorrect, or it doesn't get that bad.
Wait what? And also, we're discussing global warming here, if it's so bad, why are there people popsicles in Chicago?

Ughhhhh. Global Warming does not literally mean the planet is only getting hotter. It means that extreme temperatures are making it so the planet is becoming uninhabitable. Global Warming & Climate Change are the same thing. Good Grief.


Well either what I said is incorrect, or it doesn't get that bad.
Wait what? And also, we're discussing global warming here, if it's so bad, why are there people popsicles in Chicago?

Ughhhhh. Global Warming does not literally mean the planet is only getting hotter. It means that extreme temperatures are making it so the planet is becoming uninhabitable. Global Warming & Climate Change are the same thing. Good Grief.

let's not get hostile, he probably just didn't know

Deleted user

Well either what I said is incorrect, or it doesn't get that bad.
Wait what? And also, we're discussing global warming here, if it's so bad, why are there people popsicles in Chicago?

Ughhhhh. Global Warming does not literally mean the planet is only getting hotter. It means that extreme temperatures are making it so the planet is becoming uninhabitable. Global Warming & Climate Change are the same thing. Good Grief.

let's not get hostile, he probably just didn't know

This wasn't hostile at all???

@HighPockets group

Well either what I said is incorrect, or it doesn't get that bad.
Wait what? And also, we're discussing global warming here, if it's so bad, why are there people popsicles in Chicago?

Polar Vortex, dude. The Midwest got fucking demolished by it.
There's always gonna be an outlier.
I live in Wisconsin, which is pretty north for the US. For 4 years in a row we got barely any snow, and when we do, it's one of these shitty vortexes in early spring/late winter.

@HighPockets group

The Industrial Revolution in England produced so much smoke and stuff that the life expectancy dropped from 40 years to 30 years.
Which would mean that I'd be having a midlife crisis right now

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well either what I said is incorrect, or it doesn't get that bad.
Wait what? And also, we're discussing global warming here, if it's so bad, why are there people popsicles in Chicago?

Polar Vortex, dude. The Midwest got fucking demolished by it.
There's always gonna be an outlier.
I live in Wisconsin, which is pretty north for the US. For 4 years in a row we got barely any snow, and when we do, it's one of these shitty vortexes in early spring/late winter.

I looked it up. Very interesting.

Deleted user

People have to be understanding of other's opinions and provide unbiased facts though. Which, understandably, can be difficult.


Alright, I googled some stuff and while I have no idea what some of these things are, I'll list them anyway

Death penalty
Plastic surgery
Abortion (I know a few things about this)
Climate change
Animal rights (I know a few things about this too)
Gun control (I've seen some details about this but not enough to know how to debate it)
School uniforms
Trump (already mentioned, I'm just bringing it back because I know absolutely nothing about him)
Religious rights (I think my opinoins here might be obvious)
The US military
Syrian refugees (?)
Border wall

Added a few more and crossed out the one we've already used.

Deleted user

Plastic surgery is controversial? (stares blankly because eris lives in southern cali where plastic surgery is the norm)