forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Yes… I know that. I have said that 3 times. That doesn't change the fact that a person's brain structure can sometimes not match their biological sex. So while they might be physically/biologically male, their brain structure is female. It creates a mental illness called gender dysphoria, and the treatment is transitioning and altering their body to make it look more like the gender they identify as.
I'm really just repeating myself, now. I've already said all of this.


Dude, that's what makes it a brain disorder. It's not supposed to happen, obviously.
How does a brain develop schizophrenia if the rest of us is normal? Why do we have a stroke if the rest of our body is healthy? In a machine, how can only one part stop working?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What I mean is it's not one piece going a little psycho. It's literally two pounds or whatever of flesh being genetically modified for some reason the rest of the body is just like "seems legit". (Except for dysphoria of course.) That's major. Compound it with all the people who say they are trans… Raises some questions.


It's a defect. It's a mental illness. That means that something went wrong. There was probably something wrong with the genes. Genetic defects do exist.


What I mean is it's not one piece going a little psycho. It's literally two pounds or whatever of flesh being genetically modified for some reason the rest of the body is just like "seems legit". (Except for dysphoria of course.) That's major. Compound it with all the people who say they are trans… Raises some questions.

I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to say here. If you're trying to say that people's brain structure shouldn't have much impact on their gender identity, that doesn't make any sense.
You're also making it seem like the brain isn't that important, and I'm sorry but that's completely wrong. All a human is, is a brain trapped in a meat suit.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's a defect. It's a mental illness. That means that something went wrong. There was probably something wrong with the genes. Genetic defects do exist.

So first you're saying being trans is because of an illness. That's what I'm getting. Whoa.
But why are they so common now? Or have they always been? Restraining myself from asking more questions. Are some people faking it?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What I mean is it's not one piece going a little psycho. It's literally two pounds or whatever of flesh being genetically modified for some reason the rest of the body is just like "seems legit". (Except for dysphoria of course.) That's major. Compound it with all the people who say they are trans… Raises some questions.

I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to say here. If you're trying to say that people's brain structure shouldn't have much impact on their gender identity, that doesn't make any sense.
You're also making it seem like the brain isn't that important, and I'm sorry but that's completely wrong. All a human is, is a brain trapped in a meat suit.

Course the brain is important. The point of my argument is why the heck doesn't the body self destruct or something if something so important is different on the most basic fundamental thing there is? (Sex)


It's a defect. It's a mental illness. That means that something went wrong. There was probably something wrong with the genes. Genetic defects do exist.

So first you're saying being trans is because of an illness. That's what I'm getting. Whoa.
But why are they so common now? Or have they always been? Restraining myself from asking more questions. Are some people faking it?

Yes. Some people disagree, but lots and lots of research says that dysphoria (which is what makes people trans) is a mental illness. But if it wasn't a real mental illness, then most surgeons wouldn't require people to have an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria before taking hormone medication or having a gender reassignment surgery.
And it's probably more common now for 3 reasons:

  • LGBT acceptance is growing, so people are becoming more comfortable and feeling safer when coming out as trans.
  • Unfortunately… some people are faking it. They're making it a trend, and it's disgusting. You can't just diagnose yourself with an illness you don't have and make it seem cool, because it's not. Being trans fucking sucks. Dysphoria makes you hate your body every day, and some people who have really bad dysphoria get suicidal because they can't stand the body they have. These people are making us look like a joke. (It's also causing several people to de-transition, which is a whole different topic)
  • Misinformation is being spread about being transgender, and people are misdiagnosing themselves. People who have self esteem/body image issues think they have dysphoria just because they don't like their body. Girls who are more masculine might think they're trans, and boys who are more feminine might think they're trans. Some people go as far as transitioning, and then get real dysphoria because their body doesn't match their brain structure anymore.


What I mean is it's not one piece going a little psycho. It's literally two pounds or whatever of flesh being genetically modified for some reason the rest of the body is just like "seems legit". (Except for dysphoria of course.) That's major. Compound it with all the people who say they are trans… Raises some questions.

I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to say here. If you're trying to say that people's brain structure shouldn't have much impact on their gender identity, that doesn't make any sense.
You're also making it seem like the brain isn't that important, and I'm sorry but that's completely wrong. All a human is, is a brain trapped in a meat suit.

Course the brain is important. The point of my argument is why the heck doesn't the body self destruct or something if something so important is different on the most basic fundamental thing there is? (Sex)

Why would the body self destruct? When has that ever happened?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I was mostly being nonspecific but if you have a thing attached to you that differs from your DNA your body will assume it is an enemy and try to destroy it. Therefore I believe your body should attack your brain if it doesn't pass the DNA test.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's a defect. It's a mental illness. That means that something went wrong. There was probably something wrong with the genes. Genetic defects do exist.

So first you're saying being trans is because of an illness. That's what I'm getting. Whoa.
But why are they so common now? Or have they always been? Restraining myself from asking more questions. Are some people faking it?

Yes. Some people disagree, but lots and lots of research says that dysphoria (which is what makes people trans) is a mental illness. But if it wasn't a real mental illness, then most surgeons wouldn't require people to have an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria before taking hormone medication or having a gender reassignment surgery.
And it's probably more common now for 3 reasons:

  • LGBT acceptance is growing, so people are becoming more comfortable and feeling safer when coming out as trans.
  • Unfortunately… some people are faking it. They're making it a trend, and it's disgusting. You can't just diagnose yourself with an illness you don't have and make it seem cool, because it's not. Being trans fucking sucks. Dysphoria makes you hate your body every day, and some people who have really bad dysphoria get suicidal because they can't stand the body they have. These people are making us look like a joke. (It's also causing several people to de-transition, which is a whole different topic)
  • Misinformation is being spread about being transgender, and people are misdiagnosing themselves. People who have self esteem/body image issues think they have dysphoria just because they don't like their body. Girls who are more masculine might think they're trans, and boys who are more feminine might think they're trans. Some people go as far as transitioning, and then get real dysphoria because their body doesn't match their brain structure anymore.

Does this mean people that say they are male one day and female the next are just faking? Or do you have an explanation for that?


It's a defect. It's a mental illness. That means that something went wrong. There was probably something wrong with the genes. Genetic defects do exist.

So first you're saying being trans is because of an illness. That's what I'm getting. Whoa.
But why are they so common now? Or have they always been? Restraining myself from asking more questions. Are some people faking it?

Yes. Some people disagree, but lots and lots of research says that dysphoria (which is what makes people trans) is a mental illness. But if it wasn't a real mental illness, then most surgeons wouldn't require people to have an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria before taking hormone medication or having a gender reassignment surgery.
And it's probably more common now for 3 reasons:

  • LGBT acceptance is growing, so people are becoming more comfortable and feeling safer when coming out as trans.
  • Unfortunately… some people are faking it. They're making it a trend, and it's disgusting. You can't just diagnose yourself with an illness you don't have and make it seem cool, because it's not. Being trans fucking sucks. Dysphoria makes you hate your body every day, and some people who have really bad dysphoria get suicidal because they can't stand the body they have. These people are making us look like a joke. (It's also causing several people to de-transition, which is a whole different topic)
  • Misinformation is being spread about being transgender, and people are misdiagnosing themselves. People who have self esteem/body image issues think they have dysphoria just because they don't like their body. Girls who are more masculine might think they're trans, and boys who are more feminine might think they're trans. Some people go as far as transitioning, and then get real dysphoria because their body doesn't match their brain structure anymore.

Does this mean people that say they are male one day and female the next are just faking? Or do you have an explanation for that?

People could be doing that for several reasons. Some are faking, others have dysphoria that doesn't affect them as harshly some days (some days they hate their body so much they want to die, others they're sort of okay with it. Intensity of dysphoria can change, just like anxiety, depression, and any other mental illness). These people are usually trans non binary (like I am, however I don't switch between genders). Others believe they're two genders different days, but they aren't. They just like expressing themselves in both masculine in feminine ways. Like a girl might sometimes like to dress masculine, but sometimes she will dress very feminine. She might believe this alone changes her gender, but it doesn't.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hmm… I guess that's a thing I should look into, then. Not sure how that works, exactly.

The cells, if I recall correctly see anything in the body that should not be there as a threat, and try to kill it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

People could be doing that for several reasons. Some are faking, others have dysphoria that doesn't affect them as harshly some days (some days they hate their body so much they want to die, others they're sort of okay with it. Intensity of dysphoria can change, just like anxiety, depression, and any other mental illness). These people are usually trans non binary (like I am, however I don't switch between genders). Others believe they're two genders different days, but they aren't. They just like expressing themselves in both masculine in feminine ways. Like a girl might sometimes like to dress masculine, but sometimes she will dress very feminine. She might believe this alone changes her gender, but it doesn't.

That seems legit.


Hmm… I guess that's a thing I should look into, then. Not sure how that works, exactly.

The cells, if I recall correctly see anything in the body that should not be there as a threat, and try to kill it.

Then maybe the brain doesn't develop based off of gender chromosomes? Not sure how it all works. Like I said, I'm going to have to look it up.


The trans thing doesn’t bother me too much, I mean, you don’t choose to develop a mental disorder. What bothers me is this one thing that I haven’t actually researched so I don’t know much about it but…


It is pretty ridiculous but I think it has something to do with anxiety/not wanting to live in reality and trying to cope with it.