forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Pickles group

Just realized that most people probably still think I'm aroace or one or the other and almost half just think I'm a lesbian. And four people know I'm biromantic because I had to clarify that I'm not a lesbian
Maybe I'm not as out as I thought I was

@Becfromthedead group

I came out in college. First to my fiancé, and they were already openly bi.
And my roommate was openly bi and very supportive.
And it turns out I accidentally became friends with a horde of bisexuals, oopsie.
I also make a point to talk about the LGBTQ+ community every time I get freedom in a project topic.


I came out late elementary school as Something because homophobia didn't exist in my immediate social circle. shout out to Ryan in my honors math class for being the first homophobe I knowingly met

@Moxie group

I'm out to a few select classes at my college (women's studies, creative writing) and I know a bunch of gay people. Other than that, I'm still pretty closeted.


I just have one question— What does it mean to be a Panic Defence State?

"The LGBTQ+ 'panic' defense strategy is a legal strategy that asks a jury to find that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity/expression is to blame for a defendant’s violent reaction, including murder. It is not a free-standing defense to criminal liability, but rather a legal tactic used to bolster other defenses."

Learn about LGBTQ "Panic" Defense

@Pickles group

it's also used to like. get you off the hook when you go out of your way to trick a gay person and kill them, and then say they came on to you and you panicked. That's premeditated murder and perjury, sir, and you're getting off with a sentence as if it was self defense

Deleted user

I know this is an older thread so I hope I’m not reviving something that people would be bothered by but I was scrolling through and I had a topic in mind. It’s political, and something that concerns me, my family, the place that we live in, etc. Anyone and everyone living here.

For backstory, I lived in Ukraine, up until 2014 when an annexation of the territory that I live in took place. Since then, it’s been registered as a federal subject of the Russian Federation. However, Ukraine still considers the area to be apart of Ukraine. This has caused a lot of conflict, still ongoing, both externally and internally for a lot of people.

So my question is. Should Crimea, the place I have been talking about, be apart of Ukraine, or Russia? Or possibly another solution is possible?

Deleted user

That does make sense, though there was a referendum (a vote for the people of Crimea) to decide if the population agreed with being apart of the Russian Federation. And if I recall correctly, 96.77% voted to join the Russian Federation.

I should mention though the referendum is considered illegitimate by many countries in the world, such as most of the members of the European Union, The United States and Canada. Also specifically Ukraine who Crimea originally was apart of was also strongly against it.

Also, even though you see the percentage to be very high, there are groups of people, particularly the heritage that I come from that is very hostile to the idea of being apart of Russia. Particularly Russians, though I personally don’t have much against the people, more so the government though.

Also I will mention there still is an ongoing war here. More skirmishes than huge battles, but I don’t believe any official end-date has been considered.

It’s a stalemate right now.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I certainly don’t mind a revival.
Honestly, as much as I take issue with democracy at times, 96% is incredible. The vote seems to speak rather favorably of the Russia thing. But Idk. Not living there or being familiar with the politics I could easily be wrong.


i think one of the big issues in general, is that even though the majority vote russia, the minority that doesnt seem to be violently opposed. if im understanding that right. which in turn is pretty much how you end up with some sort of civil war, and even though i hate war, that might literally be the only way to solve anything since it already seems to be the only solution in anyone's mind

Deleted user

Then I am not apart of the majority on that vote, nor is my family and plenty of others I know. Also, the Mejlis (the highest representative body of the Crimean Tatars) were considered ‘extremist’ in Russia, and banned. Thus also Crimea. But they still are active in Ukraine. As a Tatar, this does affect me as does the rest of my family.

Crimean Tatars made up around 12% of the population but a lot of them fled the area when Crimea was annexed. There have been reported occurrences of those who remained of harassment received (to the Tatars) or even disappearances. And it’s not just verbal harassment either. Tatars face police raids on their homes and mosques, beatings, interrogations and more.

Even if the majority did vote to join the Russian Federation at the time, it still cannot be denied that there are brutalities taking place against citizens in Crimea.

even though i hate war, that might literally be the only way to solve anything since it already seems to be the only solution in anyone's mind

As someone who also hates war, I do have to somewhat agree.


like i really don't like war, but with the way this situation seems to have panned out–and with the state of the world in general–i dont think we're at a point in society and shit to give up war as a solution to problems like this.

Deleted user

That’s not a viable solution for me, to flee Crimea. My family doesn’t have the resources or money to leave. Also, even if we had them right now with the pandemic it’s not safe. I’m fortunate enough to be located in one of the less conflict heavy areas, but I still face worries as both a Tatar and a member of the LBGTQ+ community. The latter I’d still most likely face discrimination unfortunately if Crimea wasn’t occupied by Russia, so I put most of my focus on the former.

I also don’t really want to leave. Yes I want to avoid conflict if possible but at the same time, Crimea for me has been my home. My family even before me had lived in Crimea for a long time, our ancestors have all lived there for the most part going back a century or so.
In a way, I think I’m still being optimistic but I don’t want to flee, I still want to do things to oppose the annexation even if it’s not much.


It's tough, because in the end there is a part of your population that doesn't want to join Russia, It's not the majority that wins, it's the side with the Money and the loudest voice. It's whomever holds the most influence and that is not always the majority. In America we are not controlled by majority, we are controlled by the wealthy, and those with social power, that's how our country has worked sense it's creation.
It's pretty similar in a lot of countries these days because of unchecked colonialism. I mean The Berlin Conference was a thing, it caused a lot of issues. But you can't just fix all of the issues Colonialism made by removing the forces that invaded the space. It's been to long for that, Again look what happened after WWI and WWII to colonies and countries that European powers just up and abandoned.
Sorry lots of history here, but my point is, Once countries begin to mingle, it is impossible to separate or fully converge with out conflict. I don't support mindless war, but it is not the only type of war. There is going to be a portion of the population who aren't going to let go of the way their country was with out a fight, and there are going to be people to oppose them. I can't tell them that it's wrong to want to defend your beliefs or political standings or your country, what ever you believe your country to be. Unless people are willing to change their minds and compromise war is going to happen, someone has to back down, or someone has to start talking compromises.