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people_alt 109 followers


Ok, People are crummy and they do crummy things, there has always been and will always be fraud , it's just a fact of human kind that if there is a way to cheat the system we're going to do it. I don't think it's on as large of a scale as is being reported but I think it is happening. It's why counting all of the votes is going to take so long because when a huge influx like that happens you have to double check all of the information making sure the person can actually vote and that they haven't voted twice or if it's even a real person.
There are reasons for a large portion of mail in ballots being In favor of Biden, so I'm not surprised that a large percentage are for him. Statistically it's just weird for 100% to show up, Not impossible but weird and when weird things happen people are going to grab onto it and start speculating.
I personally find it very strange that 100% of them were for Biden, I don't think that automatically means there was foul play but I would love to see extra care being taken in verifying those votes. As for refusing the Democratic and Republican onlookers, that's just suspicious, I understand not wanting people in your face saying your doing something wrong but it's just suspicious, legally they're allowed to be there.
So we'll have to wait and see, was there fraud, most definitely, but on that large of a scale unlikely.
I am not a fan of Trump I would Love to see him out of office, but I want him out of office the right way.


okay but is there any proof that all 100% were for biden? or are you guys just tossing around that percentage when it turns out that it was just a really large portion were voting biden?


like noah fence lmao but from what i've gathered ella's mom says a lot of bullshit. a lot of kids on here who's parents are republican seem to have the same issue


Upon further research that was a typo on the counters part that was quickly spread, but corrected in a half hour of it happening
I still stand by what I said concerning fraud, I don't doubt that it's happening, and had the news been true I stand with what I said about stats. I think extra care should still be taken. It was weird, and it was wrong so I'm glad it looked weird and was caught as a mistake so that things would progress as they should.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, a vast majority of mail in ballots are going to be blue this race, so it totally makes sense that this is happening. Also there is pretty much no way 100% of the votes during a certain stretch of time were for Biden. Even if it were fraud, I'm sure the people doing it would be smarter than that.
And if anyone is trying to break laws this election, it's the Republicans. There's been a lot of attempted voter suppression and voter intimidation. And a lot of people are having to call in to verify mail in ballots due to things like "the signatures don't match."


like noah fence lmao but from what i've gathered ella's mom says a lot of bullshit. a lot of kids on here who's parents are republican seem to have the same issue

oh definitely
which is why I asked y’all’s opinions instead of just taking her every word lol


like noah fence lmao but from what i've gathered ella's mom says a lot of bullshit. a lot of kids on here who's parents are republican seem to have the same issue

oh definitely
which is why I asked y’all’s opinions instead of just taking her every word lol

lmao yeah, props on you for doing that though. i know so many kids irl who take their parents' word as gospel and straight fact, and are like….incapable of questioning anything their parents' say? like lol bro. parents can be wrong. they're still human and humans are stupid

@Moxie group

Also for some reason, republican's are more likely to vote in person and democrats are more likely to vote by mail. It's probably because Trump was telling his voters to vote in person, and because I'm guessing democrats fear covid a little more. So thats why all the mail in ballots are for Biden

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

Deleted user

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

@Mojack group

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

I actually know of one person on here who could possibly be a trumpie, but they’re not that active to my knowledge at least

Deleted user

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

I actually know of one person on here who could possibly be a trumpie, but they’re not that active to my knowledge at least

oh shit who

@Pickles group

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

There's at least three conservatives that I can think of off the top of my head and way too many people bothered about a school banning the confederate flag

@Mojack group

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

I actually know of one person on here who could possibly be a trumpie, but they’re not that active to my knowledge at least

oh shit who

I ain’t gonna namedrop them on the public forums for multiple reasons, but in addition to being a possible trumpie, they don’t have very good debating skills and have never provided sources when asked for them, they’re just not a very nice person overall even personality-wise from what I can see. So at the base most trumpies are very hard to explain things to; this person is even worse to explain things to. One of their highlights was believing that heterophobia is real, to which pretty much everyone tried to tell them it wasn’t and they basically jumped ship the moment it happened.
They’re also in this chat I’m pretty sure? I don’t know though.

To make matters worse they are a gen z iirc. In a world where it’s easy to get multiple sources from the internet (so they could’ve very easily pulled one up if asked) it just baffles me that someone could be like that unironically. at least I think they are, because their age has ‘changed’ multiple times throughout a year, thus they could be lying. Or just a miracle of science.

Deleted user

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

I actually know of one person on here who could possibly be a trumpie, but they’re not that active to my knowledge at least

oh shit who

I ain’t gonna namedrop them on the public forums for multiple reasons, but in addition to being a possible trumpie, they don’t have very good debating skills and have never provided sources when asked for them, they’re just not a very nice person overall even personality-wise from what I can see. So at the base most trumpies are very hard to explain things to; this person is even worse to explain things to. One of their highlights was believing that heterophobia is real, to which pretty much everyone tried to tell them it wasn’t and they basically jumped ship the moment it happened.
They’re also in this chat I’m pretty sure? I don’t know though.

To make matters worse they are a gen z iirc. In a world where it’s easy to get multiple sources from the internet (so they could’ve very easily pulled one up if asked) it just baffles me that someone could be like that unironically. at least I think they are, because their age has ‘changed’ multiple times throughout a year, thus they could be lying. Or just a miracle of science.

oof i'm so sorry for asking, i'm impulsive sometimes
but yeah, that pisses me off too, especially the heterophobia

@Pickles group

at least I think they are, because their age has ‘changed’ multiple times throughout a year, thus they could be lying. Or just a miracle of science.

plot twist, they're renesmee cullen

@Becfromthedead group

Who knows. I mean, real talk? I used to be pretty conservative because of my family and I have one word: indoctrination.
Oh, and also as soon as I really started growing up and learning empathy, things changed big time. So make of that what you will.

@Becfromthedead group

at least I think they are, because their age has ‘changed’ multiple times throughout a year, thus they could be lying. Or just a miracle of science.

plot twist, they're renesmee cullen

I'm going to scream

Deleted user

at least I think they are, because their age has ‘changed’ multiple times throughout a year, thus they could be lying. Or just a miracle of science.

they're mae tuck then lmao