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I want to watch til the end but I'm literally about to go to sleep, I'm exhausted

@Becfromthedead group

I don't think Trump understands why we were given an "unfair set of standards" compared to nations like China and India in the Paris Climate Agreement. It's really, really sad.


would bet ten bucks that someone pushed for a female mediator, or at least chose her over a male, simply to see how he would treat her. or even if not that, women who support him better be paying close fucking attention to how he treats her

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, but unfortunately, a lot of the women I know who are voting for him have some degree of internalized misogyny. Anyone who's blindly Republican or an avid Trump supporter isn't going to change their mind now. But I hope it's enough for some people on the fence.


that's what i mean, yeah. is the women who have somehow kept believing 'maybe he's fine, maybe everyone is lying or something'. but now they get to see it live


Actually the truth about wind power is it just isn't feasible, in all honesty. It costs more and uses more fossil fuel just to be made and taken down than it saves while being run. Solar energy is great, but wind power is just a drain of resources


thoughts on tidal power? i've read opinions from both sides, on how it's super great and easy to get from places that are perfect for it, but that it upsets local ecosystems and can throw a lot of sea creatures into wack


Cuz if you mean who is the best at representing Black people as a whole.. iiiit doesn't work like that. Black people aren't an organization, they're a group of people. They all have different goals and different mindsets and belong to different communities, even though they share similar experiences in relation to their skin color. It's impossible to quantify traits of "the Black people" other than "they're Black". No one person can represent an entire people group that large with so many seperate and distinct cultures and attitudes residing within it. You just don't do that. You can't.
But if you really did mean who's the best Black representative in the senate or congress or something, my apologies for the misunderstanding. Kind of a weird question though. Idk the answer to that, tbh I don't even know my state's representatives.
Should prolly look that up.


honestly even as a political thing, it's still frickin' wack. why are we pitting black politicians against each other when they're already faced with so much comparison to white politicians? where is the question about the best white representative. bro