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people_alt 109 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think you need to keep in mind that not everyone's religion is the same, so basing laws on it is pretty impractical.

Depends. Part of that Paradox of Government thing I mentioned. Murder is prohibited by a lot of religions. Like I said in the past except you didn’t see it because it was the future then, not a Theocracy or a religion based state.

If I made laws based on Wiccan beliefs, for example, I doubt Dom would be the biggest fan.

True. Freedom of religion is a must. But maybe I only think that Bc it’s part of Christianity Lol.

Deleted user

do we seriously have to define harm, dom. is it not self explanatory


well it shouldn't be ignored that you had said something bad enough to hurt me like that. but to be entirely fair, you kinda sound like an ass. harm in a context like this should be obvious, and if it isn't, that's more a problem on the person who doesn't understand it

Deleted user

speaking of debates, this presidential one is going a lot better than the last.

Deleted user

I haven't seen a lot of interrupting actually. Fuck Trump, but he's doing better– Still speaking over the mediator but I'll acknowledge he's respecting Biden a bit more this time.

Deleted user

For sure. Poor woman. He's also said a few questionable things.

@Becfromthedead group

I can't even watch. It's just too damn depressing. Except I am taking a class that deals some with politics so I might have to. Are they covering a different set of topics tonight? If so, they probably won't talk about healthcare again.

Deleted user

I don't care if you like Trump. He's a dumbass. Especially in debates.