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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Trump always seems like he has elevator music playing in his head, I can't imagine trying to actually debate him lol

I'll do ya one better: His mind is like an elevator in a fancy hotel, but it's that one elevator that keeps breaking down and maintenance never bothers to fix it

Not even like a fancy hotel. Like if super 8s were hotels and had elevators

But they have like, an old rusty seat with fake velvet but it looks like if you sit on it you'll get like, hepatitis or something

And once there was a cult murder in the hallway outside and there's still blood on the floor right when you step out. But it might be a fake story told by the hotel to get more visitors, except it didn't work and now there's just barbeque sauce on the floor

There's a mirror in the hallway, but it's broken and it still has the sticker from the thrift store, and Housekeeping is actually just one middle-aged woman who snaps at everybody, spends most of her time on smoke breaks, barges into rooms if people are in them, and steals stuff if they aren't

A single college student sits at the desk. 24/7. They don't move or speak. Their living status is questionable

The swimming pool that's advertised is just a pit in the ground filled with water of questionable origin. Tadpoles, maggots and mosquitoes thrive in the rancid water.

The tub doesn't drain. It's filled with the dirty bath water used by the last ten guests. When informed, the maid cackles and says something about stds.

The bedsheets clearly haven't been washed in what appears to be years. The bed itself seems to owe its existence to the power of duct tape and duct tape alone.

The artist of all the bland art lives in the closets. They spend all day painting every inch of the walls with their art, Rapunzel style, and then move on to the next one. Upon further inspection, it's apparent that they've been hiding secret messages, also Rapunzel style. Just with less suns. The messages been for help.

I’m proud of you all.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Politics and laws should never be have religion involved. Ever.

Well since law is used as an enforcement of morality and religion is all about morality I doubt they can ever be completely (or even close to completely) separate.

@Becfromthedead group

Law shouldn't and doesn't enforce morality.
It protects people, groups, and institutions from harm that may come from the behavior of others.
Besides, who gets to decide which religion's morals are "correct"?
And it also sounds like you're implying that without a religion, a human is left completely without morals, which is untrue.

@Pickles group

Politics and laws should never be have religion involved. Ever.

Well since law is used as an enforcement of morality and religion is all about morality I doubt they can ever be completely (or even close to completely) separate.

Your religion is about God, my guy, and the law is not about morality

Deleted user

Dom, my love, religion does not belong in everything

and it should not always be the #1 priority


Politics and laws should never be have religion involved. Ever.

Well since law is used as an enforcement of morality and religion is all about morality I doubt they can ever be completely (or even close to completely) separate.

Religion is not about morality, it's about belief. Law promotes good morals I suppose, but legality does not and will never equal morality. You may get morals from religion, but your (or anyone else's) religion should not go into law making.


I've seen a lot of drama about this.
2 justices, Pence, and several senators want to illegalize same-sex marriage.
Do you think it'll actually happen?

@Becfromthedead group

Like we just legalized it. It would be really stupid for them to go back on their word, because there's literally no evidence that same-sex marriage is a harmful thing. Besides, I don't think the push to illegalize it again is necessarily strong enough.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Law shouldn't and doesn't enforce morality.

I disagree.

It protects people, groups, and institutions from harm that may come from the behavior of others.

And why is that?

Besides, who gets to decide which religion's morals are "correct"?

That’s the conundrum I call The Paradox of Government.

And it also sounds like you're implying that without a religion, a human is left completely without morals, which is untrue.

Perhaps it does, but was not my intention.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Politics and laws should never be have religion involved. Ever.

Well since law is used as an enforcement of morality and religion is all about morality I doubt they can ever be completely (or even close to completely) separate.

Your religion is about God, my guy, and the law is not about morality

What is the law for then?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Politics and laws should never be have religion involved. Ever.

Well since law is used as an enforcement of morality and religion is all about morality I doubt they can ever be completely (or even close to completely) separate.

Religion is not about morality, it's about belief. Law promotes good morals I suppose, but **legality does not and will never equal morality. You may get morals from religion, but your (or anyone else's) religion should not go into law making.

I suppose it depends on the ethics system/religion. Christianity (among other religions) is about more than belief though—“Faith without works is dead.”
Law might promote good morals and intends to.
**Well I agree. Slavery was legal.
Then where should it come from?

@Becfromthedead group

Law should come from best interest of humans, prioritizing first most basic needs of protection and safety, then autonomy, and other similar things.
We are social creatures, and there is a natural "greater good" besides god.
Is there overlap between law, morality, and religion? Sure! Because most religions have some code in common that is basic human morality. And many laws have some influence of religious codes- but I wouldn't call religion the source.
I don't need a religion to tell me it's bad to kill, steal, or show greed to the point it harms others, and neither do most of us. Collective human morality is plenty on its own.
An ideal law exists to protect.
However, I would like to see you defend why religion should be part of law before you push back any more.

Deleted user

I think you need to keep in mind that not everyone's religion is the same, so basing laws on it is pretty impractical.

If I made laws based on Wiccan beliefs, for example, I doubt Dom would be the biggest fan.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Law should come from best interest of humans, prioritizing first most basic needs of protection and safety, then autonomy, and other similar things.

And why is that? Is that not your personal moral code speaking? (Ofc you may be right but-)

We are social creatures, and there is a natural "greater good" besides god.

Debatable but that goes probably into the God or no God and there’s no really great answer there.

Is there overlap between law, morality, and religion? Sure! Because most religions have some code in common that is basic human morality. And many laws have some influence of religious codes- but I wouldn't call religion the source.

Just to clarify, for the purpose of this conversation I will be referring to all serious moral codes as religion. What is Basic Human Morality? Is it True Morality? Or the Morality that all cultures seem to accept. But even there there is differentiation (such as blatant sexism in some). What is the source then? (By no means am I advocating for a Theocratic system of government.) Is it not the collective human culture that has been informed and shaped by religion (mostly Christianity in a lot of the world I think)?

I don't need a religion to tell me it's bad to kill, steal, or show greed to the point it harms others, and neither do most of us. Collective human morality is plenty on its own.

Which is in your conscience that has been shaped by thousands of years of religious codes.

An ideal law exists to protect.
However, I would like to see you defend why religion should be part of law before you push back any more.

I don’t think it should be; at least in terms of a religion presiding over lawmaking. But I think it is unavoidable, and that is not an inherently a bad thing imo.

It’s nice chatting with you btw.