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And again, in your opinions, should the age of drinking be the same as the age of consent? In Poland its 18 :P in my opinion I think it shouldnt be the same, but it should be lowered.

@Becfromthedead group

That one's really tricky, because irresponsible behavior around alcohol in the United States is so rampant. It's like… does raising the age even help anything?


the issue with that age cap in like, america primarily, is because it's not allowed, kids want to do it even more. and then they do stupid shit while drunk and bad things happen. i think that honestly, we need to better teach the dangers of alcohol. like its not super dangerous itself, but what you do while using it can be dangerous, and we need to teach safe drinking first. they're obviously gonna drink. teach them how to do so responsibly

@Becfromthedead group

Yes, for sure.
Haha, I definitely never drank underage, ever, because why would anyone ever do that???
But I've always been well aware of safety, and tested the waters because I don't know my limits. But a lot of people don't understand how much is too much- especially since it varies by person- and bad things happen.
Honestly all they tell you in school is "don't drink! Especially don't drink and drive!"
It's not helpful.


In America the age to drink is twenty one, and the age to enlist in the military is eighteen, and I think that doesn't make sense. Either lower the drinking age or raise the age to enlist

Not enough people talk about this. The military can do as much damage to the brain as alcohol can. They need to raise the age to enlist.

@Becfromthedead group

The only issue I see with raising the age to enlist is that people coming out of high school who know they want to be in the military will not be able to do so anymore. But I also think a lot of US military recruitment stuff, especially regarding high school kids, is straight up predatory though, so I wouldn't be against rasing the age too.

@Pickles group

They're not gonna raise the enlisting age because so many people join right out of high school so they don't have to pay for college and they need to keep getting recruitments to intimidate everyone else but they probably should raise it


I disagree on it being a scam, but I realize the situation difference between Poland and the States is very drastic :P In Poland the age is 18, which I think is fair.

@Becfromthedead group

For reference, my brother is 14 and in JROTC, and he's planning on using ROTC to help with college scholarships. But he literally doesn't know what he's getting into. They say recruitment age is 18, but actually the US military is targeting recruitment at children.


I don't know anything about the Polish military, I can only speak for the US when saying it's a scam. I have many family members in the military, and some closer family members work for the military. I've only had to move once, and the military was the main reason. I live right next to a base. The ROTC is strong in my school. These kids are getting scammed. It's just that. They don't know what they're getting into. Recruitment officers lie. Another one of America's great faults.

@Moxie group

I think the US spends too much money on the military and should focus on using that ta money to do stuff that actually helps its people.


Absolutely no disrespect towards our veterans though. They're still heroes even though the government lied to them. It's not their fault war is a thing. They know more than anyone that war is bad.

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ Agreed. I respect the individuals, hate the system. If I have to see one more ad that's like "you can do music in the military!" or "gamer? Join the military!" I will explode.

@HighPockets group

When my school was still physical, I swear that there'd be a different military recruitment group there every week for a different branch. It was really unnerving too, like they'd walk around and give out stickers and water bottles and stuff, and had a bar up so that high school guys could try to show off with it.

@Becfromthedead group

Fun fact! My grandfather tried to get me to go to the naval academy, but 1. I didn't want to, 2. My hearing loss is apparently just bad enough that they can't recruit me

@HighPockets group

I don't know if I could be recruited, I know I looked into it when the whole "WW3" thing went down and all of the zoomers started worrying about being drafted but I don't remember if I could be. I have no interest in the military though. Major respect to those who served of course, but it's definitely not the career path for me.

Deleted user

It's tough for me. I'd like to be in the military, as some of you know, but I don't think I'd be able/allowed to for somewhat personal reasons