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people_alt 109 followers


Who knows. I mean, real talk? I used to be pretty conservative because of my family and I have one word: indoctrination.


My family would only feed me the "facts" they wanted to feed me, and consume the media they wanted to consume. They discuss politics around young kids in the family who can't understand yet and blindly repeat what they say, shit talk family members who disagree, and shut down younger family members who lean more liberal. They also repeatedly say things like "liberals are stupid," "BLM is racist," and also will try to corner you into saying you agree with what they say, even when you don't. It leaves no room for free thought or opposition, and it also often targets young and vulnerable family members. Hell, I've even been directly told who to vote for, and I'm far from alone in that.
And it's a trend in southern culture at least. Most staunch conservatives I know- especially the ones who are conservative to the point of being disgusting people (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) learned the behaviors and beliefs from their parents and were taught that was the only way to think.
It's very different from your family simply shaping the way you think. You obviously naturally pick up ideas from people you respect.
Also keep in mind, Dom, conservatism where I live and where you live may look a bit different. I live in a Gay Panic state, a state that effectively tried to ban all abortion about a year ago, and people openly fly a flag that hasn't been in use since 2001 (our old state flag that has the confederate flag on it! Wow!).

Holy shit that's exactly what my parents did/do all the fucking time. They actively try to control what I read and watch so that everything I'm exposed to is only their conservative bullshit. I get in trouble for watching or reading anything queer and I just. Ahdhdggdgsgdv


My parents do the same. There's a difference between passing down family beliefs and straight up brainwashing/indoctrination. Our parents are undoubtedly practicing the latter. Mine limit and control the information I get, and punish me if I express any ideas contrary to theirs. I could get in trouble for asking the wrong questions or pointing out certain "cherrypicked" facts. They're constantly bad mouthing the deMoCrATs and talking about the horrible social structures the liberals want to implant (which are all being realized under republican rule and capitalism… but we don't need to exhibit all that cognitive dissonance now).


God SAME. My parents are always bitching about the democrats and insulting them so much that my NINE YEAR OLD brother mimics their words too, and it's just. So toxic and scary to me that all of my brothers just blindly accept what my parents say. All of them do, and it terrifies me bc eventually I'm gonna come out to them, and I don't know what will happen. I don't know if my parents will cut me off, and if they do, will my brothers do the same? It just terrifies me, and then my parents are like "tHe qUeErS aRe bRaInWaShInG oUr kIdS" like no, you are, fuckers

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, it's not good.
Like you can believe in certain policy, but don't be an ass about it.
I'm kind of in the same boat. Like I'm bi, demi, and questioning gender, and while on the one hand, I could probably go my whole life without anyone finding out, it would suck.
The thing is, I feel like my folks are a mild version because they hate the gays marginally less (we have 2 gay cousins so like you gotta be nice to them).


I live in a LGBTQ Panic Defense state too :/
I don't know how likely it is I'll ever get attacked, and I don't know the even less likelihood that someone will try to use LGBTQ Panic Defense to lessen their punishment, and I don't know the even less likelihood that any sane judge would accept it, but the fact that anyone could use that kind of claim in court against anyone is horrible.


I…don't know if I live in an LGBTQ Panic Defense state (Nebraska?) And I don't know if my parents would cut me off or not. They don't talk about the Gays except to say that it's sinful, and yeah. So idk


Lol we're all in the same boat. Best wait till we're out of the house, and even then when to do it- if at all- is risky and nerve-racking and ugh. Yeah I feel you guys.


It isn't banned nor has legislation been introduced to ban it, so it would seem Nebraska is an LGBTQ Panic Defense state.

@Pickles group

I don't know what my parents think about the gays and I'm scared to find out. They're not as homophobic as one of my friend's parents but that's not really saying much
Ohio is also a Panic Defense state and I Don't Like It


My parents talk negatively of the gays and say they're* sinners, but if they meet gay people irl or see a man with his husband they understand and won't especially go out of their way to comment. But for some reason they both have raging transphobia- like transgender people are practically demons and "omg get them away from the children!"
Like bruh we are the children


I'm planning on coming out once I'm in college and hopefully financially independent and stable. I don't want to be relying on my parents for anything, that way it won't hurt if they cut me off (still hurt emotionally, but like. You get my point)

And oh, isn't that exciting 🙃 definitely not going to college here, then


My parents talk negatively of the gays and say their sinners, but if they meet gay people irl or see a man with his husband they understand and won't especially go out of their way to comment. But for some reason they both have raging transphobia- like transgender people are practically demons and "omg get them away from the children!"
Like bruh we are the children

Oh God same. My parents make faces when they see gay men or lesbian women, but trans people are like. The devil to them. They talk about trans people in these very hushed whispers, like "the man who thinks he's a woman" and all that

@Pickles group

I'm gonna see about coming out in college but I think I'm gonna try to wait until after so that I don't have to panic if they won't pay for my tuition

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, but tbf even my college in Georgia is very accepting, and most colleges have LGBTQ+ organizations. A big plus to some of those is that a lot of them have a "what happens in this club stays in this club" policy of not outing people by accident.
It's very easy to be out in college and not at home.


Right, but if I go to UNO (University of Nebraska Omaha) then I'll be right here in this same city, and I wanna go to college somewhere with mountains. I miss them too much lmao. But mostly I just. Don't want to be in the same state as my parents when I come out, bc I want an excuse to not do it in person. Is that cowardly? Yes. But that's what I want to do

@Pickles group

I'm already out to most people, just not my parents and extended family. And like. Everyone who knows and talks to my parents ever is also gay and/or aware that they don't and can't know

@Becfromthedead group

No, that's completely fair. I think at that point, you mitigate the risk of any physical violence if that's a concern, and if they lose it and were to start yelling and overwhelming you, you have the option to hang up.


Actually I was thinking of coming out through text lmao but yeah. Physical violence is not a concern tho, which I'm grateful for. I just. Don't want to come out in person