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I actually teared up during My Cheeseburger, wtf is wrong with me-

dude s a m e
little me hated that song cause I felt dumb for getting emotional over a fecking cheeseburger

@HighPockets group

I actually teared up during My Cheeseburger, wtf is wrong with me-

dude s a m e
little me hated that song cause I felt dumb for getting emotional over a fecking cheeseburger

SAME omg I'd always refuse to watch it, same with Donuts For Benny

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

There's at least three conservatives that I can think of off the top of my head

Me. Who else?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I actually teared up during My Cheeseburger, wtf is wrong with me-

dude s a m e
little me hated that song cause I felt dumb for getting emotional over a fecking cheeseburger

SAME omg I'd always refuse to watch it, same with Donuts For Benny

My gold I have a Memory attached to Donuts For Benny.


Who knows. I mean, real talk? I used to be pretty conservative because of my family and I have one word: indoctrination.


you're just likely to grow up with similar views to the ones often expressed around you

@Becfromthedead group

Who knows. I mean, real talk? I used to be pretty conservative because of my family and I have one word: indoctrination.


My family would only feed me the "facts" they wanted to feed me, and consume the media they wanted to consume. They discuss politics around young kids in the family who can't understand yet and blindly repeat what they say, shit talk family members who disagree, and shut down younger family members who lean more liberal. They also repeatedly say things like "liberals are stupid," "BLM is racist," and also will try to corner you into saying you agree with what they say, even when you don't. It leaves no room for free thought or opposition, and it also often targets young and vulnerable family members. Hell, I've even been directly told who to vote for, and I'm far from alone in that.
And it's a trend in southern culture at least. Most staunch conservatives I know- especially the ones who are conservative to the point of being disgusting people (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) learned the behaviors and beliefs from their parents and were taught that was the only way to think.
It's very different from your family simply shaping the way you think. You obviously naturally pick up ideas from people you respect.
Also keep in mind, Dom, conservatism where I live and where you live may look a bit different. I live in a Gay Panic state, a state that effectively tried to ban all abortion about a year ago, and people openly fly a flag that hasn't been in use since 2001 (our old state flag that has the confederate flag on it! Wow!).

@Pickles group

I mean, honestly it wasn't all that bad. At least we don't have any open Trumpies on here. Because it's really hard to explain anything to them…
I should know. That's kinda my family in a nutshell.

of course there's no trumpies, we're either gen z or maybe millennials
and i couldn't ask for anything better lmao

There's at least three conservatives that I can think of off the top of my head

Me. Who else?

Winter and that one kid with bad takes who comes here occasionally with said bad takes to try and fight. I never bothered learning their username