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Deleted user

There really is no reason since it's completely your choice. Do what you want, if you think it's for you.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, agreed. You do you. Us Americans especially can't speak for the state of the Polish military.
Again, I'm just against some of the exploitative practices that the US military has, especially in recruitment. If you know what you're getting into, and it seems like the best path for you, go for it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also please explain why it’s okay for kids to have sex but not with people over eighteen? Hopefully no one jumps on me, thinking I support pedos.
I feel like I’m phrasing this all wrong.
Is the answer that kids won’t manipulate kids?

@HighPockets group

American drinking culture is kind of toxic imao.

Agreed. Granted I haven't really experienced much of it (I've never been to any sort of party, dance, etc. where there's been drinking) but I remember hearing in 9th grade that one of my friends got caught drinking at her homecoming party, and two girls on my softball team (who were sophomores at the time iirc?) would talk about drinking a lot.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh yeah, for sure. I like alcohol as much as the next guy, but drinking culture here is awful. It's not okay to regularly get drunk to the point of blacking out, vomiting, or getting hungover.

@HighPockets group

I feel like the romanticization/normalization of massive teen drinking parties, excessive drinking (for fun or as a coping mechanism), people getting hella drunk for comedy, and the normalization of borderline–if not outright but not confirmed–alcoholism in media probably plays a part too.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh yeah, for sure. I like alcohol as much as the next guy, but drinking culture here is awful. It's not okay to regularly get drunk to the point of blacking out, vomiting, or getting hungover.

Exactly. Here people get drunk. On purpose. They drink alone. Sad stuff. Really the culture imo is the only reason we need age limits. Other cultures can get boozy and have a great time. Perhaps it’s that Americans are so disconnected from family and neighbors.

Deleted user

Also please explain why it’s okay for kids to have sex but not with people over eighteen?

In some states, it's actually illegal. 'Two minors can't consent to each other' type of thing.


Also please explain why it’s okay for kids to have sex but not with people over eighteen?

In some states, it's actually illegal. 'Two minors can't consent to each other' type of thing.

god, kids definitely shouldn't be having sex. i feel like anyone under fourteen definitely shouldn't be. however, young teens and sometimes preteens are gonna, of course, be interested in experimenting sexually, whether they're trying to figure out if they even feel sexual attraction, or they do and they're just figuring it out. but when it comes to actual full on sex? fifteen and up at the lowest. and only with other teens, and that should be kinda obvious dom.

first of all, the power imbalance translates into sex even if it's not visible in the relationship. secondly it's pedophilia. third, it's just not okay in general, again because of the obvious power imbalance. teens figuring sex out with each other is perfectly fine, but a teen who's just really starting to figure that stuff out should not be with an older experienced partner, or they run the risk of not learning what they like, just what their partner likes.

Deleted user

To all my younger people: Please be so, so careful with sex stuff. It's never a bad idea to wait.


or just get birth control if your parents allow it. i've been on the depo shot since i turned sixteen(my mom wanted to just be safe because i had a boyfriend at the time) and it's great. well. it's great when it comes to certain things, but god damn does it make me want to eat a lot. also it makes my bones weak lmao

also speaking of, a girl i went to school with and knew is approaching her due date and im pretty sure i remember the day she either found out or was freaking out over being pregnant, because she had to step out of class. she seems super happy now tho and i hope all goes well. i could never lmao


To all my younger people: Please be so, so careful with sex stuff. It's never a bad idea to wait.

never let anyone make fun of you for waiting and learning before you actually have sex. always use condoms no matter what. my brothers were born while my mom was essentially on two types of birth control, it happens man. and never do anything you don't want to

anyone who pressures you into anything can get a face full of my fist istg

@HighPockets group

To all my younger people: Please be so, so careful with sex stuff. It's never a bad idea to wait.

never let anyone make fun of you for waiting and learning before you actually have sex. always use condoms no matter what. my brothers were born while my mom was essentially on two types of birth control, it happens man. and never do anything you don't want to

anyone who pressures you into anything can get a face full of my fist istg

Also always remember to use two types of birth control in case one doesn't work.
Sure, the pill or the shot might keep you from getting pregnant, but condoms are what helps to prevent STDs.
Thank you, health class.

Deleted user

To all my younger people: Please be so, so careful with sex stuff. It's never a bad idea to wait.

never let anyone make fun of you for waiting and learning before you actually have sex. always use condoms no matter what. my brothers were born while my mom was essentially on two types of birth control, it happens man. and never do anything you don't want to

anyone who pressures you into anything can get a face full of my fist istg

Also always remember to use two types of birth control in case one doesn't work.
Sure, the pill or the shot might keep you from getting pregnant, but condoms are what helps to prevent STDs.
Thank you, health class.

yes!!!!!!!! birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control birth control!!!!!!

Deleted user



it doesn't! i actually feel like it's something that should be praised in relationships, because it expresses an interest in open communication and the safety of you and your partner. plus, some stds don't just transmit sexually. if someone refuses to get tested when you ask or gets really defensive/attacks you, that's actually a reason you shouldn't trust them. they shouldn't have any reason to be that unwilling


hey, uh
to the people more informed than i am, what's going on with the whole voting fraud thing?
my mother (i know, not a very trustable source) was telling me the other day about how overnight in both Washington and Michigan, Biden suddenly received a 100,000+ vote spike all from mail-in ballots, while Trump didn't receive a single one, which would be "statistically impossible".
She also said that Republican onlookers were not allowed to view the voting process for a while as those same ballots were counted, even being literally forced out of buildings with no explanation

Is fraud actually going on here, is my mother only telling one side of the story, is this another conspiracy theory, what's the true situation? I don't think I believe her cause i'm hearing a different story every time but i want this cleared up so i'm no longer struggling to make sense of it

Deleted user

Honestly, we can't really know if there's fraud or not. I'd personally say no, there isn't, but right now we don't know for sure. I know there were some spikes that could be considered sus I guess.
Most to all of the fraud accusations are coming from Trump himself, since it's obviously impossible he's not winning by a landslide.

@furetakunai ac_unit

(NOTE: This is what I've understood from watching Trump speak yesterday, the news, and doing some research of my own. Take this with a grain of salt.)

I believe your mother is only telling one and one quarter sides of the story. Because, you see, here's the thing about the Republican voters and mail-in ballots. Trump, for a solid 6 months insisted for all of his supporters to go to the polls and vote in person, rather than mailing them in.

It is true that onlookers both Democratic and Republican were not allowed in during the counting, however. One could consider that shady and stuff, but one could also say it's because Trump keeps poking his head in and always having something to say.

Most fraud claims were made by Trump, and even with cases being filed, and complaints being made, there is no true evidence. So not to say there isn't voting fraud, but as of now, there is absolutely no proof.


okay listen up you guys

trump told his supporters to vote in person. he said not to use the mail in process, he literally told them to vote in person. of course he isn't getting any goddamn mail in votes, when his supporters, who listen to what he has to say, were told to vote at in person ballot boxes. so yeah, biden got a huge influx. because 1. nearly ALL of trump's supporters refused to mail and instead went in person, therefore meaning all the people who didn't were probably supporters of other candidates and 2. a bunch of the mail in ballots are absentee ballots from overseas soldiers so they took a bit to get here, and a bunch of those soldiers very likely don't like trump after his whole thing shit talking biden's son and making fun of him