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@Milani eco

i am so oblivious i really apologise. By putting black people in quotes i thought it might make me seem less rude, (i thought that lots of people would find it offensive me just saying black people, cause i didnt think it was that polite to refer to people like that i guess). The only reason i was trying to ask that question was because i watched a doctor who episode with rosa parks in it, and i wanted to know if there was anybody else like her that i didnt know of. i am really sorry


if it's at all helpful, a much better way to phrase that would have been something like 'who are people you think deserve more recognition as pioneers of civil rights'. it's much more respectful, and it gets the response you intended lmao

@Milani eco

if it's at all helpful, a much better way to phrase that would have been something like 'who are people you think deserve more recognition as pioneers of civil rights'. it's much more respectful, and it gets the response you intended lmao

thankyou :D very helpful.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Cuz if you mean who is the best at representing Black people as a whole.. iiiit doesn't work like that. Black people aren't an organization, they're a group of people. They all have different goals and different mindsets and belong to different communities, even though they share similar experiences in relation to their skin color. It's impossible to quantify traits of "the Black people" other than "they're Black". No one person can represent an entire people group that large with so many seperate and distinct cultures and attitudes residing within it. You just don't do that. You can't.


@spacebluelily language

coward, me?

As for evidence, I don’t have any. But come on he can’t be real. Unless I see him, I won’t accept that he’s real.
It’s also like saying La Llorona is real.


plenty of people believe both of those figures are real. and belief that strong and long lasting often comes from at least a shred of truth, so like. what was the truth. was the truth exactly that? was it something masquerading as that?

also personally. while i don't know how much i believe the story is real, i love the one that one woman told about how she saved her baby from mothman or whatever. incredible. so fun


new debate topic: mothman. real, or made up?

Imma be honest, I have next to no idea who mothman is. But I've seen the memes.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that one day when my sister was driving to work around 3AM, she saw something like a giant moth wing fly away from her car and like off into the field by the road. She only really saw it in peripheral and it was dark out, but she described it looking like a prehistoric bug. I don't remember if she saw another glimpse in her side mirrors, but iirc I think she did. She said it was mothman jokingly, but she isn't lying about seeing whatever the thing was.

Deleted user

I don't care if he's real or not, I love him and will be gifting him my firstborn child


What should the age of consent be, in your own opinion?
For reference, where I live in Poland the age of consent is 15 :P I know it can vary from area to area, so feel free to include that.


15/16, but that's only for relationships in your age range. as in, a 16 year old could date a 15 year old(not that they want to) and anywhere up to seventeen or so, but the age of consent shouldn't include adults being able to have sex with teens. they're adults. kids should not be appealing

@Becfromthedead group

That one's always weird… because I think teens should be able to consent to each other(like 16+-ish? Maybe 15? But honestly it depends on the person as for when they're ready), but they SHOULDN'T be able to consent to a 40-year-old. Or hell, even a 20-year-old. A minor cannot consent to an adult (unless we're talking like a 17 and 18 year old or something like that)


That one's always weird… because I think teens should be able to consent to each other(like 16+-ish? Maybe 15? But honestly it depends on the person as for when they're ready), but they SHOULDN'T be able to consent to a 40-year-old. Or hell, even a 20-year-old. A minor cannot consent to an adult (unless we're talking like a 17 and 18 year old or something like that)

exactly! and if an adult is pursuing a minor, that says a lot about them. a lot