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@HighPockets group

And if your intention was to just ask a question, why not ask the LGBTQ chat or start a thread to ask instead of coming to the debate chat? You know, the chat where people argue and get into debates.


I'm honestly super confused rn, I literally asked a question in a 100 percent non-rude way, got attacked, then got answered. Apologized like four times for being disrespectful or rude, acknowledging that I was wrong. And this is still going on?
I mean, I don't see why you guys are pressed about this. The three people that answered me maturely weren't rude/disrespectful. They simply told me that I was wrong, and moved on. And I accepted that and moved on myself.

@HighPockets group

I totally am not even more against it because of your hostility and unwillingness to try and help me understand, even though I clearly asked to learn because I know I am uneducated in this subject.

Namely when you said that because people said that the pronouns that other people use aren't any of your business? Saying that you're more against neopronouns because people didn't coddle you when you asked a question is why I called you a dick (when I then deleted since I thought it was too harsh), not because you just asked a question. I'm glad that you changed your mind but that entire paragraph was just petty bullshit.


Wow, ever consider that maybe other people's pronouns don't need to be things that you're "comfortable" with? Because they have nothing to do with you?

So we just gonna ignore your clearly sarcastic and passive-aggressive response to my question?

I replied sarcasm to your sarcasm.

Don't dish out what you cant take.

@HighPockets group

Wow, ever consider that maybe other people's pronouns don't need to be things that you're "comfortable" with? Because they have nothing to do with you?

So we just gonna ignore your clearly sarcastic and passive-aggressive response to my question?

I replied sarcasm to your sarcasm.

Don't dish out what you cant take.

Lmao if you think I can't take sarcasm, then you clearly don't know shit about me. Second, I absolutely stand by what I said: other people's pronouns have nothing to do with you, and they don't need to be things that you're "comfortable" with. Could I have phrased it better? Probably. Now, do you stand by the paragraph you wrote in response to my two sentences?


You know what's crazy?
I said that I replied with sarcasm to your sarcastic remark.
Here's the definition of sarcasm just in case you're still confused.

"Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation" Miriam webster dicionary.

In other words, I said the opposite of what I meant because I was irritated at your attack at me for asking to be educated.


I just want to say I apologize for starting a fight. I didn't mean anything by what I said, I was just confused and uneducated.

I also apologize for that sarcastic paragraph. That was way overstepping the line and I agree that I shouldn't have said that in response to what you said.

I'm also sorry for dragging this out longer than it should have been. I should have stopped where it was. So I take the blame completely.

It's my fault, and I apologize. <3

@HighPockets group

Idk if this is really a debate topic as opposed to a discussion topic, but what do y'all think of the decision to pull some Dr. Seuss books from republishing due to racist lines/illustrations?

@HighPockets group

Personally I think that editing out the lines and pictures would maybe have been better than completely pulling them, but idk. From what I saw, they were pretty Yikes, especially for the target age demographic of Dr. Seuss books.

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, exposing kids to racist implications is not good. Now, if we pulled all dr Seuss books because he was racist, that seems like a bit much. He's dead. No longer profiting.
But racism isn't for children. By exposing them to even little microaggressions, we normalize certain phrases and viewpoints before they can understand why they're wrong.
Are there any specific examples of racists lines/illustrations you can think of? Because I knew there had been issues, but I never looked too far into it.

@Becfromthedead group

Personally I think that editing out the lines and pictures would maybe have been better than completely pulling them, but idk. From what I saw, they were pretty Yikes, especially for the target age demographic of Dr. Seuss books.

Yeah. I can agree with that. Still applies with my own response considered.

@HighPockets group

The titles of the ones being pulled are And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot's Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, and The Cat's Quizzer. Most of it (at least what I've seen) is anti-Asian racism, both in drawings and lines.


i mean, dr seuss was a political cartoonist during ww11 who created quite a few comics centered on 'yellow fever' and internment, so i get why his works feature so much anti asian shit. its not okay, duh, but i do get why it was so common in some of those