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@HighPockets group

This is her niche, Dom. She is incredibly focused and passionate about protecting the future for herself and for her generation. Anyone would be nervous, and emotional speaking in front of the UN.

Did you look into the 'movies' under her IMDB? That they're all about climate change and one she lent her voice too for religious music? She's not an actress, she's an activist.

Oh my goodness! I fact-checked this. And Eris fact-checked the fact-check. I love it.

What can I say? I wasn't about to go down without a fight. ;P
I will defend Greta with my very soul at this point.

I've only known who Greta Thunberg is for a day and a half but if anything bad happened to her I'd killed everyone in the world and then myself.

@HighPockets group

An entire week of school was cancelled for me this winter due to the polar vortex making it dangerous to be outside and that's the moment I knew the earth was fucked if we didn't do something.
The one good thing is that it postponed my Spanish final for a week so I could make a last-ditch study attempt

@Mojack group

Thing is, this climate change happening right now isn’t natural. It’s sped up too fast that humans and the earth can’t adapt quick enough to deal with it. The ice age happened, and we weren’t screwed over because it was natural and wasn’t sped up by manmade activities.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And how is this not? The ice age was frickin huge. It changed the world so much we cannot see the end of its impact. And we lived through that already. The earths temperature has been going back and forth for thousands and thousands of years. Why is this so different?

Deleted user

As mojack said– it's not natural. We've sped up the timeline, destroyed the ozone layer, etc. Last ice age didn't happen in a day, it took decades if not hundred of years to fully 'activate' as it were. We could be looking at a global catastrophe within our lifetime because of what started going down barely 50-60 years ago.

@Mojack group

And how is this not? The ice age was frickin huge. It changed the world so much we cannot see the end of its impact. And we lived through that already. The earths temperature has been going back and forth for thousands and thousands of years. Why is this so different?

I just said it.

It’s sped up by manmade activities.

Many islands and coastlines are already seeing flooding. A village in Asia received half a seasons rain in a few hours, which is a lot of water in a short period of time. Places that aren’t supposed to be hot are receiving hotter temperatures, and hot places are already getting hotter. Places that don’t receive snow are getting snow.

Climate change will effect the world in many ways. It’ll effect the animals, the wildlife, fauna, etc. It’ll effect economics. E.G, Grapes that might be grown in a certain area right now, maybe in 50-60 years they’ll be grown somewhere else because of how the climate is affecting them.

Deleted user

It's natural for the planet to under shifting climate, because it too is a living thing, but yes this situation is far too fast and dangerous to be ignored.

Deleted user

That first question was so loaded and lead those students into saying that separate housing is okay. T_T

But wow that's kind of weird.


Not only does PragerU seem to have a biased opinion on most matters, but it also has two other problems that weaken your argument.

Point 1. Trying to answer a question, by using an answer to an entirely different and unrelated question.

Example: PragerU (or at least I remember it being PragerU when they would send in an endless flood of ads on their opinion on YouTube, such a great way to advertise) ran an ad for their reasoning on why the pay gap is a myth. Their answer was that on average, a normal woman will choose a job that has a lower pay than a job a man would choose.

Unfortunately, that is not what the pay gap even refers to. The pay gap refers to when two people have the same job and receive different pay, not the overall average between all jobs.

Point 2. They seem to deal in absolutes. I have yet to see them have a topic where they end on a neutral answer, or none at all, which happens far more often than you think. It's a little lesson from my English class: Never write an essay where you agree with something 100%, because more than likely, if you actually bother thinking about the topic, you don't.