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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Not only does PragerU seem to have a biased opinion on most matters, but it also has two other problems that weaken your argument.

Point 1. Trying to answer a question, by using an answer to an entirely different and unrelated question.

Example: PragerU (or at least I remember it being PragerU when they would send in an endless flood of ads on their opinion on YouTube, such a great way to advertise) ran an ad for their reasoning on why the pay gap is a myth. Their answer was that on average, a normal woman will choose a job that has a lower pay than a job a man would choose.

Unfortunately, that is not what the pay gap even refers to. The pay gap refers to when two people have the same job and receive different pay, not the overall average between all jobs.

Point 2. They seem to deal in absolutes. I have yet to see them have a topic where they end on a neutral answer, or none at all, which happens far more often than you think. It's a little lesson from my English class: Never write an essay where you agree with something 100%, because more than likely, if you actually bother thinking about the topic, you don't.

Well said.

On the pay gap, it was first measured by all men’s earnings to all women’s earnings which was quite wrong. As for what a real pay gap would be, (meaning what you spoke of) that is a lot harder to define since it is illegal and not reported on a wide scale partially because it is done by individuals instead of a system. Which goes against one of the things commonly said paired with the wage gap.

Yeah. Absolutes do exist. Even in politics. But not as much as many say.

Deleted user

(Hey this exists)

Since it is now Spooky-tober I say we have a themed debate! Here are some topics:

Origin of Halloween
Should there be a celebration for Halloween?
What costumes are appropriate?
Best Monster?
Most creative Spooky Story?
What's more fun? Parties or Trick-or-Treating?

(feel free to add topic ideas)

@HighPockets group

As for costumes, I'd say that you should follow the Library Rule when trick-or-treating: if a child couldn't see it, it shouldn't be somewhere where there's a large group of kids. If it's a Halloween party with a bunch of adults, go wild, I don't care, but don't be a hyperrealistic-guts-falling-out-of-stomach zombie covered in fake blood and scar makeup when you're walking around the neighborhood at 5 pm.

Deleted user

Well I mean I have drawn pikachu, but not this particular image.


(Hey this exists)

Since it is now Spooky-tober I say we have a themed debate! Here are some topics:

Origin of Halloween
Should there be a celebration for Halloween?
What costumes are appropriate?
Best Monster?
Most creative Spooky Story?
What's more fun? Parties or Trick-or-Treating?

(feel free to add topic ideas)

Origin of Halloween: pokes head into the room Did somebody say history?

For those who don't know, the history of Halloween starts with the Gaelic/Celtic holiday (still celebrated by those of certain pagan faiths to this day) known as Samhain. (Pronounced: Saw-When) I shall be explaining from the pov of an atheist, so please don't get mad if I leave out details. The holiday involved many of the traditions we still see today, including the concept of wearing a full costume or mask, which was done to trick spirits that would be around that night. Everything was peaceful, but then the fire nation attacked. The Pope took another pagan holiday and said "This is a Christian holiday now." And called it the "Feast of Saints" or "All Hallows Day". Certain parts of Samhain were kept during it's slow transformation into what we now call Halloween (or basically AHD Eve). I'm not sure the ancient pagans expected sexy nurse costumes from Walmart, but that's how all holidays evolve. Nobody expected it to go that way.

Should Halloween be celebrated: I myself don't, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't. Be my guest. Just try not to do anything to stupid to ruin the night for other people, and also, take my history lesson with you so you can know the true meaning of Halloween.

What costumes are appropriate: Just like @MontJyn said, putting grotesque detail into a costume or having a sexy nurse costume might be a bit much for the kids, but if you're at an adult party, go fucking wild.

Best monster: data-not-found

Most creative Spoopy Story: data_not_found

Parties v. ToT: Parties personally because I cannot stand most candy anymore. It tastes horrible to me. I'm sorry. Also sure some people will give out something other than candy but that's not really often from my experience. You either have to be that lady who made some kick-ass hot apple cider or a dentist to do that.

@Moxie group

Guys thats nothing. The radio station I listen to has been posting ridiculous sexy costumes the past few weeks
Sexy impossible burger
Sexy college admissons scandal
Sexy Mr. Ro g e rs