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Deleted user



@HighPockets group

I’ve heard of the guy from previous drama but I have no clue what the hecc is going on now

Child grooming allegations, and a ton of his exes are outing him for the abuse they went through.

@HighPockets group

So basically he's:

  • Threatened suicide over having to make alimony payments
  • Flown himself and one of his girlfriends to a state where the legal age of consent is lower
  • Has groomed several girls from 17+, though one was 14
  • Took in a 16 year old fan/friend only to have sex with her once she turned 18
  • Destroyed the wetlands in his backyard
  • Mocked Eugenia Cooney when she was struggling with an eating disorder by making '''''comedy'''''' sketches about her
  • Wrote a sex scene between an 11 year old and a 16 year old in one of his books, so child pornography
  • Just writes shitty books that fetishize trauma, abuse, assault, and violence. Two use school shootings as a plot device for the MC to get laid
  • Filmed one of his now-ex girlfriends (Shiloh) while she was having a grand mal seizure (caused by the stress HE caused her) and posted it on YouTube instead of calling an ambulance
  • Filmed Shiloh having a mental breakdown while he called the cops on her
  • Victim blames all the time
  • Tried to start a cult
  • Rates the bodies of underage girls on his videos
  • Calls others (like Shane Dawson and Pewdiepie) pedophiles despite him literally being an ephebophile. Projection much?
  • Had one girl (Billie) get into a relationship with his husband (Kai, who's a trans guy but hadn't come out at the time) only to spring it on both of them that he wanted it to be a polyamorous relationship
  • Cheated on Kai with Billie, only to then dump the her and accuse her of cheating on Kai, convientently forgetting who she was cheating with
  • Offered to take Billie back if she got an ugly tan, shaved her eyebrows, dyed her hair a gross color, got a tattoo saying "I'm a liar" above her ass, and agreed to be chained up in his basement
  • At some point he revealed that Billie had an abortion at 16 to the entire internet, despite her wanting it kept a secret
  • Shoved Shiloh into a door while pregnant, causing her to miscarry (the stress he caused also had a big impact on it). She went septic and could have died
  • Just abused Shiloh horribly, I won't go into detail but she's been tweeting about it and it's some pretty awful stuff
  • Groomed Kai from age 17, married him at 18, and basically got Kai to join in his grooming
  • He also has admitted to verbally abusing Kai
  • Left his pet turtle in a box to cook to death
  • Believes that depression is a choice and you can just choose to not be depressed
  • Also blames abuse victims and says they 'get what they deserve' if they go back to an abusive relationship, obviously not knowing jack shit about how abuse works
  • Says that if you're raped and don't immediately go to the police you're a 'rapist shield' and 'just as bad as [the rapist]'
  • Made an entire video degrading black women for how they do their hair and made an entire video on how he, a white man, thinks that black women should do their hair.

There's probably more, but I'm forgetting them.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But besides the abusive things he does to other people, -not to downplay that as that is the majority here- he has a right to do them.
Not to say he shouldn’t be jailed, but destroying his property is hardly something terrible. I would probably disagree, but what’s his is his and he has no obligation (in anything like a legal sense, morally I’d say he does) to change himself or his creative content to be better.
Not that I side with the guy or anything, but just because he’s a horrible person doesn’t mean everything he does is horrible if you get what I mean.

Deleted user

So he's a nasty human being. Got it.

Also I stan Shane Dawson. Anyone that bashes his pureness is legitimately on my shit list.

Deleted user

So he's a nasty human being. Got it.

Also I stan Shane Dawson. Anyone that bashes his pureness is legitimately on my shit list.


@HighPockets group

But besides the abusive things he does to other people, -not to downplay that as that is the majority here- he has a right to do them.
Not to say he shouldn’t be jailed, but destroying his property is hardly something terrible. I would probably disagree, but what’s his is his and he has no obligation (in anything like a legal sense, morally I’d say he does) to change himself or his creative content to be better.
Not that I side with the guy or anything, but just because he’s a horrible person doesn’t mean everything he does is horrible if you get what I mean.

It was illegal to do that though do to wetland restrictions where he lives.
Also I'm pretty sure he commits tax fraud or something too.

Deleted user

i agree, people should be able to do whatever they want, but when it starts harming and affecting other peoples lives and opportunities.. thats where i draw the line

@HighPockets group

Can we talk about whether or not that should be illegal? I think people should be able to do literally whatever they want to their property.

It was a barrier area though. So not really his property technically. And that's like the least awful thing he's done, so…

@GameMaster group

Unpopular Opinion: Atheists telling religious people that their beliefs are stupid and illogical is just as bad as religious people shoving their religion into the faces of atheists.