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Deleted user

Same. I'm not a boob person at all though. I just don't get it

Deleted user

they’re just balls of fat and it sucks

they’re always growing

not fun to exercise with (especially with cardio like, get out of my way please)

and they’re just fucking expensive as hell and I want to chop them off rather than continuing to pay for them

If boob people had a pair it wouldn’t be oversexualized anymore and that’s a fact


The most common scientific consensus is that larger breasts in women mean they are better for mating age-wise and fitness (by the evolution definition) for some reason… Also humans are obsessed with symmetry, and larger things tend to be easier to compare symmetry.

As for the social reason? Hell if I know. After all, I'm physically male and attracted to personality, so my opinion on this subject is meaningless.

Also as for the question of why women breastfeeding/being topless in any way in public is weird now is because of the sexual equation of them to a woman for… Well, no reason let's be honest.

Deleted user

comes back with a vengeance wait with the breastfeeding thing it absolutely blows my fucking mind

ok so like the argument of ‘I’m not just gonna whip my dick out in public’ defense is literally the weakest thing ever

unless you’re feeding a small child with that damn thing (which like… you shouldn’t be doing) please just shut up.

I like the guys of America

but there are just certain things that they just need to


shut the hell up

no one asked

ok i go now

@GameMaster group

Hmm… Did you know that breasts were not considered sexual objects until rather recently? At least not like now.
Well yeah there was that one queen who tailored her dresses to show off her “favorite boob” and everyone was like “yeah okay”


comes back with a vengeance wait with the breastfeeding thing it absolutely blows my fucking mind

ok so like the argument of ‘I’m not just gonna whip my dick out in public’ defense is literally the weakest thing ever

unless you’re feeding a small child with that damn thing (which like… you shouldn’t be doing) please just shut up.

I like the guys of America

but there are just certain things that they just need to


shut the hell up

no one asked

ok i go now

Not only that, but by saying "I wouldn't whip out my dick in public", one is implying that breasts are sex organs. They aren't. That's fucking stupid and if they have ever taken a simple biology course in elementary school, they would know this.


Despite my looks im not available for 'mating'

It's a pretty dumb reason in the modern day anyway because even though it's just the monkey brain talking, larger breasts don't have to mean that anymore because humans are no longer in a survival-of-the-fittest world, so things that make you "dominant" or "more fit" from an evolutionary standpoint are just as invalid in a survival situation. So fascisination with breasts should be dying out.

(Also I wasn't trying to to say you were available, I was just pulling out some science to try to make sense of this social oddity)

Deleted user

Oh no I totally knew that. I was making a joke at my own expense. XD

Deleted user

they’re just balls of fat and it sucks

they’re always growing

not fun to exercise with (especially with cardio like, get out of my way please)

and they’re just fucking expensive as hell and I want to chop them off rather than continuing to pay for them

ANd bras are the w o r s t

Deleted user

that’s what i went about saying that they’re expensive

maybe if bras weren’t 10000000000000000000% not worth sixty dollars or more (I’m a 32 DDD cup so this might not be a problem for everyone but) on my fucking device to hold up my fat gurl no

@Moxie group

I have regular bras but I'll also buy bralettes during black friday (gotta get those deals). It is the best decision I make

@Moxie group

I have a debate topic but it may be too Christmasy. So just let me know if it is.

You know the song "Baby its cold outside"? Do you guys think it's too (for lack of a better word) gross? Do you think it shouldn't be played or the lyrics should be changed? (They were talking about this on the radio this morning and I have some thoughts)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

That controversy is misguided. At the time the song was made the lyrics had different connotations. (Specifically "What's in this drink" springs from a thing when people would say something was in a drink in order to get away with things. Such as staying with a guy overnight.) The song was written by a married couple who made it as a joke. It is really about a couple wanting to be alone together.